Whats the best track?

stealther27 said:
1.2" Aggressor huh? Ill have to check that out. I was maybe thinking of going with a 1.25" track but want to run studs and saw in other threads that u have to def change to 9 tooth drivers, just dont want to puncture my hx?

IMO - if you ride groomed trails that are heavily traveled (i.e. lots-o-traffic) studs are a must.

It only takes one on-coming yahoo on your side of an icey corner to convince yourself you made the right choice to stud your rocket.

You'll need front/tunnel (standard on SRX) and rear protectors.
wow those are some pretty good prices! ya the trails around my area get beat pretty quick, so I dont think I would ever ride without studs maybe minimum of 144. Its just kind of a tough choice and only got a couple months till snow, just wana make the best choice an hope not to do alot of work, ie 8 tooth drivers(my bad I said 9 tooth drivers). I know the 1.2 or 1.25 would be great for fresh trails but in my area I think the 1incher would be a big upgrade from my worn out track.
hey guys well after doing alot of searching I ordered a 1" kimpex ultimate traxtion track from Al's snowmobile salvage last week and just got it from ups this morning. I gotta say everyone was right when they said this was a great track the looks look beefy and the track itself just looks real tough and durable. I was looking at my buddies track on his shitty kitty turbo which is 1.25" and looks pretty close in height to my 1 incher. now just gotta take the studs out of my old track and put them in my new one. but its nice to know that since I got the ultimate traxtion its already drilled for 144 studs so that will def make it easier. Its getting alot colder her this week, this past weekend was in the 60's crazy weather! So just got a lot of stuff to do before the snow starts to fly, cant wait to try out the new track! thanks guys for all the feedback ;)!
thanks blue ya yours was the first post I read about the track and Im def glad I bought this. This thing looks tough as nails and looks almost as beefy as the 1.25 incher on my buddies shitty kitty turbo lol. After looking around at quite a few different choices I found one place that had this track for $465, then ended up ordering this from Al's snowmobile for $400, with shipping to my house in WI it was $445 I was a happy camper! ;)!
will do! ya I needed a track bad and couldnt pass that up. now Im just in a mad dash to switch my studs over to the new track and have to get my viper shocks Im putting in my skid revalved while I have my old track and skid out. so much to do before the snow flies! Blue I know u said u only took your srx for a lil ride but did your new long traveled skid ride alot better, and did it take alot of adjusting to get it to your liking?
it felt a lot better it seems,but haven't done any jumping or anything.But I will imagine my back will be much better now as it is with my SXR..same suspension.As for set up,I have it all stock specs for now,50/50 transfer etc..Should also do better in deeper snow as the rear end is sitting higher also. I I will know once I can get to the Bush along the River and try and go thru 2 to 3 feet of powder..lol
ya I had been following your clutching posts and I didnt wana do the long travel because I didnt want to give up any top end. But with the trails around where I live that get rutted real quick I dont mind about a few mph lost if I can feel better and not as soar after a long ride. Just hope I can get it set up close to my liking. Hope to hear more how u like the long travel, the way things are going, sounds like you will have more snow before we get any measureable amount lol
I've been looking at the Ultimate Traxtion myself (1"). Anyone here with quite a few miles on them for input? I was looking at the Ripsaw, but after seeing how many of them are damaged and for sale on craigslist, I'm not interested in them anymore.
yes them ripsaws sure do rip easily.I will never buy one of them again.My Kimpex Traxtion held up without a nibble missing on it.and last year was a bad year for riding,more exposed dirt and rocks then snow.Maybe put on 800 miles on it and happy.
x2 on the ripsaw know a few friends who run that track my one buddy has an apex an has been using a ripsaw for the last 3 seasons it has not held up well, lots of stud pull throughs and alot of ripped/missing lugs.
Thanks for sharing your input! The Ult Traxtion just looks like it's a durable beast. Shotgun X has been brought up too as far as suggestions to me, but I see it doing the same thing that the ripsaw does.
