1998 SRX 700 opinions...new to me!

motorhead327 said:
Make sure the low oil light works then!!

Just by touching the ends to a battery? How do I know the sensor is working? Whats funny is that it was pretty low on oil when I got it from him and I thought to myself...Are you trying to run it out again? I filled it up!
it has adjustable transfer rods and a marginal snow kit(not sure if thats what its called but its the front small idler wheels to increase hyfax life). I cant for sure tell if its long traveled but i'm sure someone can.
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Yea you will have to keep in eye on it. You can check the bulbs in the dash to make sure they are good, or even use a multi-meter to check each circuit. There is a float in the tank i believe that makes the light come on when low. It sits about like mine with the viper shocks. Its really hard to tell by the pics, need to measure shocks. Welcome to the site!! There is a TON of info here. You can post for a manual in the wanted section, maybe someone has one.
as far as breakin id say run the oil you like to use. there are many different ideas people have as to breaking in a motor. i use a incremental method myself just running it easy 15 to 20 minutes at a time and doing the heat up cool down cycles.. heat up for 20 minutes cool down for 30 minutes. for a little bit then running it harder and harder in incremental throttles say start off at 50 percent for first couple runs then slowly increase to 60 percent 70 percent on up. till i feel the rings have a good seat. this is how ive done it in the past but to each thier own.... takes a few days...too much oil will make the breakin process take longer in my opinion.
Yup the 18.5 shock is a viper, the middle should be 13'. If it was mine i would run the yamalube for 1 tank and switch over to klotz or a synthetic. Ipone is good too. I used it last season but the price went up higher then klotz. So i know use klotz. Also use good fuel with star-tron or another ethanol additive.
Nothing. Ohlins are the best. Probably has the shock extensions done or the shock brackets swapped side to side, upside down for the increased height. Should b good to go!
No kidding? Where on 108th do you live? My brother in law lives on 4th just south of 108th(by green lake). I will be leaving it there and riding to the trail from his house! I actually live in Kentwood by 54th and Eastern. I may take you up on looking at it. I take it you know alot about sleds? You have a few!
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rangermike14 said:
No kidding? Where on 108th do you live? My brother in law lives on 4th just south of 108th(by green lake). I will be leaving it there and riding to the trail from his house! I actually live in Kentwood by 54th and Eastern. I may take you up on looking at it. I take it you know alot about sleds? You have a few!
I am near Byron center rd. and yes I know a little about srxs.
amatosrx said:
hey neighbor I live on 108 th st bring it by and I will look it over for u. or call me 318-4560 Pete Amato.

That's a great offer and I'd highly recommend you take him up on it. Nothing better than a trained eye to go over it in person.

Looks to me like the skid has been updated (i.e. painted/welded W arm, marginal and anti-stab wheels, adjustable transfer rods).

Personally, I'd lose the can.

Nice ride, enjoy.
I noticed the chunks missing from the track too. I dont know why that would be either. Looking up under there it doesnt appear anything could possibly hit the track...
amatosrx said:
hey neighbor I live on 108 th st bring it by and I will look it over for u. or call me 318-4560 Pete Amato.

I would not hesitate to take Amato up on his offer. He knows his stuff!
Everyone on this site is second to none.
rangermike14 said:
I noticed the chunks missing from the track too. I dont know why that would be either. Looking up under there it doesnt appear anything could possibly hit the track...

It appears to be the original Yoko track (or perhaps a Polaris take off). In either case, I'd guess the chuncks are due to the previous owner's riding style and the track's age although the rest, up close, pics show the track to be in decent shape.

The reason I pointed it out was that it may not last long and has the potential of coming apart at speed.
