The skinny on Yamalube (by nosboy)

Snthetic oil outperforms conventional oil HANDS DOWN!!! there have been NUMEROUS tests to prove this!!! it is NOT AS SIMPLE as this oil will prevent burndowns and that oil won't.. If you don't have a background in some kind of science,,,, DON'T GET INVOLVED in a debate with someone who does!!! ABOUT SCIENCE,,that is.... Go to KLOTZ's website or AMSOILS website and get an education.....
nosboy said:
Snthetic oil outperforms conventional oil HANDS DOWN!!! there have been NUMEROUS tests to prove this!!! it is NOT AS SIMPLE as this oil will prevent burndowns and that oil won't.. If you don't have a background in some kind of science,,,, DON'T GET INVOLVED in a debate with someone who does!!! ABOUT SCIENCE,,that is.... Go to KLOTZ's website or AMSOILS website and get an education.....
Other than Amsoil and Klotz' websites, do you have any independant data to support your statements? I use to be HUGE on Amsoil but after several burn downs (some clearly non oil related but others deff arguable), I have since backed waaay off. My uncle burned Yamalube in his Polaris' for years with zero problems and simply used it because the bottle use to have a long flexible spout (for anyone who remembers the old white jug back in the day. My friend with several Skidoos has used Phillips 66 Injex with no issues but after using Amsoil he has had many burn downs--although its arguable if their oil related or not. Im not saying Yamalube is better than Klotz, Im just asking for "scientific" proof that its inferior....
so you've been running tests in your basement? I think a lot of companies have a BS in B.S. when it comes to showing you their "studies" on their product compared to another. Why the heck would they want to tell you another product is better, or even close to being as good as theirs?
nosboy said:
I personally have done LABS on AMSOIL and ESTERLUBE in the LATE 70's and early 80's ...and was IMPRESSED SO MUCH, that I have been using and promoting synthetics since!!!!!!! Gary Oles nosboy

nosboy said:
The last time I drove a farm tractor, I was around 10 years old (1971) and they weren't too sophisticated!!!!! Gary Oles nosboy

You should try these labs again, testing conventional vs. synthetic. Conventional has gone a long way since way back then AND you'd be suprised how much more accurate your findings will be now that your not 20 years old anymore...

I have a BS in Chemical engineering... is THAT ENOUGH????

As far as we know you could be the worst chemical eng. ever.

We hired a new Mech. engineer one day and both of us had training at AAM Tech center. Mind you I came from the shop floor, where the real sh&& happens.

He was all about telling me expansion rates blah blah....patting himself on the back blah blah..The he brought up an issue with some specifications that were way out on a truck wheel hub we made, and I told him how it more than likely happened. He proceeded to become very demeaning, and it didnt help we were sitting with 4 other people from various plants. He asked them what they had found and they stated they had never had that problem. Anyhow, he commented on what HE thought it was, ole mister know it all.
Finally I said, "okay but I know how it happened and Ill bet you lunch Im right." He was drooling like a dog on a ham bone, me being the bone.
Guess who got a free lunch ((It wasnt ole mister smart a$$!!!))
I had steak BTW.

Dont break ur arm patting that backside!!
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PNPerformance said:
I just paid 67.50 for 4liter jug of klotz doe's that seem right in canada.Or to high in price.
I swear
buy this oil it's great stuff.
I agree thats a great price. Any "proof" its great oil?
Synthetic superior to conventional

First, I think it's ridiculous we are arguing and getting personal over oil. Use whatever damned oil you want in your own machine -- to your own peril, of course.

However, there is plenty of empirical evidence through studies and experiments that synthetic or engineered oils can be superior to conventional. Not always the case, but a good, high quality synthetic should be superior. (can man improve upon what nature created? of course he can!). Of course, conventional oil has also been better engineered and improved to provide better lubrication, especially in the last 10 years.

