Thats why I was asking if it was a crank seal. I thought it could be sucking air from the outside. I tried spra ying it around the seals but it didnt make any difference either. Never thought of a cracked case
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Thats why I was asking if it was a crank seal. I thought it could be sucking air from the outside. I tried spra ying it around the seals but it didnt make any difference either. Never thought of a cracked case
Seems there was an ongoing thread last season. Guy kept fouling a plug (center as well I believe) that pulled the motor for a look and see......found a wad of JB weld that I think had fallen off the bottom of the case. Ended up getting cases off an 00+ up and then had to update the electronics then could only pull 6500 RPM. Seems like it was a hydra-locking plugged vent in the carbs from sitting on the shelf side ways......any one remember this? I will go look and see if I can find it.
New member
I think that was Chili. He had problems with that sled for a while before he found the root cause.
Just an update guys. I took the carbs back off and checked them again everything was clear. I checked the reeds..they were in great shape. I got it running and I could make the center cylinder hit if I put my hand over back of carb...which by the way has great suction. It seems to me a carb issue yet. The top of piston looked wet to me. Could it be in the air circut of the carb? Or could the slide be wore?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
[QUOTE I can see through the jet and its a perfectly round hole clear thru. And carb cleaner comes out on the throat side when I spray it im the pilot jet opening.[/QUOTE]
Back from post #19. When you say "I can see through the jet and its a perfectly round hole clear thru" are you talking about the pilot jet or the main jet? You need to be able to see threw the sides as well as end to end. Basic operation of the carb is when air is pulled acrossed the hole in the throat it pulls fuel from bowl up the aluminum straw (yours in place?) threw the pilot, threw that circuit your spraying then into reed. By covering it with your hand its now pulling that pilot circuit ALOT harder and is actually getting something combustable.
Back from post #19. When you say "I can see through the jet and its a perfectly round hole clear thru" are you talking about the pilot jet or the main jet? You need to be able to see threw the sides as well as end to end. Basic operation of the carb is when air is pulled acrossed the hole in the throat it pulls fuel from bowl up the aluminum straw (yours in place?) threw the pilot, threw that circuit your spraying then into reed. By covering it with your hand its now pulling that pilot circuit ALOT harder and is actually getting something combustable.
New member
Did you blow out the carb with compressed air?
Yes the jet is complely clear. 2 holes on end and the main hole thru. I used carb cleaner and then cimpressed air.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Yes the jet is complely clear. 2 holes on end and the main hole thru. I used carb cleaner and then cimpressed air.
I haven't ever seen a pilot with only 2 holes in the sides. Familiar with then having a total of 8 holes (like it was drilled all the way threw 4 times) You do have the tube/straw thing the pilot holds in place right?
2 holes all the way thru. Sames as other 2 carbs on my sled. Yes I have tgat sleave in place that the pilot holds
Yes the jet is complely clear. 2 holes on end and the main hole thru. I used carb cleaner and then cimpressed air.
Try and back flush the pilot circuit. Take the straw that comes with the can of carb clean and wrap it around a pencil once. This will bend the straw into a 90.
Put the end of the straw to the pilot orifice in the carb (down stream of the main jet orifice) and blast some cleaner through it looking for a uniform spray pattern where the pilot jet screws into. Before doing so, place a rag under the carb that will capture the offending bugger.
Wear some safety glasses to avoid getting sprayed in the face since finding the orifice with the end of the straw can be difficult.
The second pic isn't great but at the base of the float pin tower on the right you can see what I found in my carbs this year (the white/yellowish wax like bugger)
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Update tried cleaning them again and they are spotless....any more ideas. Im workin on it now
I just saw that the throttle needle is very wobbly at first when u move it
Im sure thats my issue. I can see daylight around the throttle needle. Can u get that shaft the needle goes to as a replacement?
New member
Have you removed the fuel screw and checked it? Are the jets OEM? Do you have another pilot to try or have you switched the pilots to another carb to see if the problem moves. If you prime the engine will it pick up and run. Are you using the proper gas line I have seen slightly oversized gas line suck air before? Are any of the gas lines pinching off when the carbs are installed. How is the compression on the center cylinder now.
New member
Sorry I was typing and didn't see the update. You can buy the nozzle it is around $20 I think the part number is
New member
Looking at the diagram there is a washer and o ring inside the fuel screw.
Not the fuel screw. Its the shaft that the main jet screws to. At the other end where the long needle goes through I can see daylight all the way around when that needle is all the way seated
Thanks that part number was right. I think ill get that and the needle and should be good to go. Ill let u know when I get the parts. Thanks everyone
New member
The part number for the nozzle is listed above. If you take the tops off the carbs make sure the socket head cap screws that hold the needle in place are not loose allowing the needle to move. Ensure the needle is not bent. While your in there it dous not hurt to pull the needle and check it for the proper clip and shim position. I would say your slides are not synchronized. The center slide has no adjustment and the outer slides can be adjusted to line up with the center. The needles in the outside carbs may be bottoming out with the center raised. Grab 3 drill bits of the same size 1/8 or 1/4 etc and lift up the slides and rest on the center slide. Check with the outer slides to see if they line up.