The skinny on Yamalube (by nosboy)

i've ran have 4,000 miles on my sled. The first ~1,700 were with Yamalube, the rest were with whatever I picked up. Mostly Citgo sea&snow because here it is $12-14 a gallon. Rebuilt around 1,700miles or so due to piston ring failure (common on 97 twins) and I just had the head off this season for a head gasket because I was losing coolant somewhere (later found bad heat exchange) and it looked no different.
nosboy said:
I work as a CONSTRUCTION MACHINIST (IAM local 126) and the MONSTERS that I am in CHARGE of repairing and diagnosing START AT THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS and go UP from there... I went through the FOUR YEAR apprentiship program thru Local 701 here in Chicago WHILE going to college part time!!! In the CITY OF CHICAGO and surrounding suburbs,,,, there are TWELVE guys (out of 12 million people here in CHicagoland) that CAN PERFORM the same DAILY DUTIES as I do everyday.. There are MORE BRAIN SURGEONS in Chicago that what I do for a living here..... NOT BRAGGING,,just saying.. So,, if you think I know NEXT TO NOTHING about chemicals you're REALLY WRONG!!! REALLY BAD TOO!!!
I thought this thread was started to explain how Yamalube is inferior oil. Well after 21 pages you havnt provin a thing and now you are resorting to ignorant measure like the above. I could tell you and everyone about the millions of dollars Im responsible for at GM but first of all nobody cares and second, I still cant prove or disprove oil quality vs engine wear/life in a 2 stroke with tons of variables from sled to sled from one oil to the next. Were all glad to know Yamalube is a relabled generic oil but lets talk about the other variables in a 2 stroke that lead to failure and also what components in the 2 stroke engine are more sensitive to oil than others. 99% of the stories on here mean nothing when talking about oil quality. Sorry to burst your bubble but stick to facts and less about your 9-5 daly routine. Btw, I never once said you knew "next to nothing about chemicals", but I am saying you have done a poor job of convincing me and lots of others on here that Yamalube isnt adequete oil for a low compression/octane-non turbo-non boosted-non nos trail sled. I know of to many Yamahas with over 10-15,000 miles with zero problems with Yamalube.
read the first post and It will explain it to you in LAYMANS terms.. I could DAZZLE you with brilliance,,but,,unless you want to call me on the telephone and talk, i am NOT going to explain it to the whole world.... If you want, i will e mail you my cell phone number and we can have a LONG discussion about conventional vs synthetic oils,, just NOT TONIGHT!!!!
unchained said:
I thought this thread was started to explain how Yamalube is inferior oil. Well after 21 pages you havnt provin a thing and now you are resorting to ignorant measure like the above. I could tell you and everyone about the millions of dollars Im responsible for at GM but first of all nobody cares and second, I still cant prove or disprove oil quality vs engine wear/life in a 2 stroke with tons of variables from sled to sled from one oil to the next. Were all glad to know Yamalube is a relabled generic oil but lets talk about the other variables in a 2 stroke that lead to failure and also what components in the 2 stroke engine are more sensitive to oil than others. 99% of the stories on here mean nothing when talking about oil quality. Sorry to burst your bubble but stick to facts and less about your 9-5 daly routine. Btw, I never once said you knew "next to nothing about chemicals", but I am saying you have done a poor job of convincing me and lots of others on here that Yamalube isnt adequete oil for a low compression/octane-non turbo-non boosted-non nos trail sled. I know of to many Yamahas with over 10-15,000 miles with zero problems with Yamalube.

nosboy said:
I fix DRAWBRIDGES.... They START at 30 MILLION......

aww...ok, I thought you meant you worked on heavy, oil using, fuel burning, mobile equiptment.

With 40 odd some Bascule type bridges. There's plenty to keep a guy busy! Are most the chicago bascule trunion style or is there a lot of the counter wieght style?
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Well after all of the informative posts, I will switch my 1991 Phazer to Amsoil Interceptor. The sled has 3,000 miles on it, and it has always been run on Yamalube, but I hate the amount of smoke the Yamalube blows, so I hope Interceptor will be better! I hope the syn oil will help my Phazer last longer!