You want my credentials? I don't have any (I am an Attorney, but with a background in science), but I do know some of the engineers at Amsoil, and they can create oils that are far "slipperier" (so better lubrication, right?) than you can engineer out of conventional oil....
unchained said:
I agree thats a great price. Any "proof" its great oil?
Can you submit Any proof it's NOT a great oil?, i've seen proof i've tore plenty of engines down(for re-ringing,etc) and you could clearly see it in the piston skirts on high mileage motors(shiny spots on the skirt size of a quarter or bigger)and measuring the skirt up from the bottom it was clearly at the max limit for tolerance(with more blow by) vs the syn piston that was at the top min. spec. good still.,wish i would have kept the pistons for pics.You say you've "backed waaay off" after several burn downs that's tell'en us right there your blaming your troubles on the oil when clearly a burn down is never caused by a oiling problem that's jetting or a airleak,you ask for "independent data to support your statements?" from people well where's yours stating these oil are NOT the best???.I've been their done that so that's all the proof I need to know to make my decision. no one said yamahalube will cause your motor to blow,heck i ran it for a ton of years myself with no issues at all,but the price of the stuff and what you get outa it is crazy,add a few bucks and get a real oil OR run the stuff and be happy, this thread should be locked now it's plenty long enough with plenty of info for someone to make a educated decision about what oil they would like to try,last post here of me.

use what works best for you and your sled
unchained said:
I agree thats a great price. Any "proof" its great oil?
Daman, I think these individuals are just trying to stir sh*t... Can you tell by the "you have to prove it to ME attitude". I have run Yamalube, Maxima, Klotz and have noticed that the Semi Synthetic/Full Synthetic oils are superior compared to the conventional oils, as you stated by tearing down motors that were run hard and put away wet and noticed considerably less wear on the vital internal parts. T
I ran Amsoil in my 95 Park Avenue commuter for 3 yrs and put over 200,000 with 25,000 miles oil change intervals. I use standard and high priced synthetics around the house based on the application. Lots of strong statements on here and zero proof or data. I dont hold a special place in my heart for Yamalube, just know lots of sleds with lots of trouble free miles. Im running Amsoil in my current sled because I got it for $29 a gallon inearly winter--now its $37. Some of my friends just recently switched to Extreme for $21 a gallon. Initially I said it was junk and laughed then I realized it just seems like junk because its not popular and is inexpensive, not because I have a freakin clue what Im talking about. IMO, marketing is the only difference sometimes...
I work as a CONSTRUCTION MACHINIST (IAM local 126) and the MONSTERS that I am in CHARGE of repairing and diagnosing START AT THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS and go UP from there... I went through the FOUR YEAR apprentiship program thru Local 701 here in Chicago WHILE going to college part time!!! In the CITY OF CHICAGO and surrounding suburbs,,,, there are TWELVE guys (out of 12 million people here in CHicagoland) that CAN PERFORM the same DAILY DUTIES as I do everyday.. There are MORE BRAIN SURGEONS in Chicago that what I do for a living here..... NOT BRAGGING,,just saying.. So,, if you think I know NEXT TO NOTHING about chemicals you're REALLY WRONG!!! REALLY BAD TOO!!!
Chump change


Weve thrown brand new sh$$ away that costs more....
Well boys and girls.... here is the real skinny on oil..... Just turned 7000 miles this weekend.... only had 1 gallon of synthetic oil in sled it's entire life.. Rest of the time it has been Yamalube, Ski-doo mineral... and the latest...

might want to sit down for this........

3000 miles of CITGO....

Power valves are the cleanest also... ;)!
nosboy said:
I work as a CONSTRUCTION MACHINIST (IAM local 126) and the MONSTERS that I am in CHARGE of repairing and diagnosing START AT THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS and go UP from there... I went through the FOUR YEAR apprentiship program thru Local 701 here in Chicago WHILE going to college part time!!! In the CITY OF CHICAGO and surrounding suburbs,,,, there are TWELVE guys (out of 12 million people here in CHicagoland) that CAN PERFORM the same DAILY DUTIES as I do everyday.. There are MORE BRAIN SURGEONS in Chicago that what I do for a living here..... NOT BRAGGING,,just saying.. So,, if you think I know NEXT TO NOTHING about chemicals you're REALLY WRONG!!! REALLY BAD TOO!!!
nosboy said:
I work as a CONSTRUCTION MACHINIST (IAM local 126) and the MONSTERS that I am in CHARGE of repairing and diagnosing START AT THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS and go UP from there..

Start at 30 million? :eek:

I'am a foreman in a Iron Ore open pit Mine for 13 years and we have some of the most up to date computer controled earth moving equiptment and we have nothing near that cost. Our smallest track dozer is a D11T Cat(joy stick steering and GPS). Smallest production truck is a Komatsu 830e-ac with gps hauls 240+ tons and all our shovles are the Komatsu PC5500 with 37 yard buckets with gps. Each average only 4-4.5 million each(except the D11T).

Love to see some some of those that start at 30 million.
