i bought a bag of 100 allen stainless and always replace every one i can.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
X2! Did carb 101 for the first time last year.....Right next to the computer! My screws came out okay but had a hell of a time with the float needle pivot pins! I ended up using a regular pair of needle nose pliers with 1 jaw on pin and other inside tower and SQUEEZE like hell...POP! slid right out. Ended up the little rubber tip had boke of in the port and was giving no fuel to carb. The dozen or so pics was worth a million words.
New member
Thanks for the pic Super. Yep, center punch like Blue said. Had one years ago, busted the tip off using it for something else. Glad you posted that pic, I was thinking of something different. Guess I'll be getting another one, I dont plan on going through that aggravation again this year. Be going through the sleds within the next week or two. Looking forward to that.

FJViper said:Thanks for the pic Super. Yep, center punch like Blue said. Had one years ago, busted the tip off using it for something else. Glad you posted that pic, I was thinking of something different. Guess I'll be getting another one, I dont plan on going through that aggravation again this year. Be going through the sleds within the next week or two. Looking forward to that.
I've always called it a push punch. Google results suggest "automatic center punch" or "spring loaded center punch"
Also works great for escaping from a drowning vehicle by shattering the side glass... Honest, I saw it on Mythbusters ;>)
A brand new phillips tip helps on virgin screws. I've used an impact driver on applications that allowed for support behind the screw but side cutters dug into the screw head works most of the time to crack loose ones that are boogered up.
I'd caution against over torquing when using set screw replacements.

I usually set my clutch adjustment on my drill to around #4 when re-tightening them screws back on.
New member
so following MRVIPER's "carb cleaning 101 with pics" i got the bowls off last night. when i pulled the pilot jet, according the the thread i should be able to look through it end to end, yet on all 3 i could not. am i reading it wronge or are all 3 plugged? and what is the recommended setting for the fuel screw? the thread uses the example of 1 and a quarter turns backed out from snug.
New member
Try and spray some carb cleaner through them and compressed air, they may be plugged solid. They may have to be routed out with a soft piece of wire, as a last resort. They can be a PIA but make sure you have a nice round hole after cleaning.
Your fuel screws stock are set at 1 1/8 turns out from "lightly" seated. Don't really want to tighten them or you could damage something.
Try and spray some carb cleaner through them and compressed air, they may be plugged solid. They may have to be routed out with a soft piece of wire, as a last resort. They can be a PIA but make sure you have a nice round hole after cleaning.
Your fuel screws stock are set at 1 1/8 turns out from "lightly" seated. Don't really want to tighten them or you could damage something.

I run my fuel screw at around 2 to 2.5 turns out.Works for me because the idle hang is bad at 1.5 turns out.
tippmannator said:so following MRVIPER's "carb cleaning 101 with pics" i got the bowls off last night. when i pulled the pilot jet, according the the thread i should be able to look through it end to end, yet on all 3 i could not. am i reading it wronge or are all 3 plugged? and what is the recommended setting for the fuel screw? the thread uses the example of 1 and a quarter turns backed out from snug.
If they are wet, the liquid may be obstructing them from appearing open. Try blowing through them to eliminate any liquid. If they still appear blocked, back flush them with carb spray spraying from the threaded end. I like to spray towards a clean towel to catch/confirm the contamination. If all three are plugged, I suspect you'll find the infamous white goo.
Hold them up to a back light to ensure the orifice is round and unobstructed.

Super Moderator
I dont remember if mrvipers thread talks about the fuel screw washers and rubber o rings but i hope you got them all. My first carb cleaning they were blown to kingdom come never to be seen again. I never knew the were their. To make sure, i reseat the rubber o ring by screwing the fuel screw in all the way then pull them, seems to work. Or maybe the new orings just dont fall off?

That is why I always carry a couple washers and o-rings as spares.But have not lost one yet.Sometimes they both will come out with the screw,otherwise I just take a fine wire with a little bend to it and fish the washer/o-ring out.First timers don't even realize these are in there and I can see losing them things on the floor when tipping carb upside down when cleaning.
New member
snomofo said:If they are wet, the liquid may be obstructing them from appearing open. Try blowing through them to eliminate any liquid. If they still appear blocked, back flush them with carb spray spraying from the threaded end. I like to spray towards a clean towel to catch/confirm the contamination. If all three are plugged, I suspect you'll find the infamous white goo.
Hold them up to a back light to ensure the orifice is round and unobstructed.
Not to high jack the thread but what is the white goo? I found some in two of the srx's carbs tonight well cleaning them. The jets did not have any white goo in them. I cleaned them last year and did not see any goo, so very curious what it is.
Thanks Matt
leftover fuel spooge. Gas turns into some strange stuff after sitting, depends on the gas and where you get it.
New member
edunn69 said:leftover fuel spooge. Gas turns into some strange stuff after sitting, depends on the gas and where you get it.
Does it have anything to do with the fuel having up to 10% ethanol in it, or does ethanol free fuel do it as well?
New member
averagesleder said:Does it have anything to do with the fuel having up to 10% ethanol in it, or does ethanol free fuel do it as well?
I have never seen this goo, must be ethanol related?
averagesleder said:Does it have anything to do with the fuel having up to 10% ethanol in it, or does ethanol free fuel do it as well?
I've never had it analyzed but I'd not seen it until the introduction of E10 nor with sleds that don't mix oil and fuel at the fuel pump. Given ethanol's water absorbing properties I'd guess it's primarily H2O attached to oil. I've seen the goo tinted the same color as the oil used but not always and it feels somewhat waxy. Dunno.

Super Moderator
Bluemonster2 said:I have never seen this goo, must be ethanol related?
I dont know if these 2 are related or not but on my seadoo's that are older, (95's) the old fuel lines once exposed to ethanol started to breakdown the fuel lines and made a goo. It would be a green or white slime that messed up some carbs and engines. It would plug up the fuel screens in 2sec post a carb clean. Solution was to change out old fuel line to the new type that was approved for ethanol. I had the goo on my jetski's before the line change and none since. I have yet to see this on my snowmobiles but they are somewhat newer. Maybe the older sleds could be effected by this same problem.
New member
tried to get the pilot jets clean last night. i was told that brake cleaner worked just as well as carb cleaner. i sprayed down the jets with it and they are still plugged. didnt have any wire, but i sacrificed one of my wifes sewing pins (very small diameter) and what ever is plugging that hole is solid. tried gently scraping the blockage with no effect. also gently tried pressing from both sides to clear the blockage with no luck. running out of ideas to get these clean. how much are new jets?
New member
Ya that stuff can get very hard, almost ceramic like. At about 4 dollars apiece it is just better to get new one's. Then you'll have piece of mind. Just got 3 new ones myself.

what size pilots you got? I've got plenty of them. I can probably send you a set depending what size you're running. shouldn't take long from Maine to NH