got a little more done today. lost 6 more lbs between the swaybar/end links/hardware, exhaust can support, speedo cable and drive. also the 3/4 full oil tank I pulled out weighed 7lbs. so thats 10lbs with the mountain performance trailing arms, not counting the tank of oil.

Good job, looks like you were pretty busy today.

got a gutted seat from MYSLEDBLOWS. it weighs about 8lbs, the stocker is about 14lbs so down 16lbs so far

the color scheme wasn't going to work with the all black and polished aluminum theme I'm going with so I cleaned it good with a prep solvent and SEM vinyl dyed it black

That looks pretty nice in all black

What was that for a seat I am looking to loose weight on my sx

the seat was origionally Valin's. you'd have to check with him. there's not much there that appears to be stock any more
I see your vid you put up so you did make it up to newport with your viper. Did you see that OSP yamaha

yeah I think so. there were quite a few fast yammies there

I've bought most of the parts for this sled now (the major items at least). The engine should be here soon. I got a set of 44mm lectrons from aircraftman as well as a wheeled stock skid with adjustable t-rods. since then I bought a wheeled wahl and a closed window speed track so I'll be selling the wheeled stocker. with the stuff I already had I've just got some odds and ends left to get. I've got to get some stuff out to amatosrx for some powdercoat and the biggest project I have left is to make a fiberglass hood.
here's the lectrons, they're huge compared to the stock carbs, couldnt imagine what a set of 52s look like
I need to start picking away at this after work, so hopefully some progress pics soon.
here's the lectrons, they're huge compared to the stock carbs, couldnt imagine what a set of 52s look like

I need to start picking away at this after work, so hopefully some progress pics soon.
Would them 38's u have work on my SX

sorry Joe, sold both sets, forgot to delete that ad
Its ok. Prob will not make it to grass races to dirty.
New member
those are good carbs! let it rip!!!

engine came in!!! tomorrow it's supposed to rain so hopefully start assembling the engine since I cant work outside.
Get r Done need pics

got looking at making my mold for my hood today. I need to find a foam or something that I can shape and attach to the stock hood to smooth it out before I put the fiberglass for the mold on it. If that makes sense I'm open to ideas on where I can get something. I'll probably take a look at the craft stores and building supply stores this week unless someone has an idea.
New member
I would just put vacuum bag film around it with the gauge pod and cluster on , put some foam under the wondshield, suck it down a bit and start glassing.

thats not a bad idea. where would one get vacuum bag film that size?
New member
Get the stretchy green film and yellow bag seal tape. Good stuff
Get the stretchy green film and yellow bag seal tape. Good stuff