Homemade octane booster..USE AT YOUR OWN RISK


VIP Member
Jan 26, 2004
Want to make a gallon of some AWSOME octane booster,, here you go... 100 oz of TOULENE ( found at home depot or a paint supply store).. You could use XYLENE or MTBE,, but " tolly" is easily accessible.... 25 ounces of MINERAL SPIRITS ( diesel fuel or kerosene will work just as well) and THREE OUNCES of AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID.... Synthetic trans fluid is preferred,, but type "A" will even suffice... It will probably cost you around THREE DOLLARS TO FOUR DOLLARS for all these ingredients,,, BUY,, you can sell 16 ounce cans of this stuff to your buddies for FIVE OR SIX DOLLARS a 16 ounce can.... NO PLASTIC BOTTLES by the way.. STEEL or TIN CANS.... Keep away from ALUMINUM TOO !!!! Somewheres around 114 octane at up to 5%
and DOn't inhale the vapors !!!!! ( keep away from that MTBE also !! I don't know WHO came up with that stuff.. You think TETRAETHYL lead is bad for you ??? OH MY GOD !!!! they should take this stuff off the market !!!
nosboy said:
Want to make a gallon of some AWSOME octane booster,, here you go... 100 oz of TOULENE ( found at home depot or a paint supply store).. You could use XYLENE or MTBE,, but " tolly" is easily accessible.... 25 ounces of MINERAL SPIRITS ( diesel fuel or kerosene will work just as well) and THREE OUNCES of AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID.... Synthetic trans fluid is preferred,, but type "A" will even suffice... It will probably cost you around THREE DOLLARS TO FOUR DOLLARS for all these ingredients,,, BUY,, you can sell 16 ounce cans of this stuff to your buddies for FIVE OR SIX DOLLARS a 16 ounce can.... NO PLASTIC BOTTLES by the way.. STEEL or TIN CANS.... Keep away from ALUMINUM TOO !!!! Somewheres around 114 octane at up to 5%

Can I use type F and oderless mineral spirits?
What is the recommended mix ratio when using this Octane Boost? What will it bring the octane up per gallon?
MrSled said:
If you have any problems, contact Gary... this is not something I would mess with.

X2 on that. I no chemist but, I don't see how mixing anything with kerosene or diesel fuel (both have an octane rating of around 50) is gonna bring the octane rating to anything usable as an octane booster. Sounds counter intuitive to me.
Sxr700Bandit said:
When you run compression you need to supress the fuels urge to spontainiously combust.

I couldn't agree more. The problem is kerosene and diesel fuel are highly PRO-KNOCK.
what about offroad deisel? more sulfur mmmm the good stuff when it comes to desiel engines anyway...
andrew k said:
what about offroad deisel? more sulfur mmmm the good stuff when it comes to desiel engines anyway...
Actually Off Road Diesel/Heating oil and "regular" Diesel are the same thing the only difference is that the Off Road Diesel is dyed red because there is no money that goes towards the maintainance of public Highways.
HI ! It would be nice to carry if you are on the trail. Who knows what really comes out some pumps. What ratio ( oz. to gal. ) for a good mixture. I am willing to give it a try !!!! JB
ryan2001sx600r said:
If you can't put it in plastic bottles how do you put it in your gas tank?

I'm guessing by then it is diluted in the fuel....a lot more and safe.....

Just a "nervous nelly" on my part for anything like this. If something bad can happen it will with me........intrigued by this post but I am going to steer clear of this.

I might be able to save money with this....but if I "F" up......I can't rebuild a motor and will be out a LOT more in the end.....capitalism loves guys like me!!!
dragonsm said:
I'm guessing by then it is diluted in the fuel....a lot more and safe.....

Just a "nervous nelly" on my part for anything like this. If something bad can happen it will with me........intrigued by this post but I am going to steer clear of this.

I might be able to save money with this....but if I "F" up......I can't rebuild a motor and will be out a LOT more in the end.....capitalism loves guys like me!!!
You have to look on the bright side..... There are a lot of TY members out your way and when in need I see this "team" pull together! I LOVE the comaraderie on this site.
Sxr700Bandit said:
You have to look on the bright side..... There are a lot of TY members out your way and when in need I see this "team" pull together! I LOVE the comaraderie on this site.

;)! Absolutely!!
Sxr700Bandit said:
Actually Off Road Diesel/Heating oil and "regular" Diesel are the same thing the only difference is that the Off Road Diesel is dyed red because there is no money that goes towards the maintainance of public Highways.
Are you sure? I bought some off road deisel for my compact tractor this fall, seems to be thicker fuel, and more power, more smoke, higher idle speed, faster rev. I am no expert, just having questions. Al
Gary, what about using magnesium? You commented on this in the past, I have saved alot of scrap magnesium pieces, just as you requested. Al
