yes on the bronze jug..don't remember if it's full or semi (jug 250mi. away)..I'll try a search and post.
says full synthetic..I pay $18.99 on sale
says full synthetic..I pay $18.99 on sale

Mystik oil
I checked a few sites on Mystik.Seems there is a synthetic blend and a Full synthetic..I assume the synthetic blend would be equal to Yamalube semi synthetic 2 stroke oil.
I checked a few sites on Mystik.Seems there is a synthetic blend and a Full synthetic..I assume the synthetic blend would be equal to Yamalube semi synthetic 2 stroke oil.
I add TCW-3 to all my 4T engines too 640/1..wish this had the TCW-3 certificate, because it does not I have to make a seperate purchase cause i worry about the cats.
Active member
dozens of threads and hundreds of pages on oil and I still just pick up the cheapest stuff i can find 

Im with Devin 7500 + miles on my Viper running Yamalube ($10 to 15 bucks cheaper then many other oils) and the Valves still move nice a free. No pull throughs, not stuck valves ....... I dont really care where it comes from or who bottles it, seems to be working just fine for me, but then again, Im no scientist! loldozens of threads and hundreds of pages on oil and I still just pick up the cheapest stuff i can find![]()
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We switched from Yama lube to Mystik when we found out Mystic/Citgo makes and bottles yama lube, We also found out mystik/Citgo bottle Polaris oil. These are all basically the same stocks of oil. So, since we are a Mystik Marine oil dealer, it makes sense to buy from our own supplier. I can not buy Yamalube anywhere close to what we can buy Mystik for. In fact we sell our Mystic full synthetic for the same price as the local yamaha dealer sell yamhalube for. Hmmmm. Al
Just wanted to welcome this post to 2014!! No disrespect to nosboy, but I switched to klotz about 3 years ago. Summer storage always done correctly. Last year my viper went down (center crank bearing) 7500miles, this year my srx lost the lower rod bearing on the center cylinder 6500 miles.WTF!!! A local "crank" guy, (well respected) said he usually doesn't see these until about 10000 miles. I am NOT trying to start a pissing match here, just really standing back scratching my head wondering what I did wrong. P.S. I'm leaning towards just blaming everything on my wife since she was driving the sleds on both occasions!

you have to run your sleds like you stole for not baby a yamaha it wot all the time..I am back to yamalube on the SRX and no issues at all with cranks..etc.
P.S. I'm leaning towards just blaming everything on my wife since she was driving the sleds on both occasions!
Best decision you could possibly make!! lol
Active member

sorry to hear..was your chain to loose or what???Yeah I started to use that motomaster Formula tcw3 now in my sxr..for the few miles I have is working..$25 for 5 liters here not on sale.At least you get to ride,me nothin to talk about this season..been to COLD out.
Active member
It was the result of a 40ft wheelie on the bumper and she only went another 15ft. The chain may have been a little tight but it probably had its day anyways. The chain bound up and ruined everything from the tensioner up. Dont worry i had another jackshaft and chaincase from a 600 i already swapped out. Just need chain and top gear.

New member
Anyone from PA know where to buy Mystic? Near Harrisburg
I love reading Gary's post's, especially after what i assume was after drinking a gallon of extra bold coffee. Come on Gary, post some more, I know you can't be riding the streets of Chicago.
Just under 9000 miles on my Viper, every mile burning Yamalube........all three valves still moving freely! 

Hammer Down
Oh no !!!!
Not this post back to life

Not this post back to life

I quit arguing with you guys