Humble Beginnings

Thanks again viperguy! I know you've been kind of watching this build. It has come a long ways from the crap it started out as!

Backwoods, I have not noticed any kind of flex in the tunnel extension. Even sitting on the sled with it up on the track stand (I'm 195 lbs. fully dressed). It's held up really well over the last season or so that it's been on there. It's all 2x2x1/8 aluminum and the grab bar is solid 1" aluminum round bar. It's pretty damn rigid! Also opens up tons of uptions for bolting a rack on without having to worry about bolts pulling through. The best part is, if you wreck it, you can go to any metal supplier and make a new one in just under an hour for less than the cost of a prefabbed extension.
XLV has survived another season in one piece. I hit a hay bail with it in the UP last season which sent me over the bars and bent a carbide. Fixed it with a hammer on the side of the trail and rode it the rest of the day. Needs a good cleaning and I would like to find a secondary from a '94 Vmax to try on it. It isn't back shifting correctly at all and is a dog out of the corners. Other than that, I got the carb jetted correctly for the dial-a-jet with the PSI pipe. It flat out screams for a fanner when the clutches play nice together!
Just reading it now, I notice you you have RSI bars and a rox risor. Do you have the 6" RSI bars? And how big is the rox risor?

I have a 2" rox pivot risor I plan on using and I'm thinking about the RSI 6" bars for a total of 8". I hope I don't have to extend cables...
I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure I have a 5" riser and 6" bars or something like that. There's JUST enough slack in the stock cables for it. I want to say the brake cable got tight before the throttle did but my XLV has a hydraulic brake on it now so it doesn't really matter anymore.
This is an amazing sled, from the very few pics I can see lol. Damn Photobucket!! ��
Is there a way to view this whole project that I can pass on to my dad? He has an 88 VLV that he wants to try a longtrack conversion on. Thanks for all the effort you shared with us bud, I'll continue to read on without pics and try to help him out (he's in New Brunswick and I'm in Ontario.)
