The skinny on Yamalube (by nosboy)

onewickedr1 said:
here's one for ya. me and buddy went halfsees on case of yamalube W for his jetski and my sled. been running for 1500 miles. wooooooooooooooooo!!!
And why wouldn't it?
this is true ,the bottling company uses the same base oil from the zillion gallon tank ,but every major brand has its own formula of additives, all the off brands buy over runs so one off brand might be the same as a major in one point in time and the same as another the next, its the same as bearings favnar has company make there bearings a good bearing i think, then peer comes along and buys there overrun and to save costs loosens the tolarence the same company makes the bearing, same materials different specs one good ,one will work ,which one do you want
its the same on four stroke oils, same base, different additives, the problem there is if your brand loyal like lets say pensoil, and you dont use anything else, it will leave its own deposits that its detergents dont clean, so if you take that motor apart at some point there will be all this crap in your motor, i have taken off valve covers and found a mold of the inside of the valve cover underneth, if you change your brands with every oil change they clean each others deposits( this is regular oil not 100% synthetic dont know about them but believe there better
no1chevyboy said:
its the same on four stroke oils, same base, different additives, the problem there is if your brand loyal like lets say pensoil, and you dont use anything else, it will leave its own deposits that its detergents dont clean, so if you take that motor apart at some point there will be all this crap in your motor, i have taken off valve covers and found a mold of the inside of the valve cover underneth, if you change your brands with every oil change they clean each others deposits( this is regular oil not 100% synthetic dont know about them but believe there better

Crankcase sludge buildup has everything to do with drive cycles and lack of maintenance. Even Chebbys.
Yammie Lube

Used Yamalube 2R in my T6 Toomey piped banshee until I finally sold it, no crank issues, no early wear items. I changed the pistons once, it didnt even need to be bored, I had it checked on a CMM. It ran like a scalded dog. In fact I got it soooo hot in Colorado it wouldnt even hardly move, dam boulders and elevation, and it never gave me a lick of problems the rest of the 6yrs I beat it.
Most longevity issues is about care of machine and mix ratio, not ALL oil. Ive used Yamalube2s, no issues with it either.
I do use syn in my 2.2 Shelby that see's 20psi of boost but thats to combat coking more than lubrication issues. In fact my Cummins dodge has 222,000 miles on conventional oil, Id lay money down she'll do 600,00 becuase they get 1millon miles allot of the times on plain old 15w40..perhaps its more about design as well ehh....the Cummins is modded heavily, Ive hauled 22,000gvw and it never kicked out of overdrive!!!
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im just telling you what i was told by someone inside oil buisness and yes it happens in all motors and those two things contribute
no1chevyboy said:
im just telling you what i was told by someone inside oil buisness and yes it happens in all motors and those two things contribute

...and I'm saying that sludge buildup has nothing to do with using the same oil and is caused by short drive cycles (severe service) and poor PM.

Nearly 300k on my Bronco before swapping long blocks and all I saw was some varnish in the lifter valley. Used nothing but Valvoline dino.

Sold many desludges during my days in the dealership and the typical customer in need of the desludge was short trip granny/grandpa.

