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I have searched the forum about the high idle problem but I am wondering if I have a different problem that's causing this. I just brought my viper back to stock from triple pipe set up and now has a bad idle hang. If I let it go it will just keep climbing up on the rpms fast. Also if I hit the throttle fast it bogs out and dies.
New member
Did you change your jets back to stock? What are air/fuel screws at?
New member
Mains and pilots are back to stock. Needle is set on clip position 4 with both shims on top. Air screw is set at 17/8 out
Are the stock settings what a jetting chart calls out for at your elevation and average riding temps? First thing I'd look at is a jetting chart...sure sounds like a lean condition. Boots were put back on the carbs with no folds? Sounds like a lot of air is getting in from somewhere...
New member
I took jetting specs off of this site and I am at sea level now. It ran good befor I took the triples off like a month ago. The only thing I didn't set to stock was the needle clip position.
Fuel screws may need to be about another 1/4 + turn richer due to the poor fuel of today... When you rejetted back to stock did you make sure the jets that you put in were clean??? spiders and small bugs like to make homes in orfices that dont get used.
Also if you give it gas and it dies and you blip the choke does it come back to life, same thing goes for the high idle if you blip the choke as the throttle hangs does it come back down??? IF so then the fuel screws need to be opened.
How many miles on the clock??? Crank seals??? try spraying some wd40 or carb cleaner around the crank seals, if the motor pitch changes you have a bad seal...
Also if you give it gas and it dies and you blip the choke does it come back to life, same thing goes for the high idle if you blip the choke as the throttle hangs does it come back down??? IF so then the fuel screws need to be opened.
How many miles on the clock??? Crank seals??? try spraying some wd40 or carb cleaner around the crank seals, if the motor pitch changes you have a bad seal...
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Have you cleaned the carbs?
New member
The jets were new out of the bag today. And when you hit the choke the idle goes higher. One time when I had it started the triangle orange light was also on. Not sure what that was.
New member
Miles are low too around 1200 and was stored in heated garage till last year. I cleaned the carbs just befor I took the triples off. They were full of white slime. Haven't tried the carb cleaner trick yet
Did you clean the filter hats, fuel circuits, needle and seats, etc.? Chances are that crud is back on the carbs. Sometimes can take 3 or 4 cleanings before all the crud is out.
New member
I am going to take carbs back off and have another look at them. Is it a good idea to do two turns out on air screws instead of 1-7/8?
Shouldn't hurt unless it becomes hard to start. Make sure that you blow compressed air through all of the circuits/passages to ensure that they are clean. The ethinol crap plays no mercy with any portion of the carburetor.
You may want to drain the tank also...
You may want to drain the tank also...
rodny51082 said:The jets were new out of the bag today. And when you hit the choke the idle goes higher. One time when I had it started the triangle orange light was also on. Not sure what that was.
that orange warning light comes on if your at 1/4 tank or less of gas also!
New member
It is low on gas but after I shut her down and re started It didn't come back on. What other issues would cause it to come on?
It has flash codes. It will also light up an emblem on the display, like if it was low fuel the gas pump emblem would show up. Since it went away, it's probably just low fuel, right on the edge of turning on the low fuel warning.
New member
When I get the carbs off to clean them again I would like to change the jetting if needed. I have it set to specs from this site. Mains 156.3, pilots 45, needles(not stock setting) clip position 4 both shims on top(3-1/4 I was going for), air screw set at 1-7/8 turn out. Are these setting recommended for the 03? Should anything be changed while they are off?
A couple of bucks
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Air leak somewhere. Start spraying down places on the engine that might let extra air in. Spray it w/ something like WD40. Whenever the idle come down, theres where the leak is.(where you're spraying)
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i just saw a recent post on a guy who had some problems with bad fuel and carbs. So I am going to take the carbs off and give them the once over again. Also I will also be draining out last seasons gas.
New member
So I went through the carbs and cleaned them,drained all old fuel,adjusted idle,adjusted throttle and oil cables. Started her up with new fuel and I still have a idle hang. I also tried spraying some carb cleaner around the intake boots,carbs,and clutch side crank seal with no change in idle. Sometimes it will come down on its own but a few times I had to hit the choke to get it down. It never did this with my tripple pipes. What else could be wrong?
Adjust the fuel screws out a 1/4 farther, the crappy fuel of today may be your culprit..