Very interesting thread on 2s oils from HCS

Scott..screw don't really want to ride with doos do you..We'll end up pulling him and his buds doos back home..Got to get that friend of his to open up that brand new 600 he just bought..we'll take him to that 5 mile stretch along the Floodway and do a wot run all the way.He shouldn't make it more then a mile
bluemonster1 said:
Scott..screw don't really want to ride with doos do you..We'll end up pulling him and his buds doos back home..Got to get that friend of his to open up that brand new 600 he just bought..we'll take him to that 5 mile stretch along the Floodway and do a wot run all the way.He shouldn't make it more then a mile

Lol that would be funny. It's just been such a long week I don't want to get frustrated working on my sled , my back is sore it's just been one of those weeks Doug. Jordan can ride his sled without cleaning the carbs see if I care when/if he melts down lol
that would be funny...Does he grease his sled,check bearings,track tension..etc.I would think not.But does that 700 MXZ ever suck fuel,twice as much as us with that 2 cylinder..pretty bad.
If anyone is curious. A quick spreadsheet containing test results from Chemist concerning 2 stroke oils. It can be viewed by anyone @

From what I find, Mystik would by far be best oil. At around 23$ a gallon and retail availability.

I am concerned over the validity of these tests and Chemists true motivation. It wold certainly by some great marketing for Legend. Both of their oils topping the charts and even chemist swearing to run it in his sled, despite the cost to performance ratio.

As with anything found on the internet, take it with a grain of salt. Unless these tests are repeatable by a third party, or at the very least demonstrated I would say this seems based on a lot of faith.
Tested, Mystic jt-4 synthetic, R.P.M. before break down of the oil viscosity and film strength 13,600, This oil was the best in cold pour point so far with a - 56 f, This oil is excellent and passed my test.

We switched the Viper last winter to the Mysic jt-4 last winter, Powervalves were clean once running this oil consistantly. This season we are running the Mystic jt-4 full synthetic in everything, I have 12 gallons ready. Al
Makes me think twice about my Amsoil Interceptor. I like that it doesn't smoke much. Does Mystic jt-4 smoke allot? Anyone tried both? I know Blue Marble smoked less in my SRX but was to hard to find. Also doesn't have a low pour point.

Or anyone compared the smoke of Amsoil Dominator? I always though it would dirty my PV's but according to the chemist it still has lots of detergent. It passed his test:

TESTED: Amsoil Dominator, pour point -50, This oil has excellent synthetic base stock at 75%, and 25% high processed oil's, but it has alot of detergent's in the formula, R.P.M. before break down of the viscosity and film strength was 12,002, This oil passed my test.
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"The R.P.M. Unit (machine) was built with a stainless steel piston that run's up to 16,000 r.p.m's, I add E-10 gas into the port hole and add the oil to a 50-1 mix and run it untill the database software on the computer tell's me at what r.p.m. the oil break's down, It also tell's me the viscosity under load presure, was there any foam under heat and how much carbon build up under heat. The unit gets to a 116 fahrenheit. I have noticed that with ethanol the carbon build up is very low with all oils, because ethanol is a strong solvent, cleanser, and drying agent. A good synthetic when using E-10 gas is a must, now with Non-ethanol gas the oils will read about 100 to 150 RPM's higher. "

I am a little skeptical. His description of his test setup makes me suspicious, as well as his poor grammar (posts look like something a 15 year old would type). No details of its workings, and I don't see how he could get that data from the setup he provided. Maybe I'm wrong.

"I have tested 20 of the top oil's over the summer in my lab,Viscosity,load presure under r.p.m., metal to metal friction test,oxgen reactivity test, 4 ball wear test, foam control under heat, carbon build up test, And how refind the oil is. I recommend only two oil's, Red line two stroke racing oil, and polaris ves gold plus. "

Where is all the data from these tests?

