New track install

When replacing the bearings in the chain case, does one need a blind puller?
Well, just had a baby girl so sled will be put on hold! I did get the track out, then realized both set screws weren't even in on the speedo side, would that be why my speedo don't work? That collar was just spinning....
I know there's instructions in the tech section for a track change, but is there any kickin around with pictures? I've been taking a lot of detailed pictures to make it easier for myself to remember and possibly to make it easier for others! Just wondering if I should put something together...
Ok so I got everything out and apart. I have upper and lower bearings and seals, the bearing at the top of the chaincase cover, speedo bearing, 2 set screws for the bearing because they were missing, speedo needle, chaincase gasket and a bunch of other goodies on the way this weekend. I know I need to remove those ring clips that hold the bearings in on the back part of the case to remove the bearings, but how do I get that one bearing out at the top of the chaincase cover?
I havent either. But id guess you could either pry it you seeing your replacing it or get a cheap (harbor freight) bearing puller and get it out. The one with the jaws meant to go inside the race of the bearing.
super1c said:
I havent either. But id guess you could either pry it you seeing your replacing it or get a cheap (harbor freight) bearing puller and get it out. The one with the jaws meant to go inside the race of the bearing.

What could I expect to pay for a bearing puller Chris? I tried prying it, but it ain't harbour freight the make of it?
I didn't remove mine either. All the bearings were nice and smooth with no slop. I had visions of breaking the cover trying to get those out. One of those times when "If it aint broke, don't fix it" won out.
that one is ok the leave in there if it spins fine. The one in the main housing takes 90% of the load.
However, I would fill with grease and find a shaft just small enough to fit inside the bearing. Smack it with a hammer and the grease may force out the bearing.
only way is to get some kind of a hook and pull lit..goona be hard.I fix wheelchairs and same thing with wheel bearings,they have to be pulled out..very hard sometimes.
one thing you could try..Place the whole cover in the freezer..let it sit there overnight.Take out quickly,have some kind of a hook puller to get inside to back of bearing.Take a torch and heat around the bearing,this may expand the area holding the bearing and pull like mad at the bearing...should release.
