Back to mystic oil, I am very satisfied. I have been using and selling Mystic oil for all of our
marine applications for years. Al
marine applications for years. Al
Isnt mystic oil made by citgo? and citgo is owned by the dictator chavez? who was just on tv makeng some deal with iran?

most likely...didn't he Obama a CLOWN a while back...wouldn't trust the whole lot of them..something is brewing for sure,just a matter of time..
Are there any west coast Mystik reatailers? Everywhere I called said their distributor doesn't carry Mystik 2 cycle products.
You can order directly from Mystik you want. Downside is you have to pay shipping. Cases are sold in gallons of 4. We just opened our 5 gallon this year. Al
Which Klotz?
There seems to be a few different grades of Klotz. Which one is best for an SRX 700 in Mchigan?
There seems to be a few different grades of Klotz. Which one is best for an SRX 700 in Mchigan?
nosboy said:snip..I hope Wisconsin gets rid of that LOSER !!!!!
I, for one, would love to see his policies implimented here in Michigan.
I can dream can't I?
New member
I like mystik oil, its hard to beat too. just about the same specs as amsoil, i think the pour point is slightly different tho, and half the price. full synthetic for 20.00 a gallon is exceptional. i have never had a problem with it.
Well another update for Mystik oil. Again, we have all 5 sleds running the Mystik Synthetic. Cant complain one bit. The oil is now gaining popularity with advertising from Mystic.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Here's there VG "low temperature" grease.
Active member
My local canadian tire now stocks this stuff. before that I couldnt get here. been using half the winter and the stuff burns fairly clean and doesnt smell to bad.
VIP Member
Ran Klotz for years anymore, can not stand the smell.....
VIP Member
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Are there any west coast Mystik reatailers? Everywhere I called said their distributor doesn't carry Mystik 2 cycle products.
O'reillys is where my Mystic grease is ordered from.
Look through the list under "consumers". There are stores in there you'd never figured carried Mystic.
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New member
so is it necessary to turn up the factory setting for the oil if one does switch to "klotz", or does it provide enough protection at the factory setting so you can just add it and go.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I'd just leave it.
New member the Amsoil i use now is dirty burning and gums up the exhaust valves. so your saying that is good? i read up on klotz oil. its said to be a clean burning oil. so that is not as good? im kind of confused. i do get what your saying about the oil, but to mention trying Klotz, a clean burning oil, kind of contradicts what your saying as to using a dirty oil for better lube.
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