How about some Home Made SEAFOAM????

bluemonster1 said:
GARY.. I KNOW its New Years Eve...BUT don't go blowing yourself UP..we all NEED you on here.YOU make our DAY....just a little BRIGHTER!!
HEY what was that GLOW I see out my window.GARY play NICE!!!,,lmao
Happy New Year!!
I was in the sack at 9pm.. I firmly believe all about the "early to bed and early to rise" philosophy !!!!
nosboy said:
You mean SOMEBODY reads my posts?????? You put a smile on my face.....
We always read your posts my friend! No wonder I've had good reports from the dentist and I feel a little more sane!
03viperguy said:
thoughts on this stuff? I hear good reviews. tried it myself and did pick up a smoother idle on my car for sure. car does have 180k miles
That Polyether Amine is widely used in the thermoplastics industry.. Also used in TECRON !!!! It's also ALMOST HALF NAPHTHA !!!! GOOD IDEA to keep the NAPHTHA from destroying your PLASTIC fuel system... Never saw that stuff before !!!!
I'll give it a thumbs up !!! :rofl:
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nice, glad to hear your opinion very similar to other reviews I have heard of. like I said, I liked it
