How Fast Do You Drive? Be Honest!!!!!

terret725 said:
and i to love the bumps i get bored riding grey lock when its gromed i love goin 70 on 3 foot deep mogals.
I hear that..My favorite riding

I liek to stay around 40-80 usually on the trails in the lower In the yoop i crank her up a few times. There were a few times i seen 105 on my speedo this passed weekend. If i cant see around the corner i wont push it tone it down a little bit, there are some crazy people out there nowadays
i agree most trails in my area 40 and under including the national park thats bare now only allows 35. but theres nothing more fun than the rip your arms off acceleration on a clear smooth straight run, and in a matter of seconds back to trail speed. :WayCool:
another vote for tearin up twisty trails - I race from corner to corner, but when I go around one, I'm on my side and in full control - not like some of these jacks that you see trying to be snowx racers at my expense. 60-70 is nice and comfortable, but we have lots of long straights where you need to air it out a bit.
On trails, I drive whatever is comfortable at the time, which is usually on the average trail around 60km/h, but have done much more and felt comfortable. Out of all my freinds and theyre sleds, although having more power than me, I can out drive them by huge margins on the trails, maybe party cuz the sled is super!

Now one of the people I ride with has an enticer 340 trapper and that thing is SLOW, so we keep the speeds up to 50km/h tops now.
In the woods I normally ride in about 30mph, but some parts of the trails are so tight that I have to ride slower, and I hate it because I don`t think my SRX likes to sunday-ride. On the lakes I normaly pin it because it doesn`t do more then (ca) 80mph, haven`t actually got to test her yet, but it has 7teeth drive wheels and a 136" 2" track, so it ain`t a lake runner.
I had my old RX-1 in 111mph one time and I was scared as hell, hehe.
I usually ride as fast as i can while maintaining control. Depending on what the terrain demands, it can be anywhere from 20mph (tight, 1 sled passable trails) to 100+mph (wide open lakes with great visibility). I am very cautious in areas i'm not familiar with, and areas that allow for unexpected oncomers.

Fast can be safe if you're smart.
i average 50kmph in trails. im always on my own side and usually end up pickin twigs and cattails out of that trailing arm. there are some spots i go faster and slower. just depends whitch way i went when i left the house.
about 20 on tight trails and up to 100 on lakes and in a long straight trail such as one that goes right down an unplowed road around 70
I ride as fast as my snowmobile tells me to go. If I can't hold my line I am going to fast. On tight and twisty trail about 30-35 with the occasional burst up to 60 or so. I prefer twisty tight trails and less travelled forest service roads. I get bored on power lines and road side trails. I took a newbie out last time we went riding and he didn't understand about staying on your side of the trail until he had a close call. He was running at 70 then hit a dip and got bucked off sled. Gave him a whole new attitude and respect for the snowmobile. Some people just won't listen. He did man you were right.
n2oiroc said:
depends on the trail, this weekend the gps had a max of 86.5 mph with an average of 34 mph. on some trails 40 is too fast, but others (trail 8 in michigan) 80+ is safe in some spots! i ride fairly quick, but safe and at a comfortable pace.

that sounds about like me. and man do I LOVE the twisty trails. thats what I liked best about my old 97 600sx, it craved them. I will be getting simmons in a week or so, hopefully the viper will be right there then!
My average UP trails is 60 and open it up to 80 plus on trail #7 when you have a clear open run. I always play it safe and ride 2nd or 3rd in the pack and keep a good distance between the sleds. Unlike the Artic guy in our group who always rides to close.
To fast usually! During the day I take it easy because of blind corners, but at night it's time to rock and roll. I NEVER drink and drive, so it's kinda like riding a dirt bike, whatever your comfortable with. Alot of riders want to keep up with the pack with little experience, this is what usually gets them into trouble. You wouldn't expect to hop on a dirt bike and win a moto first time out! It's no different with sleding in tight trails. It's O.K. to ride fast, as long as you ease into it. Dumba$$es ride beyond their limits, real men know when to slow it down.
Oh yea I almost forgot....and the guy with the most money wins across the lake!
I agree whatever I can handle on the trail im on. Average im usually 50-100kph on trails, but again depends on conditions and how athletic im feeling lol. On the lake, well thats a different story, id say as fast as itll go when the throttle is to the bar. my sled usually around 145-160kph
