questions for guys that bought an SRX new, srx hard to start


VIP Lifetime Member
Mar 2, 2013
I've got a 2001 srx that is a bear to start. I just got done putting in a fresh top end and cleaning the carbs, performed the choke plunger mod, and it still wants a shot of gas or ether to get it going. I refuse to believe it is "the nature or the beast", something has to be wrong here.

I've done a ton of reading here about this common issue. Everyone seems to have a different take on the issue, from installing a different fuel pump, to primer bulb, to fuel shut offs, choking before shutting off, keeping tank full...but to me this is a bandaid. Did these sleds come this way new? I doubt dealers had to pull the plugs on brand new sleds to dump fuel into the cylinders to get them to fire the first time. So what is wearing on these sleds to cause this issue. My sled has vforce reeds and I hear they are bad to wear out/chip and am hoping this is my problem.

Also,once the carb bowl is full of fuel, there is no way for the fuel to drain back into the fuel line is there? I wish I could remember the fuel path from the float needle to the bowl...but unless there is a tube that goes from the float needle to the bowl then there is no way the bowl should drain out after sitting right? So with fuel in the bowls the sled should fire without excessive pulling...regardless of what the fuel pump is doing or how much fuel is in the tank. Today I got the srx all buttoned back up after the rebuild. Pulled it over 30-40 times with no luck. Then pulled the plugs and dumped gas in the cyls 3 or 4 times and it was running. Let it idle up to temp. Shut it down. Let it sit for a couple hours. Went out to start it and 20 pulls later nothing.

So.....2 questions....guys that bought a SRX new, was it east to start the first year or two and got progressively worse...if so what is wearing on these sleds causing the hard starting? Next...has anyone came up with a solution to this since it was last addressed on this forum?
I never owned one new. But I've owned plenty over the last 12 years. The only time they're a bear for me is after summer storage or if they sit for a long period of time. Other than the initial fall start-up I never need to put fuel in the plug holes to get it running. I'd say if it takes 20+ pulls after sitting a couple hours you've got an issue somewhere. Also none of mine have ever had any of the mods to try to fix this issue that I feel isn't an issue, they've all been the way they were designed.
I have to pull and clean the carbs on a couple vipers. Maybe I will throw a set of viper carbs on the srx and see if it is a carb issue. Right now I'm leaning towards a reed issue.
I haven't owned one new either. Have had a couple that were low mileage as well as a few pushing 9k. Agree with Staggs post though. Just would like to add that there has ben a corresponding issue with every time I had a hard start issue and have never had one that was always hard to start. Theres more than a few "fixes" so to speak because I think there was more than a few issues causing hard start on that particular sled. I think part of the problem is some guys grab that rope and give it a rip like they are trying to start it first pull. This is fine if sled has already ben running that day. From stone cold I will pull it over once or twice just to get things moving, primes pulse line/fuel pump and then the 3rd pull I am giving it the full on pull to start type pull...some times I have to give it a 2nd or 3rd full pull. Maybe all in my head but seems to work for me.
there are some nuances tha need to be figured out from sled to sled that makes starting easier. Some of mine have started easier cold on half choke than full, some need the throttle slightly open when warm some don't.....things you figure out with time.
alot covered here over this. i don,t know if i can help or add anything. i bought three brand new. 99 ,00, 02. still have 00 and 02.
ok. first 2000. always started easy, but started to give me some trouble last 2 years where it would not start until i cracked throttle and sawed my *** off, than i added a fuel shut-off. problem solved.
my 2002 is just cold blooded, when its up, its great. afew things to try.
1. crack throttle slightly
2. 97 vmax sx fuel pump was posted to work better / srx fuel pump
3. of corse check carbs.
4. replace gas fuel lines
5. i believe there is a filter in gas tank.
6. no way you should prime this everytime to start it. check choke.
7. check and see if your plugs are wet.
i now probley did not add anything. 3:16 (yammie tony)
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For it to take that many pulls to start after just sitting for a couple hours there is something rather serious happening. I would check fuel lines and pulse line for cracks or pin holes then I would check the fuel pump diaphragms. I run see through fuel lines so following the fuel flow can be done rather easy. Pull a fuel line off the sled when the problem happens and check to see if you get flow when pulling the motor over. If you do move to the carbs to trouble shoot. If you don't work back to fuel pump lines filters etc.
I am using the fuel shut off from now on after a ride to see if it will help.Yep SRX does take more pulls then my SXR.In minus 20 as an example my 600 will nearly start on the first but run on the 2nd most times and maybe 3 once in a while.The SRX will need minimum 7 to 10 at least to get a small firing to happen.I did choke mod as well and maybe helped a tad....The SXR has a lot of times started on 1 full pull many times last winter which surprised the hell out of you have to ask what is the difference between the 2 sleds.NATURE of the BEAST I say..
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For it to take that many pulls to start after just sitting for a couple hours there is something rather serious happening. I would check fuel lines and pulse line for cracks or pin holes then I would check the fuel pump diaphragms. I run see through fuel lines so following the fuel flow can be done rather easy. Pull a fuel line off the sled when the problem happens and check to see if you get flow when pulling the motor over. If you do move to the carbs to trouble shoot. If you don't work back to fuel pump lines filters etc.

