2001 Srx

89a10 weights work good in a srx, maybe more of a lake running weight but still can be trail ridden with no problem, great topend. I would use a differnt helix then stock though, the 47 would be kinda flat, need something more like a 50/36-51/38 with them.

likely has all those shims to try and raise topend rpm as the 47 is too much laod for the weight of the 89a10s tip.
Rob I Have To Check. I Might Have A Extra 48-42. Angles Don Listed Work Nice For Racing. I Know I Can,t Part With Those. 3:16 (yammie Tony)
let me look to see what i have on the shelf helixwise. The 89a10s work pretty decent with a shallower finish, the backshift isnt too bad that way. They feel about the same as 8bu-00 for backshift with a shallower finish angle in the combo.