Or vehicles from the rental dept. that got an oil change every 15K whether it needed it or not. ;>)
OK? sorry for try to give onfo from a source that was not selling me anything and had no reason to miss lead! maybe valvoline is one of the brands that buys over run so its differant every other time? i was told which ones do this but i cannot remember
nosboy said:
It just drives me crazy when people get on " this oil does this and that oil does that" Kick!!!!!! Heres the real deal on YAMALUBE!!!!!!! If you guys want to STILL BE IN DENIAL,,,, PLEASE don't read this post!!!!!!!1st... Yamalube is made by CITGO (cities services oil company).. The packaging facility is on 39th and cicero in Chicago ( a few miles from my home)....2nd,,, Yamalube comes from the EXACT SAME ZILLION GALLON TANK AS DOES at least a DOZEN other brands of 2 stroke oil.... 3rd.. Yamaha does NOT have an oil refining or packaging company , 4th Yamaha buys their oil from the LOWEST BIDDER... They come up with a specification such as TC-W or JASO and the oil MANUFACTURING companies meet their specifications and submit their bids to YAMAHA.... YAMAHA in turn, contracts the LOWEST BIDDER in the demographic area that they market the oil in.... If you live anywhere near CHICAGO,,,The YAMALUBE comes from a zillion gallon VAT on 39th and cicero..... You could buy K mart or wal mart or farm and fleet 2 stroke oil and get the EXACT SAME OIL that is in the Yamalube bottle for HALF THE PRICE... Yamaha doesn't open up the caps and THROW ANY MAGIC POWDER in the gallons of oil when they come from citgo.... Sometimes they come directly from citgo and the yamaha warehouse NEVER EVEN SEE the cases!!!!! I know first hand because a friend of mine who WORKED for CITGO for 25 years used to bring me botles of TEXACO 2 stroke oil..... YES TEXACO 2 stroke oil and you know what???? He got it from CITGO where he worked!!!!!! and furthermore, citgo doesn't open up the bottles and throw the MAJUC POWDER FROM THE YAMAHA CHEMICAL PLANT to make YAMALUBE work better...... Heres another little TIDBIT for you guys,,,,,, The next time you go to pep boys or auto zone or murrays aoto,,, look and see just how many different kinds of ANTI FREEZE there are...... ARE YOU READY FOR THIS ONE???????????? THERE'S ONLY 2 COMPANIES IN AMERICA THAT MAKE ETHYLENE GLYCOL ANTI FREEZE.......... 20 brands,,,,,,,20 COMPANIES!!!!! BOTTOM LINE,,, MY VIPERS (2) and my sxr all use KLOTZ,,, My power valves are clean... My girlfriend has a viper,, her powervalves ALWAYS DIRTY!!!!!1 she drives my sled,,,, DIRTY POWERVALVES.... SHE drives a snowmobile like a FARM TRACTOR.. I drive a sled like I stole it!!!!! With MY SLEDS,,,,,, It's not about the oil!!!!!!! I use KLOTZ!!!! FAR superior to ANYTHING CITGO MAKES!!!!! there you have it!!!! Gary Oles nosboy :o|
Good info--although Im aready well aware Arctic Cat, Polaris, Skidoo, Yamaha, Carquest, Meijer, Napa, Speedway, etc, etc, etc dont all have their own refineries. I dont dissagree that Yamalube isnt a great oil and Klotz is better but can you strongly recommend not using Yamalube for any other reasons other than that they buy it from Citgo?
but I'd RATHER you used synthetics for your OWN GOOD... I never said YAMALUBE wAS JUNK (yes I did).. but SYNTHETICS work WAY BETTER than yamalube does.... ANY SYNTHETICS.....

Okay lets start polling now...

Lets hear from those that have lost engines, burn downs, cranks etc....then tell us what oil was being used at the time.
You can't judge oil quality by burndowns. There's too many variables that go into burn downs that the average owner will not be able to supply. IE: fuel quality, effective oil ratio.........
PTO crank bearing seized. Phillips66 Injex but cause still undetermined. I do however want to do everything in my power to not let this engine go down again. Change oil to ??? :dunno:
you won't blow up using yamalube but compared to a full synthetic and engine wear synthetic's is where it's at,i've tore down both and there is a difference.if you want to keep peak perf. and efficiency for a longer part of time,use a syn.if not use what works for you and your sled. $.02
nosboy said:
but I'd RATHER you used synthetics for your OWN GOOD... I never said YAMALUBE wAS JUNK (yes I did).. but SYNTHETICS work WAY BETTER than yamalube does.... ANY SYNTHETICS.....
I smoked my 97 EXT 600 with Yamalube with a super leaned out oil pump and always wondered had I been using "better" oil if it would have been so tramatic. I was young and dumb and at that time didnt realize tripple/tripples fouling spark plugs was more than a rich oil pump setting so I learned the hard way. Instead of doing ratio checks, I leaned it everytime I fouled a spark plug. Well I eventually had it about 135:1 when she finally let go. I eventually learned how to properly start and warm up the sled. I dont blame it on Yamalube but Im curious if theirs any technical merrit to Yamalube being inferior.
unchained said:
I smoked my 97 EXT 600 with Yamalube with a super leaned out oil pump and always wondered had I been using "better" oil if it would have been so tramatic. I was young and dumb and at that time didnt realize tripple/tripples fouling spark plugs was more than a rich oil pump setting so I learned the hard way. Instead of doing ratio checks, I leaned it everytime I fouled a spark plug. Well I eventually had it about 135:1 when she finally let go. I eventually learned how to properly start and warm up the sled. I dont blame it on Yamalube but Im curious if theirs any technical merrit to Yamalube being inferior.
135:1 will sqweek with any oil,yamalube is a good oil,you wont blow up
from using it.
my buddy is getting 800 miles before he even has to add and quart and his is runnin like a champ! dont know why or what the hell is goin on with it but its a mystery srx.
Yamidude59 said:
my buddy is getting 800 miles before he even has to add and quart and his is runnin like a champ! dont know why or what the hell is goin on with it but its a mystery srx.

Mine is the same 750-800 miles and it won't take a full litre. I bought it new and had it back to the dealer twice the first winter complaining about the lack of oil useage. That was 26,000 kms ago, third set of rings on the original psitons. After break-in, I have used only synthetic oil, Amsoil for the first three years and then I switched to Shell Snow Altra.