Why I use Interceptor Oil......

Zack1978 said:
Well after all of the informative posts, I will switch my 1991 Phazer to Amsoil Interceptor. The sled has 3,000 miles on it, and it has always been run on Yamalube, but I hate the amount of smoke the Yamalube blows, so I hope Interceptor will be better! I hope the syn oil will help my Phazer last longer!


This is also precisely why I switched my Viper to Amsoil Interceptor oil when I bought it used -- because every mechanic I know uses either Amsoil Interceptor or Dominator oil in their own 2 stroke sleds -- and swear by it, which is I believe Nosboys' and Daman's point. But obviously use whatever you want in your own sled....... after all, your going to have to pay for your own repairs and rebuilds.
Zack1978 said:
Well after all of the informative posts, I will switch my 1991 Phazer to Amsoil Interceptor. The sled has 3,000 miles on it, and it has always been run on Yamalube, but I hate the amount of smoke the Yamalube blows, so I hope Interceptor will be better! I hope the syn oil will help my Phazer last longer!Zack
good choise thats one thing i noticed right away with amsoil less smoke
make sure your within spec on oiling and be happy,my '94 sipps oil..
nosboy said:
read the first post and It will explain it to you in LAYMANS terms.. I could DAZZLE you with brilliance,,but,,unless you want to call me on the telephone and talk, i am NOT going to explain it to the whole world.... If you want, i will e mail you my cell phone number and we can have a LONG discussion about conventional vs synthetic oils,, just NOT TONIGHT!!!!
I read the first post over and over several times Gary. All I got from it was what I already knew. Yamaha and Arctic Cat bid out their brand name oils. I was already well aware the Yamaha, Arctic Cat, Speedway, Auto Zone and K-Mart oil refineries didnt exist. You started this 4 yrs ago to the whole world. Please dazzle all of us at your convenience. Besides this isnt about conven vs synth, its the skinny on Yamalube.

Well after all of the informative posts, I will switch my 1991 Phazer to Amsoil Interceptor. The sled has 3,000 miles on it, and it has always been run on Yamalube, but I hate the amount of smoke the Yamalube blows, so I hope Interceptor will be better! I hope the syn oil will help my Phazer last longer!Zack

Yup I believe full syn is not carbon based, so it will not burn(??) so Id imagine it would help
Chump Change ??


Weve thrown brand new sh$$ away that costs more....

Hey you work for the federal govt??

Thats the only friggin group I can think of that would:

A) throw away new stuff worth $30 Million &

B) Call it Chump Change!!

Must be part of the new Porkulus err I mean Stimulus Plan??

Any chance of some scraps from that chump change could be thrown my way?? LOL ;)!

Hey man NO MORE Rush L. for you...lmao. It was decided to cut up all our machines that would never be used so that no one else could ever use them to win jobs from Ive seen some dumb a$$ stuff for sure, not quite like what our gov is doing but not too far off.
Well at least if we lose our jobs the bailout ended the welfare reform, so gentlemen start ur engines.... ;)!
Chazz said:
Start at 30 million? :eek:

I'am a foreman in a Iron Ore open pit Mine for 13 years and we have some of the most up to date computer controled earth moving equiptment and we have nothing near that cost. Our smallest track dozer is a D11T Cat(joy stick steering and GPS). Smallest production truck is a
Komatsu 830e
-ac with gps hauls 240+ tons and all our shovles are the Komatsu PC5500 with 37 yard buckets with gps. Each average only 4-4.5 million each(except the D11T).

Love to see some some of those that start at 30 million.

