SRX still makes me smile


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I know there have been a multitude of posts about guys bragging up their SRX but I just wanted to say that I ALMOST forgot what a hotrod these sleds are.I have had my 98 since new but have modded things over the years and it seemd like every time I changed something it made it just a little slower.First was the reverse,which I highly recommend,then I started experimenting with long travel rear suspension and it now sports an Apex skid.Way better ride but it is slower,there's always a trade off.
Anyway I decided to take my 01 for our ride yesterday and with the clutching I have in it and the trail porting I gotta say this sleds hauls butt big time.I seriously had to HOLD on when I cracked this thing open,I know that sounds stupid because SRX's are supposed to do this but I'll be perfectly honest my 98 doesn't pull the same way,just yet lol.
Had all 3 (99/00/01) of my 700's out for a bit yesterday. The 00 never made it out last winter (WAY to clean to ride in the crap-o snow we had last year) and was FLAT OUT AMAZED how it went from sleeping beauty to disturbing the peace in FIVE pulls! Crazy how even though they are basically the same each has its own attitude!
I have been on an SRX for 10 years now (99 & 01) and they still make me grin every ride! Bad *** sled for sure.
Yep, I also am the original owner of mine, and it has been a beautiful relationship. There's been some minor ups and downs, mostly my fault, but still wouldn't take ANY other sled . It has been almost perfect, and now I finally got my wife to finally give up the Polaris and get her a SRX. That's been an ongoing battle for 16 yrs now, Finally, I can put the wrenches away.
bADa$$ SRX said:
My girlfriend dumped me because I was spending too much time with my SRX :bump:
Trust me your better off,I know guys I ride with that almost have to beg to go out sledding. :sled2:
When I started seeing my fiance a few years ago I told her that come winter and when there's snow on the ground don't even try to make plans for me because my weekends will be full of 2 stroke smoke :sled1: .Now she doesn't even bother to ask IF I'm going sledding it's "who's going with you today ?". ;)!
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bADa$$ SRX said:
My girlfriend dumped me because I was spending too much time with my SRX :bump:

Mine was getting pissey there for a while. didnt care for the 96 vmax I had for her to ride. Bought her an 00 sxr 700 (as well as another 01 sxr 700 this year) and she now goes half the time! up to 6 sleds now...4 for me and 2 for her!
I keep buying sleds and parts and fuel and oil and ect, ect and my girlfriend keeps telling me she wants a pair of shoes from me.. I say catch me on the weekend and we will go get some.. I get up way to early for her and I am already gone
Devilin AblueDress! said:
Mine was getting pissey there for a while. didnt care for the 96 vmax I had for her to ride. Bought her an 00 sxr 700 (as well as another 01 sxr 700 this year) and she now goes half the time! up to 6 sleds now...4 for me and 2 for her!

Man you guys are funny! I wish I could get my wife to ride with me. Got her a really nice 2000 mxz 700 thats mint this year and she doesn't care to go. I know its a skidoo but its like new and only paid $1000! All you guys that have wives and girlfriends that ride are lucky! Be thankful for that!
rangermike14 said:
Man you guys are funny! I wish I could get my wife to ride with me. Got her a really nice 2000 mxz 700 thats mint this year and she doesn't care to go. I know its a skidoo but its like new and only paid $1000! All you guys that have wives and girlfriends that ride are lucky! Be thankful for that!

I have kind of created a monster. When we first started dating she lived in an apartment building and drove an intrepid and had ZERO interst in anything outdoors unless it was camping. 7 years later we live in the country, shes driving a lifted jeep grand cherokee (when shes behaving I let her drive my 95 chevy short box, lift 10" 35" boggers) Her sunday cruisers a 92 camaro (25th anivesary purple T tops warmed up 350) Actually complains that we need to go sledding, 4 wheeling,mud bogging. Let her drive my 87 chevy short box lifted 12" built 454 with 44" boggers around the yard last summer........Shes already making plans of piloting it in the mud pit!
Yeah, picking the right girl is important. It's the kids that come after that puts a real strain on sledding. Next year I'll be filling up 4 sleds every gas stop, gives me that "sick in the stomach" feeling. But a family that sleds together stays together. Ooohhh………I don't feel so good.
My wife goes riding with me a couple times per season, I take my friend's REV and put her on my SRX because it's easier to drive. Hunting is a different story.... i'm glad she is an animal lover because I prefer to fly solo during deer season!
bADa$$ SRX said:
My girlfriend dumped me because I was spending too much time with my SRX :bump:

