2001 srx 700 weird rpm problem 8500rpm then bogs to 8000rpm


New member
Dec 12, 2013
When I go full throttle on my 01 srx 700 it'll get up to 8500rpm for about 50ft at the most and then it will bog down to 8000rpm and not pull as hard. Powervalves and cables are all good and clean and set to the right specs. Running BR9ECS plugs and they look good. 125psi on all 3 cylinders. Replaced the front left motor mount cause the left side of the motor was shaking bad and that hasn't cleared it up yet. Everything in the primary and secondary seem good, going to try to put a clutch kit in it Tuesday and see if that helps. Does anybody have any input on what my problem could be why it goes to 8500rpm then bogs to 8000rpm after 50ft? Any help is greatly appreciated, I can't seem to figure it out! Thanks!
Ok. I'm gonna put a clutch kit in from Haucks this Tuesday and hopefully that fixes it. I had a few people around home tell me it could be a cracked gasket somewhere or bad reeds but it runs way to well for it to be either of those IMO, just that issue is the only downfall left. Plus it starts and idles perfect! I will put the clutch kit in though and hopefully that cures my issue here.
adding a clutch kit isnt going to solve your problem. you need to set up what you have now, adding more parts into the mix will only create more problems likely, or the same problem and now youve just spent alot more money to be in the same place.

what clutch parts are in it now?
adding a clutch kit isnt going to solve your problem. you need to set up what you have now, adding more parts into the mix will only create more problems likely, or the same problem and now youve just spent alot more money to be in the same place.

what clutch parts are in it now?

X2 really agree
Problem somewhere in your cutching like posted above. I would start at secondary. Spring could be gased . Adding a clutch kit probley won,t change much. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Right now it has all stock clutch parts. The kit im getting from Haucks has weight arms, weights, primary and secondary spring and a helix.
This is just my opinion but I've never liked the Hauck kits much. It very well might solve your problem but at what cost and does this kit suit your type of riding? If everything is stock I'd guess you need new springs and check out the ramps in the secondary and make sure all the wearable components in the clutches are in good shape.
My sled was kinda acting the same. I had a clutch set up in it for running lakes, I switched over to a more trail friendly set up and that helped alot.
The kit I'd be getting is $300.00. Improves acceleration and mid range pull drastically. The clutch doesn't engage till around 5200rpm I believe. I rode a friends srx 700 with the same kit and its exactly what I want mine to do. Guess I'm hoping it fixes my problem, if not I would not have any idea on what else to try, after the clutch kit I'm lost.
5200 is way too high of an engagement if you're doing any riding on snow IMO. For half that cost you could get the loaded 8dn20 set-up and while your buddy is spinning on take off you'll be half a mile ahead of him. I don't even use the 8dn-20s at all but for most trail riders it's a hard set-up to beat for the cost
What does that kit all consist of? When I rode his it didn't spin at all, it hooked and shot out like a rocket
I'm not to educated with clutch setups which is why I was just gonna get a kit from Hauck there and have a friend of mine that works there set it up in there.
8dn 20 weights, 4.5 grams in each hole, www primary spring, green secondary spring and I've got a 51/45 helix on mine. Seems to work good so far, I've got the secondary spring set at 70 now, might try 80 yet.
well bigj, you can either keep spending money and relying on a sales ad for results or you can dig into what you already have and dial it in yourself. Learning how stuff works and why will pay you back. You most likely already have stuff in the clutch and it just needs to be set up for your riding style. Maybe some spring changes and a helix, would be far less then $300..... its your money, spend it how you please.

you know the saying: you can lead a thirsty horse to water but you cant make them drink!
any engagement over 5000 might be too high for trail. especially if you don,t have good traction. this 8dn-20 setup here many use seems to work good for all around use. i have never used a hauck kit. but have some of his springs and cams. that clutch kit may fix your problem but it sounds just guessing your primary spring and secondary spring need to be changed if this is the stock clutching. 3:16 (yammie tony)
