fine tuning clutches for 1,000 ft

you dont want the bolt to wear into the threads it mars up the threads inside the secondary making it harder to get them out.i flipped the plate over that the bolts ride on also.
yes, im using both, the new bolt, and a washer.i like the belt about even with the top of the secondary, or just above.some guys like it a little bit lower for racing.
if you put a new belt on, you will need both, or it will squeal like a belt deflection is perfect,track just creeps when its on the lift.
that is one thing that i havent tried yet.i do still trail ride the sled,so ill try that when i drag it, and put them back when i trail some testing to do today,i know i said i was gonna try one thing at a time, but i got carried away again,lol.i installed the 39 bottom gear, and robbed my wifes primary spring out of her 04 venom,lol.she has a ggg spring.i had a ywy spring.knowing that i was under by 200-300 rpm,and that gearing up would probably drop my rpm, i put that spring in to try it.i also have a gwg on the way.her sled has an under rev also. i will be changing the spring in hers also at some snow to ride right now, so its not a big deal.all i can do is test on the pond.this is the worst year that i have ever seen in my entire life as far as snowfall is concerned.i have never had a year where i didnt allready have about 1,000 miles on by now.its sad!!!but on a better note, my sled is rippin up the pond!!!i still have a few choices of springs to try with my setup to get the correct rpm.if what i try today doesnt work, then im gonna get two more springs on the way to try.a psp, and a sure that one of these will work for me, and one will work for the wifes sled.she has the 89a-10 weights with .83 in the heel, and 3.5 in the under reves with the ggg spring by 500 rpm,so im thinking that it will be close to 8500 with a pgp really starting to understand what works, and what doesnt from actually changing springs,rivets,and gearing, and logging everything down.once you start seeing a common factor with a change, its much easier to know what spring will do hooked, and i wont stop untill i get all three sleds dialed in to a t!!!
suggestions for a clutch set up are a good place to start, but actually learning by changing components and testing is a far better way to get where you need to be.write everything down, and then you have something to look back on and make decisions based on what you allready know works.
so , i did some more testing today.tried the ggg spring, and what i found was,the sled felt much quicker from 0-80 mph.wrapped at 60, the belt slipped, i could feel it shift in and out at the far end of the track.wrapped it to 70, and it was better, but would only hit 102 on the speedo.tried 80, and the clutches got hot, and wouldnt pull over 100 mph on the, im gonna put the ywy spring back in with two engagement shims, and try seemed to shift better with the ywy spring.gonna give it a shot, and hopefully that solves the problem.rpm was 8200 on the launch, and 8400 on was good to 700 ft, but lost momentum after that.gonna try the old setup with the gear change, and see what it does.
yup, got my rpm back with the ywy and 2 engagement shims, and it pulls hard.much harder with the 39 bottom gear.still doesnt pull like id like it to on the thinking i may need a silver spring for the secondary clutch.feels like it quits pulling compared to what it could pull up top.i ordered one today but wont see it till next thinking the secondary is slipping a little on the top end.gonna try it next week,but im pretty happy with it for now.trying to get my buddy with his f7 to come play so i have something to compare gonna egg him on till he does,lol. i might not win, but hes gonna have to work for it.
the sled is quiker/faster then it has ever been.saw 107 on the speedo/dreamometer.goin to egg my buddy on.
did a little research on the silver secondary my surprise, it was only used on the v-max 4 sleds, no other sled came with it from the factory.all other with higher secondary springs are pink, and white.hmmmmmmmmmmmm.makes you wonder.i also see that turk used it in his setup on the tuning page, and also 6 others.also with more aggressive helix angles on some of them.cant wait to try it !!!
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so looking back at all the changes i have made in the clutches, i have found that what i am really looking for is a slower shift in the was shifting too fast to accelerate like i want it to.i have found that the slower the shift, the better the acceleration.its all starting to sink in now!!!the stiffer the primary spring,the slower the shift.finally getting where i wanna be, it took lots of testing to finally figure it out,but it was all worth it big time!!!wish i could have known this 20 years ago,lol.anyway, im really close to being dialed in, just a few more primary springs to try, and im going after the the end of next week my sled will be dialed in for 1000 ft in the clutches.i think the gearing is right where i want it.the only thing i might try is 23-38, and ill be done with my setup.i would like to thank everyone who helped me to get to this guys are awesome!!!see you on the pond,lol
got the gwg spring, but its way too cold to test.also saw my buddy and got a 24 top gear, and a 37 bottom to try.more testing next week.probably 24-39 since i dont have a 38 bottom gear.right now with 23-39 im at 108.95, and 24-39 would put me at 113.66.might as well try the spring with 23-39, then 24-39 and see what it does.23-38 would put me at 111.79, close enough for me.
went to the pond today for buddies brought out a 1999 thundercat 1000,a 2002 xc 700,and a 2005 zr 900.we had a blast!!! we made some top end runs to 1500 ft.another buddy had a radar gun to test our sled did 103 in 1500 ft.its all she had, and the dreamometer said 109.that is what im geared for right now.the thundercat went 111, and he said the speedo was buried.the xc 700 went 97, and his speedo read 107.didnt get a top speed run on the zr 900, he showed up buddy with the thundercat blew the top radiator hose off again,and he was done for the day lol.when we raced, and i had the thundercat out of the hole for about 800 ft. every time,then he went by me.the xc 700 got me out of the hole,but i passed him at 250 ft. and i was gone.then we measured out 660, and 1000 ft.we made a bunch of passes, and my sled had a best of 87 in 660 ft. and 99 in 1000 ft.not too bad for a little 700,lol.the xc 700 was at 82 in 660, and 92 in 1000.the zr 900 was at 89 in 660, and 101 in 1000 dreamometer is pretty accurate at 1000 ft,and so is the zr 900.the polaris and the thundercat were off the thinking that im gonna gear up one more time to24-39, and try puts me to 113.66 according to the gearing to mph calculator.if it slows me down,then ill drop back down to 23-39, and try something else.pretty good setup for trail and 1000 pretty happy with it now, but i think it has more in to try the gear, and a spring to keep the rpm. it was spot on with the gwg spring with 23-39 gearing. im thinking a pgp with the 24-39, but time will sure those guy were baffled when they saw my sled do what it did,lol.there were some sad faces for sure!!!do you guys think that im doin ok?or should i be faster in 1000 ft?