Thank you for the reply, but I do not understand how it could be a fuel pump or fuel line issue. When it was shut off I am assuming the bowls were full of fuel. How would the fuel drain out of the bowls? Even if there was a fuel pump/line issue, the sled should at least fire. Yammiegod said he added a fuel shut off?? is that to keep the fuel from siphoning out of the carbs....I didnt think it could siphon out?
It could siphon out if you have bad float needles or seats. I should add, it's not like every SRX that ever came through my door ran like a champ on day 1. That is hardly the case, but every sled I've bought has been gone through quite thoroughly right off the bat. My friends think i'm nuts but my sleds generally run and run well so......
It could siphon out if you have bad float needles or seats. I should add, it's not like every SRX that ever came through my door ran like a champ on day 1. That is hardly the case, but every sled I've bought has been gone through quite thoroughly right off the bat. My friends think i'm nuts but my sleds generally run and run well so......

without a siphon tube from the needle to the bowl how would it siphon out. I'm not saying its not possible but dont understand how it could.
Not to sure about srx fuel pumps but my 97 mxz had a vacuum line. If there is one I would check for a leak. No vacuum no fuel movement. Just a thought.
"assuming the float bowls are full" could be part of the problem. Weak fuel supply caused by a variety of issues he mentioned could cause your float bowl to never actually be "full". The "jump start" of fuel (down cylinder or ether) gets RPM up to at least 13-1400 at least (I would expect a high idle momentarily either priming method) and at that RPM issue has ben over come by RPM/ higher vaccum draw on pump. OR it could be something completely different........Process of elimination.
without a siphon tube from the needle to the bowl how would it siphon out. I'm not saying its not possible but dont understand how it could.

Yeah, you're probably right there, it doesn't make much sense if you think about it. The fuel shut-offs were one of those "fixes" that i never felt was a problem so I never really gave it much thought before. I still say you have an issue somewhere if it's that hard to start after a couple hours. If it were me I'd thoroughly check everything. Hows the compression on the engine BTW
Yeah, you're probably right there, it doesn't make much sense if you think about it. The fuel shut-offs were one of those "fixes" that i never felt was a problem so I never really gave it much thought before. I still say you have an issue somewhere if it's that hard to start after a couple hours. If it were me I'd thoroughly check everything. Hows the compression on the engine BTW

Havent checked the compression yet...should be good, just installed new pistons/rings. I was having this problem before I rebuilt too. The viper has the same reed cage as the SRX, so when I pull the viper carbs for cleaning I will do some part swapping and see what happens. Yeah...there is definitely something wrong. The SRX 600 I have fires on 3 pulls, same with the vipers. I will post what I find.
Just sounds like a non working choke ..,, im sure u miss something there ....carb can leak but what is the chance that 3 carb fail mmmmmmm ... cHeck those plunger to make sure they come out completly went u pull the lever in full position
