Any Younger Guys Out There?

15 years old... Ridin' an 06' nytro...

Now I know most of us ride yamahas...but I think for the summer months we all need to but ski doos game.<Ski-Doo X-team racing> $20..I don't think it will hurt anyones budget...



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hi guys i am 13 and i have a V MAX 4 800 and i love it.My frist sled was 92 Ovation it was a good sled.

Keep on rideing

:yam: :2strokes: :nos:
I'm 17 and ride a SX700 with 5800 miles. We also have another SX700 with a 136" track and 2800 miles and an Arctic Cat Cougar Mtn. Cat 550 with 6400 miles.
hey im 14 and i drive the best...a yammy i would have signed up earlier but, im almost embaresed to say, i had an arctic-cat...but anyway i got a yammy now and im glad to be here... ;)!
hey im 14 and i drive the best...a yammy i would have signed up earlier but, im almost embaresed to say, i had an arctic-cat...but anyway i got a yammy now and im glad to be here... ;)!

:wel: little brother blue ;)!
He guys and gals im 16 and drive a mod 440 exciter . . . show sled now jus built it this summer its a 1978
I am also 14 and i just got a PhazerFX, pretty hyped about that one. Well cant wait until snow starts to fly. Took it out on the grass. Amazing power. OMG more than my dads rage! :nos:
im 21 and im riding a 1999 srx 700 stock. payed for all my toys myself..ive had quite a few sleds before.
polaris 650 rxl
yamaha vmax 4
yamaha vmax 600
yamaha vmax tripple
srx 700
ive payed for my sleds truck and double trailer with my own sweat and blood
Yamitoba said:
Am I the only one riding a yamaha at my age? LOL i think i'm still considered a youngster...14 :rocks: I guess yamaha's are too good for the younger guys these days eh? hahah... I want to see what kind of sleds younger guys have mine's just a 96 phazer, its my first sled and i'm happy with it for now. My dad was riding one when he was 30.
Let me know.
Mine is a 06 fazer FX :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I am 16 and I run a Moded 84 phazer (I wish it was stock) and tomarrow I am buying a ALL STOCK 91 Phazer ll ( mint sled ). I have all ways run Yamaha Because thats what my dad ripped it up with.

Think snow!

at least you drive a well built sled I had a 85 v-max as one of my first sled that i bought my self about your age it was a blast to ride and no one on the lake could ever touch it
Yes its still a Yamaha and i built it from the ground up this summer , so i hear they go good , all kinds of mods the only thing that matters is the motor and it good , K&N filters,snow chargers, twin pipe , boost bottle , twin 38mm mikuni slides , boysen reeds , LED pod kits , Lowerd , widening kit, 120 studs