"For all polaris snowmobiler's, The way i rated the oil's are , Pass or failed the test, The one main test is, What was the maximum R.P.M. before break down of the oil viscosity and film strength, To list every form of test's i did would take me two week's to type this out for Hcs, So i will give you the top five that past my test done in my lab, Note: I did not do a analytical ferrography test, I do not own one$$. I did use a semi - automatic kinematic viscometer. 1 Red Line two stroke racing oil, R.P.M. before break down 13,800 2. Polaris ves gold 12,100. 3. Klotz tc-w3 11,900 4. Blue marble (high procssed mineral oil) 11,075 5. Arctic cat synthetic apv 2 cycle oil 11,050. I will be testing Royal purple next week for hcs member's. "

He did all that work, then just posted up RPM and cold pour temps? And someone with that knowledge doesn't know the difference between past and passed?

I could be wrong. I hope I am wrong, for that would be good data to know.
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I read the entire thread (like 38 pages) and I believe The Chemist. If you read the entire thread, you'll see guys were sending him quarts of oil for him to test, and he often tested it. His only stipulation was it had to be an unopened quart of the oil.

The Chemist said he was a retired gasoline chemist, which makes sense. The Chemist's worst mistake was doing this survey on HCS, IMHO. That site is brutal, as The Chemist soon found out. Why do a bunch of juvenile ingrates any favors? His hard work was unappreciated and ridiculed. That si just par for the course on HCS.....

After reading his posts I can say I'm not buying any more Amsoil Interceptor oil -- his findings about Interceptor opened my eyes, and I've been a loyalist for a long time. Of course, Amsoil's decision to jack their prices again this fall only reenforces my decision, lol. I'm going to switch to that Mystic JT-4 oil as it is literally 1/2 the cost of Interceptor oil and sits right next to it on the shelf, easy decision IMHO!!!
I ran the Amsoil Interceptor for a few years in my Viper. I actually had more issues with dirty PV's than I have with the Yamalube 2-S. I figured why run the Amsoil being it cost a good $10 more per gallon than the factory oil so I went back. Also if you try and break a fresh set of rings in with the Amsoil you will soon find out that your compression is down.............aka synthetic..........
Crazy thing is that on a molecular level The Chemist found Interceptor oil is really not synthetic oil -- the molecules do not line up like synthetic oil's molecules should line up under a microscope -- all uniform in a uniform pattern. Rather, he discovered Interceptor oil is mostly just a highly refined dino oil. Wow, that blew my mind to hear. He's zooming in far enough to capture a view of the oil's molecules. Dang, now that is zooming in.
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destey said:
"The R.P.M. Unit (machine) was built with a stainless steel piston that run's up to 16,000 r.p.m's, I add E-10 gas into the port hole and add the oil to a 50-1 mix and run it untill the database software on the computer tell's me at what r.p.m. the oil break's down, It also tell's me the viscosity under load presure, was there any foam under heat and how much carbon build up under heat. The unit gets to a 116 fahrenheit. I have noticed that with ethanol the carbon build up is very low with all oils, because ethanol is a strong solvent, cleanser, and drying agent. A good synthetic when using E-10 gas is a must, now with Non-ethanol gas the oils will read about 100 to 150 RPM's higher. "

I am a little skeptical. His description of his test setup makes me suspicious, as well as his poor grammar (posts look like something a 15 year old would type). No details of its workings, and I don't see how he could get that data from the setup he provided. Maybe I'm wrong.

"I have tested 20 of the top oil's over the summer in my lab,Viscosity,load presure under r.p.m., metal to metal friction test,oxgen reactivity test, 4 ball wear test, foam control under heat, carbon build up test, And how refind the oil is. I recommend only two oil's, Red line two stroke racing oil, and polaris ves gold plus. "

Where is all the data from these tests?

"For all polaris snowmobiler's, The way i rated the oil's are , Pass or failed the test, The one main test is, What was the maximum R.P.M. before break down of the oil viscosity and film strength, To list every form of test's i did would take me two week's to type this out for Hcs, So i will give you the top five that past my test done in my lab, Note: I did not do a analytical ferrography test, I do not own one$$. I did use a semi - automatic kinematic viscometer. 1 Red Line two stroke racing oil, R.P.M. before break down 13,800 2. Polaris ves gold 12,100. 3. Klotz tc-w3 11,900 4. Blue marble (high procssed mineral oil) 11,075 5. Arctic cat synthetic apv 2 cycle oil 11,050. I will be testing Royal purple next week for hcs member's. "

He did all that work, then just posted up RPM and cold pour temps? And someone with that knowledge doesn't know the difference between past and passed?