Ironicaly I just watched a program on the History channel last night about earth movers and they featured the Komatsu 930e. WOW, what an awesome rig!
2strokinit said:
Well after all of the informative posts, I will switch my 1991 Phazer to Amsoil Interceptor. The sled has 3,000 miles on it, and it has always been run on Yamalube, but I hate the amount of smoke the Yamalube blows, so I hope Interceptor will be better! I hope the syn oil will help my Phazer last longer!Zack

Yup I believe full syn is not carbon based, so it will not burn(??) so Id imagine it would help
Synthetics smoke up my enclosed trailer just as bad as conventional. The only oil that "seems" to smoke less IMO is Blue Marble. Otherwise every snowmobile thats been in my big trailer chokes you out just as bad as the next regardless of the brand of oil.

We put 10k miles on our 91 Phazer 2 le with 100% Yamalube. The person who bought it put another 6k on it before the fan belt finally broke.

If your going to switch to Ams in your Phazer, run the std HP since it doesnt have powervalves. Matter of fact, I ran std Amsoil HP in my ZR 800 for 6k miles and the powervalves never got cleaned once. They had some minor carbon build up but not bad at all. Sled ran like a top and never saw "powervalve formula" oil at any time. I read somewhere that carbon build up is more of a result of the fuel quality than the oil anyhow but in your case no sense spending $40 when you can spend $29 on 100% synthetic...
unchained said:
Ironicaly I just watched a program on the History channel last night about earth movers and they featured the Komatsu 930e. WOW, what an awesome rig!

the 930e is one up from ours in size...driving these trucks is like sitting on the second floor of your house...and visibilty to the sides and rear is about as good
I wrote a BIG ARTICLE on synthetic oils a BUNCH of times.. Do a search and you can read some of them.. my point ,,on this thread,,was to point out "big business" way to screw the public by making money off of "BRAND NAMES".. it was my intention to BLOW THE LID off of some SLICK marketing strategys and try and save a FEW GUYS A BUNCH OF MONEY.. I am TRULY SORRY if I offended anyone and I am also TRULY SORRY if I led you to believe ANYTHING OTHER than CITGO and YAMALUBE are really ONE IN THE SAME... My VIEW was to try and help some people who are HOPELESSEY DEVOTED to an oil because of the "NAME BRAND" when you can get CITGO sea and snow for HALF the PRICE...... There are ZILLION of posts and there is VALUABLE INFORMATION ON or that is WAY MORE INFORMATION than I could POSSIBLY WRITE in a few paragraphs,,,,so,,, PLEASE look at some of my OTHER POSTS and PLEASE leave this post to REMAIN INFORMATIVE about CITGO and YAMAHALUBES business practices!!! Thanks... Gary oles nosboy
To each his own , run what you like ,who gives a sh*t what other people do .this is a place that everybody has an oppinion. Everybody needs to lighten up .

Have no doubt that what you say is true, but it is being made to yamaha spec. Some specs are more demanding than others. The manufacturers of snowmobiles want to protect their product and avoid warranty replacements of motors that get cooked on the wrong oil.
What makes klotz superior? Can't find it around here and the NAPA guys don't know about it. Wouldn't mind checking it out. Each snowmobile maker says use their brand. Maybe some are more demanding in their requirements for oil. Wish this was more black and white when it came to choosing and using 2 stroke oil. Is quality 2 stoke outboard the same as the 2 stroke snowmobile oil? Can it be interchanged? It is always packaged different.
Along the same lines as citco making yamalube, a friend of mine worked for delco battery here in town. They make the batteries for K-Mart and he told me that the K-Mart specs were more demanding than the delco specs. He said save money and get a better battery by buying the one that had the K-Mart label on it and we always thought the delco energizer was the one to have.
An outboard oil is rated TC-W3, it may or may not be ok to run in your sled you need to check the ratings of the oil you want to use. here is a explaination of oil ratings. stroke oil specs.pdf

Also a manufacture CANNOT tell you you HAVE to use their brand of oil unless they supply you with that oil free of charge under federal law. Look up the Magnuson-Moss Act of 1975

I hope this answers some of your questions
