fine tuning clutches for 1,000 ft

so, ive been searching everywhere to find yamaha oem helix angles, and i have not found a oem helix angle bigger than a they exist? some one on this site knows im sure.are max performance helixs made by yamaha?i could use a little help on this, if anyone has this info, could you please let me know? thanks brian
I dont think oem has what you want. Pick a good brand then look at comparable known clutch setups see what they run and call helix manufacture talk with them, thats the best you can do to narrow the trial and error of it. Used is also an option, just takes forever to find one.
"02VTP-49/45 but measures 50/47
45/30 but measures 45/32
"9770S"-51/39 and measures 51/39
"03RX1"-51/43 but measures 51/44
51/37 but measures 51/38
"9770"-49/37 but measures 49/38
"2002B"-47/43 and measures 47/43

51/45 but measures 50/46
"MSR8"-52/40 but measures 51/40
Yamaha 8bvfa--48/42 (actual)
Bender 9770---49/38 (actual)
Maxx MSR8----51/40 (actual)

I'm leaning towards that your weights need to change to 8BU-00. 8bu-10s will definately be fine but the -00s will have a better chance of reaching your 1000 ft goal. The -00 are a brute force weight. This is just my honest thoughts.


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thanks for the input on the weights, but im gonna run the 89-ls.i have tried 6 different weights and i like the 89-ls the best.i need to find a helix with the angles that will give me the shift i want.the 51-43 works good, but just not enough shift on the other end.i have a set of 8df oo weights with 100 miles on them that id be willing to trade for a helix.looking for a helix like a 51/45 51/47 52/45 52/47.i am pretty sure that one of these will get me where i wanna be.i also have a msr8 52-40 that im willing to trade.i measured a couple helix angles last night, and its really not that hard to i have a good idea that those helix angles will work for what im trying to accomplish.i ran against my buddys 04 clutched viper.he has the heavy hitters with a clutch kit, and we were dead even untill about 1000 ft.then i was pulling away from him.he said his speedo was at 105 when i was walking away.i dont think the weights are the problem,its the shift out.i wanna pull away at half track, not at the end.
both spring have 200 miles on them,belt is brand new carlisle ultimax, 200 miles on it.the clutches are running cool with the 51-43 helix. it just doesnt shift like i want it to.i scrubbed the belt with soap and water with a brush, clutches are clean and in good working order.i need a helix with a steeper second angle to shift out faster.anybody have one???
user clutching charts. tmwcmcn 02 srx 52/42 8bu-00 drag. terrylay 03 mountain viper 54/45 heel clickers 40-10. racesx 03 rx1 52/46 54/46. wrfsrx 00 sxr 51/45 drag. freedomfighter 99 srx 54/47 8bu-00. buster696 00 srx 52/44 max 8bu-00. mountainmax 02 mountain max 53/45 8bu-00. blueironranger 01 sxr 52/44 8ca-00. vmx 04 warrior 53/47 bender 8fa-00. larrylarue 99 srx 54/46 8bu-00. dick 01 sxr 54/45 8ab-00. yamaholic22 01 sxr 52/44 8ca-00. beaner 01 srx aaen 52/47 8bu-00. tonkatoy01 99 srx 52/42 8dn-20. srx_eh 98 msrx 54/44 8dn-20. dick johnson 00sxr 52/43 8ab-00. bluemonster1 01sxr dalton 51/43 8dn-20. conceptcarbon 02 viper 51/43 8dn-20. currie 02 srx 52/47 89a-10. srx700guy 00 srx 51/45 51/47 8dn-20. nasholm82 04 mountain viper 51/45 8bu-00. bad@$$srx 99 srx 51/43 8df-00. fjviper 02 viper 53/43 8ek-00. bluedevil 99 srx 51/43 89a-10. i would like to know if any of these guys started out with a oem yamaha 51/43 helix, and then decided to try these angles and liked them better.also what brand are most of them running.any of you guys that wanna chime in?
i would like to hear from you sure you all have tons of time testing, and making changes to get to the point where you were happy enough to put your setups on the clutching page.i wish i could spend some time with each one of you and listen to you explain how you got to your best sure it was alot of work, time, and $.if you wanna chime in, then great, im sure others wanna hear what you have to say.if not then thats fine too, ill just have to do it on my own.
o.k. ill try to keep this simple.who out there is running a stock sx engine with bender tripple pipes and 23-40 gearing that has tried a helix with higher angles than a oem 51/43 yamaha helix?anybody?from what i understand,and from the testing that i have done,i know that my bender piped sxr 700 needs more helix angle.the engine has plenty of power to shift the clutches out sooner, and pull ahead of my buddys on the drag strip,but the only thing that i dont know as of right now is how much angle before it starts to get ahead of the engines power curve.will someone PLEASE help me out here.i figured that out of almost 500 views on this thread that there has got to be at least one person that knows the limitations of helix angles that a bender piped sx engine with 89-l weights can and will pull to 1000 not racing against you guys, just trying to get all i can out of my sled.maybe mr viper knows?
huh, crickets,i should have known.seems like no one has the info that i need, or no one will share it.most times i ask a question and get questions in return.however sometimes i do get good advice,and pass it along to others that can benefit from it.maybe ive just worn out my welcome with all these technical questions.i will say this, when i do get it dialed in, i will post my setup on the user clutching charts, so that anyone with a piped sx can try it if they want out for now, got some testing to do!!!