Haha... been there! Just happened to me this winter lol... too much time out wit ole blue in the garage haha

Im learnin tho! Thata what i like to do so... u dont like that u picked the wrong man ;)!
My GF of 5 years likes to ride (she grew up riding some slooooow sleds hehe) - had her on an Arctic Cat that CAME with the trailer I bought (ZR 600) but that was too fast and hard for her to ride.

Sooooo I got her a Viper with M10 a few months ago- just finished setting it up about 2 weeks ago, new and rebuilt shocks on the M, new seat, new hood, windsheild, (had to look means new to the sled of course), NEW carbides (woodys), fixed the bog issue, set it up for her weight and it runs NICE. Still have to wait for her every 15 min or so - as I am on the 01 SRX and way out front but we have a good time and now her 16 year old son rides the Cat.

Wish we had more snow this year - didnt get out all that much but overall it was a fun season (our trails closed TODAY :-( where we ride in NH.

One thing tho - she complains - as she has small hands - that its hard to hold throttle after a couple hours - any come up with a solution for that? Are there smaller throttles out there?

Oh and yea not likely I will ever ride anything but an SRX - want to buy a couple more just to "keep them handy" over the next decade or more....
I have no problems with my wife.She really doesn't care about sleds and still hasn't ridden on a sled..she said maybe when she retires..but doubt it..she hates the cold to begin never gonna happen.
kunomofo said:
My GF of 5 years likes to ride (she grew up riding some slooooow sleds hehe) - had her on an Arctic Cat that CAME with the trailer I bought (ZR 600) but that was too fast and hard for her to ride.

Sooooo I got her a Viper with M10 a few months ago- just finished setting it up about 2 weeks ago, new and rebuilt shocks on the M, new seat, new hood, windsheild, (had to look means new to the sled of course), NEW carbides (woodys), fixed the bog issue, set it up for her weight and it runs NICE. Still have to wait for her every 15 min or so - as I am on the 01 SRX and way out front but we have a good time and now her 16 year old son rides the Cat.

Wish we had more snow this year - didnt get out all that much but overall it was a fun season (our trails closed TODAY :-( where we ride in NH.

One thing tho - she complains - as she has small hands - that its hard to hold throttle after a couple hours - any come up with a solution for that? Are there smaller throttles out there?

Oh and yea not likely I will ever ride anything but an SRX - want to buy a couple more just to "keep them handy" over the next decade or more....

You might have better luck tinkering with the reurn spring on the carbs. Obviously it still needs to return but maybe see if you can adjust some of the return pull out of it?
Devilin AblueDress! said:
You might have better luck tinkering with the reurn spring on the carbs. Obviously it still needs to return but maybe see if you can adjust some of the return pull out of it?

Thanks - yea I can check that - and sorry did not mean to hijack thread - her thing is - the start point (open) extends her hand out to the MAX - so its not a pull (tension) issue but a size issue - throttle is too big for her hand to operate comfortably and hold onto the grip.
One thing tho - she complains - as she has small hands - that its hard to hold throttle after a couple hours - any come up with a solution for that? Are there smaller throttles out there? QUOTE said:
I have seen ATV type thumb throttle conversions out there for sleds...maybe try googling it
Funny, when I met my wife I had sleds, she had bike.told her she better buy a sled or she never see me in winter. She told me buy a bike and she buy a sled. Im thinking PERFECT! Cant keep her off the sled now, If there is snow on theground she beats me home and is ready when i get in the door. Guess im a lucky guy. ( She also hunts, fishes, plays with hot rods and golfs.) She def a keeper.
