Backwoods M Max
New member
I would be concerned that it's a 2.86 pitch track on 2.52 pitch drivers
If the track was on the sled and working before the Viper shocks it probably is the right pitch.
Your ratcheting could be a result of worn drivers, worn track lugs and the amount of traction you are getting with all that horse power your sled cranks out.
If the track pitch is correct its time for never ends!
The trouble I ran into when I went to extroverts on our SXs and my SRX is the tips of the 9 tooth extroverts teeth hit the front suspension cross member...I removed about 1/4" off the tips of the drives and they have been working good now for many years and miles.
To find out the track pitch measure the distance between the lugs. 2 1/2 inches and you have the right track . Over 2 3/4 inches and its wrong.
never doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
ok then..ordering a Doo Monday...happy now.I will send you the Bill for a motor rebuild in a few thousand miles