99 srx 700 dropping cylinder

Just pulled the harness back as you said, there were 3 wires that had been repaired, I checked and they are all ok, no other rubbing thru, I had some red convulate in the shop, put it back together, same problem. I'm wondering if the pickup cool has adjustment for distance away from the flywheel? I had that apart earlier this yr doing crank seals and never measured it with a feeler gauge... What should it be set at if it does have adjustment?

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Looking at your first post again, I'd have a look at the mag side crank seal or for some kind of crankcase leak. I've never had much luck testing one by spraying it. Mag side that is.
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no, the pick up coil is not adjustable.

did you ever ohm out the spark plug boots, i reread your replys dont see where you did that? they have to be 5000 ohms, they go bad often. cylinders will drop spark with them bad.

since this sled is a 99, swap the wires from cylinder to cylinder , they all fire at same time and in paticular swap the middle and the mag cylindr see if it drops, if it changes and drops the center then your problem is electrical, if still mag then its in the carbs or mechanical

when you put new crank seals in did you use yamabond on the case halfs?
mine is doing same thing 01 700 loose mag side but my high beams would make it run extra crappy so I unplugged the light dash plug little black on buy hood hindge ran like a top my guess is rub threw haven't found it yet need a wiring diagram
mine is doing same thing 01 700 but my high beams would make it run crappy I unplugged the light dash plug little black on buy hood hindge ran like a top my guess is rub threw haven't found it yet need a wiring diagram

yours is rubbed thru harness under the engine, also they rub thru at cdi its 1 of the 2 for sure, do a search theres about 300 post on this on how to do it.
thanks mrviper700 much appreciated gonna pull it apart tomorrow iv read so much on here my head hurts but seems to be very common just so many diff side affects I was gonna get a wiring diagram before pulled it apart but just gonna pull it apart and use my eyes.
I never had to do it on mine because it looks like someone else had the pleasure of doing it but my other sled, holy cow, 1 bad ground and it would give you 1 problem, then it would change to something else acting up, then perfect. I had a new(used) harness for it that was laying around here for almost a year, pulled the old one out and put the new one in and never had a problem since. I had to rip half the sled apart to get at all the plugs and really pull hard but got it. 1 rubthrough under jackshaft is all I found and it was rubbed through the split loom and not into the wiring. Someday I am going to take it all down to the wiring and find out exactly where the problem was. I could have sworn it was something with the stator or trigger coil, I had it out 6 times in one day. My favorite part was the 2nd from the last time having it out, I pulled the flywheel and no key anymore, anywhere. I thought for sure it would stick to the magnets. I was digging around for an hour for it and never did find it. I took one from another motor and put it back together. To this day, I haven't found it. The only thing I can think is it fell off and went under motor. I just know its not inside by stator getting ready to do some damage.


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Yeah, I did check the plug boots, I used yamabond on the case half a yes, I have checked and checked for rub thrus and cannot find any anywhere... I thought it was just the mag side but it is running on all 3, I will get the pipes back on and get a video of it this evening!

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If you choke that carb and it comes back I'd say you have a fuel issue on that cylinder. Are you 100% sure that carb is clean especially the pilot jet? I'd pull that carb and go through it meticulously making sure every jet and passage is spotless and check the float level too.
x2 on fuel issue, assumeing crankseal is good i would check tankfilter, pump and needlevalves.

It is not just one cylinder, it is all of them... Is there a way to test the fuel pump? I pulled all the lines and it pumps but doesn't seem like enough to me... Just kinda pushes a little out the ends of the lines... I would think it would spray it out?

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It is not just one cylinder, it is all of them... Is there a way to test the fuel pump? I pulled all the lines and it pumps but doesn't seem like enough to me... Just kinda pushes a little out the ends of the lines... I would think it would spray it out?

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I think sideshowbob did some pump testing according to the infamous coldstarting problem, do a search on that.
Did you take pump apart for inspection?
Sorry, no video yet, got put on the back burner while I had vehicles in the shop, hopefully this weekend

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