I'm going by the theory of the BTU ( heat value) of gasoline vs. 2 stroke oil.... Thats how I came up with that statement.. Maybe Gordon is correct.. I'll look it over tonight of tomorrow??? Maybe some good reading !!! Thanks...

Super Moderator
YYYAAAA garys back, love it. CCC
New member
nosboy said:I'm going by the theory of the BTU ( heat value) of gasoline vs. 2 stroke oil.... Thats how I came up with that statement.. Maybe Gordon is correct.. I'll look it over tonight of tomorrow??? Maybe some good reading !!! Thanks...
It's an old article but it's worth a read for sure, Basically they test a bunch of ratios on a dyno with a freshly broken in motor for each ratio. They also rejet to get the proper a/f ratio. It's a 250 cc bike but same principle. Only thing is that oil has came a long way since then and so have the motors. I think there was a 6 hp difference going from 16-1 to 50-1 surprisingly. Basically the less oil added = more heat and less power as well as more wear. Again this was an air-cooled 250 single.
New member
Well nosboy what do you say about this? Coming straight from a respected Yamaha rep. They claim their "magic powder" formulation is worth it...
"I sat in on a very interesting session with an engineer from Nippon oil regarding oils and lubes a few days ago. I have read the conversations on some of the forums when the guys go off defending their favorite brand oils often quoting the different properties and advantages. I asked the question which prompted an answer that never occurred to me. Our engineers test Yamalube blends in each specific application. First right out of the bottle, then in use. It is the ‘in-use’ results that make or break the deal. He used one of the most popular automotive synthetics as an example, where it tested superb right out of the bottle but within 5 hours of engine operation, one of the areas where it ranked highest deteriorated to the point where we would not accept it for a Yamaha application. He went on to show several more examples based on hard data. The point I took from all this is many of the oil brands that claim to be great in so many applications are not tested in those same applications and the data you see in marketing print is based on clean oil in the bottle. Our oil has to pass tests that are based on new and at the drain interval and several points between. He also mentioned that Yamaha engineers have a reputation in his industry as being some of the most thorough and difficult to satisfy. I thought that was a good thing.
cheers cr"
"I sat in on a very interesting session with an engineer from Nippon oil regarding oils and lubes a few days ago. I have read the conversations on some of the forums when the guys go off defending their favorite brand oils often quoting the different properties and advantages. I asked the question which prompted an answer that never occurred to me. Our engineers test Yamalube blends in each specific application. First right out of the bottle, then in use. It is the ‘in-use’ results that make or break the deal. He used one of the most popular automotive synthetics as an example, where it tested superb right out of the bottle but within 5 hours of engine operation, one of the areas where it ranked highest deteriorated to the point where we would not accept it for a Yamaha application. He went on to show several more examples based on hard data. The point I took from all this is many of the oil brands that claim to be great in so many applications are not tested in those same applications and the data you see in marketing print is based on clean oil in the bottle. Our oil has to pass tests that are based on new and at the drain interval and several points between. He also mentioned that Yamaha engineers have a reputation in his industry as being some of the most thorough and difficult to satisfy. I thought that was a good thing.
cheers cr"
I get the impression the article was refering to 4 stroke oil and not 2 stroke oil.
New member
Whats the difference, back up 10 years and they would of said the same thing about 2 stroke oil.
Conversation stays the same.
Conversation stays the same.

Life Member
Actually it sounds like sales talk to me. "Our oil is the best because..." They all say the same thing.
It's about 4 stroke oils.....and Yes,,,, SALES reps are instructed/educated to SELL,,SELL,,,,SELL.. Naturally they have NO FORMAL experience or no engineering degree... Other than "sell,,,sell,,,sell... I don't know what kind of Management training courses or engineering degree you have to have to sell snowmobiles,,but,, they only believe what they are told... Lee Iacoca said that CHRYSLER CORPORATION made the BEST VEHICLES in the WORLD.... I saw it on TELEVISION.. DO YOU BELIEVE HIM????? Do you know HOW MANY PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE HIM... Lee Iacoca is probably one of the SMARTEST PEOPLE on the face of this earth!!!!!! Believe it or not..... he isn't a salesman either!!!! I...personally,,, know a "little bit" about oils..... I could say WAY MORE than probably EVERY ENGINEER that YAMAHA EVER HIRED in their existence,,, but,, lets not get too grandiose !!!! Lets just say,,,,, I know a little "bout it" .....duheme said:Actually it sounds like sales talk to me. "Our oil is the best because..." They all say the same thing.
Don't spend $300 on the snapon, that's a waste of money. We use several different brands at work and they're all good enough. Some things it matters, something like this it doesn't.
Huh??? are we talking about motor oil here???destey said:Don't spend $300 on the snapon, that's a waste of money. We use several different brands at work and they're all good enough. Some things it matters, something like this it doesn't.
I thought I threw this thread in the garbage?????

Super Moderator
I thought I threw this thread in the garbage?????
It has a life of its own! It will never die!!!! LOLOLO!
Active member
what are every ones thoughts on shell sled 2 stroke oil? not trying to thread jack!
Wow, I just love the smell of Yama lube. I can generally tell what oil a person is using by the smell of two stroke.
Active member
Good place for it.
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I switched back to Yamalube last season,way cheaper then the big name brands...power valves were actually very clean.Will be running it again this season..Works in my Yamaha sleds...
We have switched to Mystik, no issues at all. We run at least 8 gallons per year.
Active member
Have always ran Yamalube and never had any issues with it. At $93.00 for a case of 4 gallons you can't beat it!
You know this discussion has 40 pages? Is that a record?