questions for guys that bought an SRX new, srx hard to start

fuel shutoffs i believe really are needed for hauling sleds on a trailer. the bouncing is pretty bad for these sleds/ carbs. problem i had was leak by. plugs were soaked after two pulls. there is o-ring on the bottom of your needle and seat that really taking a beating with todays fuels. ethanol is drying these out to where their hard, now this o-ring seals the needle and seat bodie into carb bodie. keep close eye on these. this can cause big trouble if fuel is leaking past this into crankcase. i would start with different fuel pump if this was my srx 3:16 (yammie tony)
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What about fuel pump being moist inside? I had put on a new fuel pump on my 2002 srx in the summer, and it just wouldn't start. Had to varm it with a hair dryer, worked fine after that. I guess the only thing you can do is to replace anything fuel related till you find the problem. My 98 600 seemed alot easier to start when new, sometimes it only took like half of a pull.
I'm still riding my 98 which I bought new. As stated in an earlier post, I think every sled has a unique starting procedure. My sled since new has always started the same, once I figured it out. Other SRX's in my group start similar. Full choke until it fires, then half choke as fast as you reach it., then switching between half and no choke till it idles on it's own. Never touch the throttle. Takes 3-5 pulls when cold.

Warm starts are 1/8th throttle and half pull.
This is probably something you've already checked, but how about making sure the carbs are seated into the carb boots properly on the airbox and engine side. Check the easy stuff first, but it might explain why you'd have to dump fuel in the cylinder since it would make it lean with the extra air it would pull in. Also I agree to make sure the choke is working right. I think if it was the reeds it would be fouling by letting too much fuel by. I had that with a CR250 once, it would flood bad and I found out it was a broken reed petal. Good luck.
two things to to check,
are all three chokes opening all the way?
did you adjust your float bowls and to what mm did you set them, 14mm is perfect. with chokes set to full out, sled will start in under 3 pulls every time, no matter the cold.

on a lark, check your pulse line and make sure it has no holes. if this leaks at all, pump will not work very good, or at all. a small slit will let it run but will supply weak pumping at idle. This is rare.

Does it run good once started?

if your floats are too high, there is not enough fuel left in the bowl to help push fuel up into the choke circuit. It draws from the bottom but is affected by the level in the bowl.

I bought my '01 SRX new and other than the first start after storage, I have not had issues starting it cold. If it sits for a few weeks it takes three to four pulls with full choke but over night it lights on the first pull with full choke.

If it runs fine after it starts (full power during WOT - when demand for fuel is at it's highest) then I don't think your problem is with float settings or fuel delivery to the carbs.

A leaking needle and seat will usually over fill the bowls during a hot soak when underhood temps rise and pressurize the lines resulting in flooding. You'd have to hold the throttle wide open to get it started so I don't think this is your issue.

I do have to crack the throttle sometimes to get mine started after stopping on the side of the trail.

I suspect you have one or more choke plungers out of adjustment.
I dont pull plugs, i pour gas right in airbox and it fires right up after summer storage cause i've done the 30 pull start and never again. I just remove that snow filter off the top then pour small amount in airbox equally to feed each carb and bang ,it lights right up,then i put choke on till pump gets fuel to carbs.. Then get it loaded up take to shop have carbs serviced every season no matter what. One time i had needle stick after i shut it down filled motor with gas let me tell ya what a pain in the *** that was. Had to remove pipes and plugs and shut off key (to avoid the fire you could ignite) and pull and pull and pull till it was clear. Oh ya if ya can take it out of the garage as the gas will shoot quite high when your pulling lol
I dont pull plugs, i pour gas right in airbox and it fires right up after summer storage cause i've done the 30 pull start and never again. I just remove that snow filter off the top then pour small amount in airbox equally to feed each carb and bang

It's the bang part that gets me, one day it will go BANG. It's much safer to just pull the plugs and dribble gas in that way. Pouring gas into an air box that has drain holes that lead to the bellypan, well one spark somewhere from any connection, you get the picture.

I'm sure your not using alot gas when you do it this way. But just doesn't sound the safest.
Starting fluid is bad for the motor. Make sure to use premix when you dribble it down the jugs. This is what I do.

After summer storage, I rotate the clutch back and fourth a few times and then install drive belt. Take plugs out and put some premix from my mustard squeeze container. Put plugs in and pull with full choke. Starts in one pull.

Sitting cold over night, I make sure I shut motor down by flipping chock level on. Next morning, it will start one, sometimes 2 pull with full choke (depending how cold it is)

Stopping at side of trail, I have to crack throttle 1/8th - 1/4 to get it started first pull.
Well boys....looks like I found the culprit. These are pictures of all 3 cages....each had at least a chipped reed, some reeds were very weak! I've heard that these vforce reeds were not very I know why. This sled only has 4300mi, who knows when the vforce reeds were added. Got some stockers on the way.

yep, theres your problem. I know i have never had to file choke plungers,etc. to get a srx to start, just make sure the cable is adjusted properly and theres no problems.

Only trick i ever have to use is when the sled is gonna sit outside overnight and its very cold out, is to use the choke when you shut it off, it starts right up the next morning,without pulling it 10 times. The only reason it takes so many pulls is the rpm in which you pull it over cold is alot slower due to the oil being thick from the cold so it slows down the engine rotation.
After storage, pouring premix down the jugs helps starting the sled for the first time of the season as well. Before it would take me 20-30 pulls, now it's one pull.
yep, theres your problem. I know i have never had to file choke plungers,etc. to get a srx to start, just make sure the cable is adjusted properly and theres no problems.

Only trick i ever have to use is when the sled is gonna sit outside overnight and its very cold out, is to use the choke when you shut it off, it starts right up the next morning,without pulling it 10 times. The only reason it takes so many pulls is the rpm in which you pull it over cold is alot slower due to the oil being thick from the cold so it slows down the engine rotation.

Also slide carbs are known to be hard starters in the cold. My throttle barrels start in one pull.
fuel shutoffs i believe really are needed for hauling sleds on a trailer. the bouncing is pretty bad for these sleds/ carbs. problem i had was leak by. plugs were soaked after two pulls. there is o-ring on the bottom of your needle and seat that really taking a beating with todays fuels. ethanol is drying these out to where their hard, now this o-ring seals the needle and seat bodie into carb bodie. keep close eye on these. this can cause big trouble if fuel is leaking past this into crankcase. i would start with different fuel pump if this was my srx 3:16 (yammie tony)

I just noticed - What's with the no caps Tony? Losing your voice?
Agreed. with Don that is.

I find that the colder it is, the more focused I am on tugging harder and quicker and thus, shorter - with two hands.

I'm not too old to use a coolant heater... yet.
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my SRX took 30 pulls today to start.This is with carbs full because I closed the shut off to the tank last time it was running.Choke adjusted right on and did the choke mod..anyways sure felt good to ride it a tad around the property.Ran it along a grassy stretch..she pulled like mad with them studs back felt great..doesn't look like rideable snow for a long time..
