New track install

Ya it's only me tonight, brother said he was comin over but bailed....said he had a long day n started at 8am, I told him I started at 4:45am...n I'm still goin! Lol anyways got the front n back ones in, I'll have to wait...thanks roudy!
yep I do the front,the rear and then middle.Loosen the bolt where the FRA adjustment is..helps alot then.I prop the whole section up with a 4x4 also so it is partially up before I do the rear.Then it is just a matter of pushing it up with your hand and getting the bolts in.
Ahh yes, thanks! Now, I've got chaincase, track, skid all together for the most I able to remove the whole chaincase with the track and skid in. I forgot to remove the seals on the upper bearing as that one isn't always submerged in the oil. Or do I need to take the skid back out?
I removed the seals on mine for years with no the way we got snow last night,might take sleds for a run around the is starting..
Ya it's ok to remove them, it's better for them...but I can't get at the backside of the top bearing. And I need to take the whole case off in order to do so. Just wondering if I can do that with the skid in. I'm thinkin it might create tension trying to get the drive shaft back into the case...I was able to remove the front seal as you just take the cover off and it's right there. Last week areas got hit pretty hard with snow...roads closures too! They are "calling" for about 20cm total over Thursday Friday & Saturday this coming I should be able to get out on the 340;)
just remove the front seals,oil will get in there.Just North of me my stepson lives near the Lake.Says they are getting hammered with snow there now...that is about a little over an hour away..damn...
I know exactly how ya feel! Those winter blasts we had last week were like 20-30mins away! It really sucked watching the snow go right around our township on the radar...I almost cried! Lol
I'm wondering if its a good idea to put a bit of grease on the speedo key & squirt a bit into the speedo cover where the little gears are...any thoughts on this? Thanks
