Homemade octane booster..USE AT YOUR OWN RISK

alswagg said:
Are you sure? I bought some off road deisel for my compact tractor this fall, seems to be thicker fuel, and more power, more smoke, higher idle speed, faster rev. I am no expert, just having questions. Al

That is what was explained to me from a fuel supplier. Actually if you get Diesel fuel in the summer it is different from the winter bled Diesel fuel, No.1 will gel in the wintertime so they cut the winter blend with I belive kero to help keep it from gelling. Talk to you local fuel supplier about the different blends of fuel or maybe try googling it.... I will google it later..
my car is deisel. and i work in and around heavy equipment everyday. we have several loaders excavaters backdumps 800 900 1000 hp gensets for our crushers... i like our cummins v12 deisel genset. sounds like your at the races when we first fire it up in the morning. hellofa idle lobe till it warms up. i know for a fact there are multiple blends of deisel fuel.and yep there definitely is a winter blend and summer blend. you can even get bio deisel blends... we ran a mixture of 20 percent biodeisel with 80 percent offroad because its cheaper for a while. it made the equipment smell like a burning french fry when ya got close to it. lol i was always under the assumption that offroad had more sulfur.. but i never looked it up. so definitley could be wrong on that.
and all deisel fuels will gel in the winter if it gets cold enough. the winter blend just resists it more. if its 0 farenhieght or below we dont even bother starting the equipment and pretty much call the day a wash.
Sno-Xr said:
What is the recommended mix ratio when using this Octane Boost? What will it bring the octane up per gallon?
I may be wrong but I thought the last sentence translates to "Boosts your fuel up to around 114 octane with a 5% mix.
114 octane with a 5% mix would be close to 1/2 gallon of this mix on a SRX fuel tank with the rest being 93.

Can somebody chime in on this? I am having a difficult time believing that would get you 114 octane
Thanks for the info

I actually thought about using chocolate milk to give the pistons and nice brown coating
I've been at Mayo getting a couple of stents... Straight "tolly" will wash away whatever film of oil you have in your combustion chamber. Straight,, it will destroy your motor.... RIGHT AWAY !!! No kidding !!!! A couple of theories using diesel fuel..,,, As far as the sulfur content,, diesel fuel has 10-15 PPM of sulfur, comparing to 500 PPM with fuel oil... Kerosene, fuel oil, diesel fuel, jet "a'" are all in the same family.. I would say that the only difference is the sulfur content,,but,,,, I'd be misleading you guys... I just got out of the hospital and I feel like I just fell off of a sled and rolled down a hill that was 1000 feet high... Pretty beat up and can't think too straight right now...
Think of the diesel fuel as a "detergent" or a "cleaner" . Did you ever use diesel fuel to clean greasy, dirty parts??? The "thinners" (especially in the winter) ( anti gelling additives) are utilized to "slow down " if you will, the "tolly".... Diesel fuel has a CETANE rating because they rate gasoline's ability to RESIST DETONATION as an Octane rating and diesel IS A DETONATION to begin with.. There is NO SPARK, or opposing flame front (that's detonation/ preignition's basis). They call it KNOCK... Diesel is ALL ABOUT KNOCK.... 100% knock... The automatic transmission fluid acts as a lubricant and also as a detergent... cleaners and detergents are two different things.. I don't have the energy to explain it to you...
snomofo said:
Can I use type F and oderless mineral spirits?
Yes,, but odorless has anti vaporizing additives,, hence the name "odorless" ( kind of an oxy moron.Diesel fuel ONLY if you can't find mineral spirits.. You can use SEAFOAM at 10.00 a can if you want to... but,, seafoam is a whole other story... Personally,, I like that NEW STUFF from MOPAR.. atf+4.. Neat stuff !!!!
Toluene straight is 114 octane. You would need quote a bit of this mixture to do a whole lot in 12 gallons of fuel. I used to make a homebrew race fuel for a turbo Eagle Talon car that I had for drag race days. A mixture of 1 gallon toluene to 3 gallons 93-octane premium (with 2 oz Marvel Mystery Oil per gallon of toluene) would give you 4 gallons of roughly 98 octane.

This is from another website:

Toluene has a RON octane rating of 121 and a MON rating of 107, leading to a (R+M)/2 rating of 114
twyztid said:
Toluene straight is 114 octane. You would need quote a bit of this mixture to do a whole lot in 12 gallons of fuel. I used to make a homebrew race fuel for a turbo Eagle Talon car that I had for drag race days. A mixture of 1 gallon toluene to 3 gallons 93-octane premium (with 2 oz Marvel Mystery Oil per gallon of toluene) would give you 4 gallons of roughly 98 octane.

This is from another website:
Correct, the Toluene specs at 120 something.. I'd have to try and explain the whole resistance to detonation theory to show you how the mineral spirits resist detonation/raise the octane.... The higher the number, the more resistant to "knock".... diesel fuel is rated with a CETANE number,, which is a whold different theory.. I'll explain cetane numbers sometime in the future... needless to say,, the recipe works well by using the 100oz / 25oz/3oz method.. I can't even type today for some reason.. I lost a lot of blood getting two stents yesterday and my neck hurts like HelL !!!I'll try and explain somewhat better tomorrow or saturday.
Probably about the same.... Specific gravity is a bit different and it's ability to vaporize is not as good,, but low odor mineral spirits will do the same thing... just like the posts I do about smoking two stroke oiuls,, you want one that smokes like hell as opposed to one that doesn't... ACETONE at just a FEW Percent will wake up that XYLENE quite nicely.. Acetone is some really rough stuff though.. Your fuel system WILL NOT LIKE IT AT ALL.....
I WILL FIND IT FOR THREE OR FOUR DOLLARS A GALLON WHEN I GET HOME... it is NOT $14.00 a gallon.. You can buy methanol for about 2.20 a gallon if you look hard enough.. you May nee a resale number and you MAY have to buy a 55 gallon drum to get it at that pricemm but if you look hard enough,, it's out there.. chemical SUPPLY HOUSES have that stuff readily available.. PAINTERS USE IT. !!! and WHACKOS who spend too much time in their garage trying to come up with some newfangled racing fuel do too !!!