I could be wrong. I hope I am wrong, for that would be good data to know.

x2 The whole thread on hcs is a crock why wouldnt he post pics?
Guys, he never got to finish or complete the testing. He quit early due to all the criticism from some of the HCS users. His private research was never completed.

HCS mods prob checked his domain/ ip address on the sly to see if he had affiliàtions to either Legend or Mystic companies. Or for that matter, Polaris. One of his best performing oils was Polaris VES Gold.
Blue: I agree. Either it was a well laid out plan on promoting Legend oils or the Chemist may have been persuaded at some point during the testing process by Legend. The chemist has been maintaining another thread related to fuel stabilizers. I did not review the whole thread but I do not think he is endorsing any one product. This leads me to believe that his testing may have been legit at one point. Who knows. Either way he seems not to care about his credibility. A simply photo or two of his rig would have dismissed a number of questions on his ethics. A man capable of looking at oil at the molecular level is likely capable enough to post an image on a forum. I don't imagine snapping a pic and posting it is any more time consuming then testing the oil itself. Strange he would rather give up on testing then defend his results.
I think he basically said, This is what i found, but use whatever u want. U can spend the rest of your life defending your opinion on this subject. Just look on this site at oil discussions, page after page of opinions. My cousins brothers's friends sister in law was married to a guy who told me i should use this or that. Whatever. I use yamalube, have'nt had oil related problems ever, just have to clean pv's once in a while, big deal. reasonably priced, widely available, works good. Everybody here swears by thier yamaha sled, but not the oil they put thier name on ??Hmmm.. If u want to trust somebody on that thread, i would say the guy with the motor in his avatar sounded pretty knowledgeable. But i will still use my yamalube. Funny how everybody will mod, tune, stand, stare, polish, & shoot at the mouth about thier sled, but clean powervalves !! Whooaaa NO. Let me know how it all works out for u guys. I'll spend the money i saved on oil at the resturaunt getting lunch.
"A simply photo or two of his rig would have dismissed a number of questions on his ethics. A man capable of looking at oil at the molecular level is likely capable enough to post an image on a forum."

Snowpax, do you think that a picture would not illicit more questions? And I'm sure those questions would lead to even more questions...... I'm sure if I were him I wouldn't want to explain everything to infinity repeating! Not while engaged in a hobby! Not only that but then you always get your token few who say ... How do we know that machine is actually yours in the photo? It just goes on and on!

I've read the whole thread and I believe him ("The Chemist"). A forum is where people come together to share ideas. Since there's literally no control as to whether the ideas are correct or not the only thing we have control over is to believe or not. That's all the control we have. And nobody in a forum should think there's more to it than that.

As for all the suspicious people at HCS...... they just need to believe it or not and leave it at that.

Just my 2 cents!
i have read the whole thread and i think its a unbiased testing of oils out there, im glad he did it its a good read
I have been running Legend's ZX2 oil for 9 years (ZX2-SR for the last 3 years). I run it in my mod srx drag sleds, my trail sleds, my YZ 250, outboards, chain saws, leaf blowers, and concrete saws. Never once had a problem. Clean burn, and no scraping the power valves on my 01 srx either. Don't knock it, till you try it.
A couple of bucks said:
Oil branded as synthetic, does not have to be man made. It has to preform to the standards set forth for synthetic oil. This is applicable to 4 stroke oil as well.
Not entirely accurate. Group 3 synthetic is made from hydrocracking mineral oil that is unsuitable for use in conventional oil. In the USA it is labeled as synthetic. Although other countries label it as conventional. Group 3 is the only mineral based synthetic. All others are ester based or PAO.
