06 Yamaha Rumor

RX-Eskimo said:
I cannot read Japanese,
RX-Eskimo, my Japanese is pretty good.
I spent 5 years going to college at the University of Nagoya in Nagoya, Japan.
Bascially, the bottom part talks about the Club Yamaha RS Vector. It says that it makes 180 hp, that it has a monoshock rear suspension with 18" of travel and that it uses Fox Float shocks.
Its going to be raced in Japan next winter from what I understand.
You know what gets me, people act like the SX Viper, the Phazer and the Bravo had reached the end of their runs as being viable sleds for Yamaha, but check out the product section of Yamaha-motor.jp. They still make the 500 XT (Venture using the Phazer 500 engine), the SX Viper ER and the Bravo!!! Dang, wish I still lived in Japan!!! ;)!
It just goes to show you, not EVERYONE who is Yamaha-loyal is sold on the 4-strokes. I was a big advocate of the 4-strokes at first, but recently Ive shifted my views. Im almost 100% certain that my next sled will be either an SX Viper (standard Viper, ER or S, doesnt matter to me) or an SX Venom (again, standard or ER would be just fine). Id actually prefer the Venom because it doesnt have YPVS (powervalves). The exhaust valves on my 600 XC are nice, but they just add another thing that needs to be maintained and adds another thing that could possibly fail. I know the Venom wont be able to run with F6s and Doo 600 H.O.s, but I dont care. Most the trails I ride on you can only do about 50 mph anyways, so who needs any more than 100 hp?
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hope so the vipers are awesome but lack the competition with sleds like teh f7 and revs. i would love to see an actual pure ditch banger from yamaha.
redsnake3 said:
hope so the vipers are awesome but lack the competition with sleds like teh f7 and revs. i would love to see an actual pure ditch banger from yamaha.
I would have very much liked to have seen what the Venom would have done with variable exhaust.
Also look at it this way, Yamaha has left the SX Viper essentially unchanged since '02. It has been a very popular trail sled, and with a little tweaking they are very fast. I would like to see someone put a Monoshock RA and a-arms on a Viper , then we'll see what kind of competition they can give the F7s. Its just a shame that Yamaha gave up on the 2-strokes so quickly. With the direct-injection outboard motor technology they have, I dont see why they couldnt make a 2-stroke that is just as good or better than BRP's SDI and PowerTek engines.
I understand that Yamaha is thinking about the future and thats why they went to 4-strokes so quickly. When 2010 gets here, and the competition is struggling to develop good 4-strokes, Yamaha will have a lineup of proven, powerfull and clean-burning 4-strokes. Its just a shame that great sleds like the SX Viper, SX Venom and SRX had to be sacraficed and retired well before they time to real this goal.
I also kind of resent the attitude that Yamaha now has regarding 2-strokes. Modern 2-strokes arent as dirty as Yamaha would lead us to believe. I ride a 2-stroke, and at the end of the day I dont smell like a chainsaw. Now, 10 years ago this might be the case. Last winter, when I still had the Phazer, I could definetely smell it on my clothes. However, I use good quality oil in my sled (Polaris VES II) and its very low smoke and very low odor. In fact, a lot of the better 2-cycle oils have a very pleasent odor to them. Polaris VES II smells like strawberries and a brand of oil called "Ipone" (a lot of snowmobilers Ive met from Canada swear by this oil) smells like dryer sheets (trust me, Im not crazy on this one!).
Now, dont get me wrong, Id still take a Yammie over any other brand, even if its a 550-pound 4-stroke. However, I think that Yamaha is really, really missing out on a big chunk of the market by not having any 2-strokes (post-'05). Just like in MX, some people love their 2-strokes and will not go to a 4-stroke untill they absolutely have to. :yam:
an excellent post Hebi. I agree for the most part. I would love to have a new 4-stroke, but wanted to see them loose a little more weight yet and don't want to pay $8000-$9000 for one either. That's why I picked up the SX Viper this fall (brand new left over 2002!).

I've wondered about putting in a monoshock and thought that might be something I would consider in the future. I think the thing rides plenty fine though. I also think it is plenty fast enough stock for me. It pulls hard from 0-95 or so. There is no noticeable bog anywhere until about 94-95. It stumbles trying to reach 100. I've had it up to 103 and that was about all the sled had on that surface. I don't care about anything over 100. I just like to get to 70-90 fast, and this thing does.

And if anybody wants more out of it, $800-1000 will buy you 35HP. I couldn't imagine this thing with another 35HP.

I must say I love the viper...
I agree, SX600.
Back in '97 I rode a '95 Polaris 600 XCR. It was a 600cc triple with a single pipe. It was about 95 hp. This sled was basically an XLT with high compression heads (it required 93 octane) and Fox gas shocks.
I had this sled geared down so it accelerated very fast but only did 80 mph. The trails that I ride are very tight and twisty, so acceleration is much more important than top speed. I used to ride with guys who had Ultra SPXs (680 with triple pipes), Mach 1s, Mach Zs, and 800 ZRTs. I could leave all of them in the dust even though they all had 20-30 hp on me and had sleds that were pretty similar in weight to what I had.
Thats why I say, I think I would be very happy with a Venom. It would be very similar to my old 600 XCR.
I like my '01 600 XC, but Im not crazy about the exhaust valves. Its great that the sled makes 115 hp and still gets 16 mpg, but those valves are a pain to keep clean. Ive been told by people, "just do lots of high rpm riding and the valves will never gum up." Yeah right, try riding in Minocqua, WI sometime and doing lots of high rpm riding. Unless you ride on the lake all the time its almost impossible! Besides, I dont really want to feel like I have to ride like some dumb kid who thinks its cool to ride on public trails like he is Blair Morgan. Im just a guy who wants to get out and ride. Some days I like to ride hard (50 mph+), and other days I just like to be on a nice gentle Sunday cruise. (30 mph)
Last winter I rode a '90 Phazer II and to be honest with you, that sled had all the power you would ever need for riding in the Minocqua area. Ah well, I hope that all the new 4-stroke Yammies are so great that everyone trades in their old 2-stroke Vipers and Venoms. That way, I should be able to find a real nice one for a cheap price! ;)!

hey guys started new thread with pix in it. Thought it would be easier to navigate to.

o6 yamaha rumor pix
