1998 SRX 700 opinions...new to me!

There is literally a TON of choices on oil. There's old threads that go on and on about this oil does this and that oildoes that. I run amsoil Interceptor (yellow cap). It pays to shop around, I have actually found it cheaper by the gallon then yamalube. Running what ever qaulity oil you choose keep in mind the eventual power valve cleaning. Some oils are fantastic for lubeand not so fantastic to clean off them valves. My daughter is currently riding a 92 polaris 500 indy. I just clean up the shop had a 1/2 quart of this, 1/4 quart of that...oh a lil left in this jug. Consolidated it all into a yamalube gallon jug for the polaris!
rangermike14 said:
No kidding? Where on 108th do you live? My brother in law lives on 4th just south of 108th(by green lake). I will be leaving it there and riding to the trail from his house! I actually live in Kentwood by 54th and Eastern. I may take you up on looking at it. I take it you know alot about sleds? You have a few!

I just moved last month, but my parents live around 48th and Eastern. I now live one road over from a tril head in Alto. I say we get together for a ride sometime!
Took the sled over to Pete's(Amatosrx) place tonight and he checked it out for me...If any of you guys in West Michigan need a mechanic this is your guy! He's awesome and I cant thank him enough. Check him out if your local and he will hook you up!
Hey a great oil for power valves is Maxima Super M. I use that on my sled and my 96 kx250 and it makes a huge difference. hardly any carbon build up at all and seems to keep everything lubed well enough. Only down fall is that it is kinda spendy but well worth it. I ran my bike in high school with any old oil and paid for it when it came time to do the top end. Worst carbon build up ever. stick with good stuff
andrew k said:
and as far as hp goes you should be around 140ish give or take. and as far as clutching you will have to run it... the target rpm you will be looking for is around 8500rpm with minimal belt slippage which you can check for by how much your primary / secondary clutches heat up between runs.. the name of the game is getting that power to the ground.
8500 is for 00-02's not 98-99s. 8350
Hey Mike it was good to meet you at amatos the other night, its good you got some of that stuff taken care of and that awesome that it is running great, amato really is a very helpful guy and definately knows his stuff, I have gone to him with many questions and he is always willing to help. Hopefully we can hook up and go riding sometime.
98SRX00 said:
Hey Mike it was good to meet you at amatos the other night, its good you got some of that stuff taken care of and that awesome that it is running great, amato really is a very helpful guy and definately knows his stuff, I have gone to him with many questions and he is always willing to help. Hopefully we can hook up and go riding sometime.

Yeah I picked up new hyfax too but haven't gotten them on yet. Fixed most of the little stuff he had told me about. That thing rips! It was nice meeting you too. I'm down to ride whenever. Let's hope this snow stays for a little while!
ahh, your gonna like it mike, i just got back from a rip on my 99 SEX, just bought it a month ago.Went down the old tracks for 10 miles, jumped on the river,tested at 4ft ice, 5 inches of fresh snow/sleet/crap on ice.I seen other tracks so out i went,holy ole crap those things hit 100MPH on speedo some fast.I'm impressed.
I sold Yammy's in 1989, always took an Exciter home for Demo, thought it was cats ***.Now thats a womans sled.How times change......
Filled up before leaving, put 40 miles on, guage is still over full mark, gee's hope the stinkin float isn,t stuck,i woulda guesses about 1/4 tank on 40 miles...
gutterboy2ca said:
ahh, your gonna like it mike, i just got back from a rip on my 99 SEX, just bought it a month ago.Went down the old tracks for 10 miles, jumped on the river,tested at 4ft ice, 5 inches of fresh snow/sleet/crap on ice.I seen other tracks so out i went,holy ole crap those things hit 100MPH on speedo some fast.I'm impressed.
I sold Yammy's in 1989, always took an Exciter home for Demo, thought it was cats ***.Now thats a womans sled.How times change......
Filled up before leaving, put 40 miles on, guage is still over full mark, gee's hope the stinkin float isn,t stuck,i woulda guesses about 1/4 tank on 40 miles...
Don't know about other Yammy sleds but I can attest to SRX fuel gauges and they do tend to take a while before they leave the full mark.It tends to be a bit of a false sense of security thinking that "man this sled is not burning ANY fuel" and then blip there goes the needle down to about 3/4.
Amsoil Interceptor is probably the most popular synthetic oil used it tends to be fairly clean burning but guys on here will attest that there is no one magic oil to suite everyone.Chose one that you feel is filling your needs and if you can get a good buy on it use it.
glad you took up amato on his offer, it was a great offer and has to give you a nice feeling having someone with knowledge look over your new sled :) now enjoy the heck out of that thing!!
