I am also trying to get together a few more pics that I seem to have lost of the dial adjuster instalation... and I had pics of the tools I used to make it super easy. and one more thing, any suggestions on how to scan the template in so maybe people could make it from mine? thanks 

Sounds good 

Active member
Eric that is one heck of a nice install. Very clean, and your sled looks GREAT. very impressed with your work, care, and thoroughness in your project. You're going to be a household name when it comes to mono installs for years to come. Great job man!
wow, thanks for the glowing review
now I just REALLY need to get my crap together (all the pics and the writeup) so I can get it on the tech pages. jsut spent about 25-20 hrs plowing and cleaning up from the nice noreaster we got here in NH. hopefully I can get some time in enjoying the snow from this storm and not just working because of it!! lol!

Active member
You could take your teomplate to Kinko's and have them scan it as a pdf file, or I could help draw it up if you like. PM me if I can help out at all.
Active member
Wow - That's cool 1001 posts!! Guess that makes me a post whore.
sending a PM now! thanks!
New member
can you mount the dial adjuster on your bars instead of the tunnel?

That would be nearly impossible.
you can get the ec mono with a bar mounted adjuster, but it is nearly $1000.... thats why I drilled a hole lol! and as an update, the write up is coming, but I cant find the pics of the dial install so I will have to take some more when I remove mine to replace the cable. should I give you what I have without the dial pics? or more accurately, pics I have are only with it installed, not showing the hole etc...
New member
yeah thats what i was talking about^^^^
then yes, it can be done of you spend the $$. for me, the shock alone is more money than I paid for the entire skid lol!
Millinocket Rocket
New member
Looks great '03---what shock do you have in it? Different one than it came with? Also, where did you get your mono? New or used? I'm seriously thinking about doing too 

I got mine from here, I bought it from boomer and it has an attak shock in it. a LITTLE stiffer shock and spring, but it still works amazing
it was used, but barely. had 350 miles on it. came out of an apex gt but he swapped shocks with his wifes attak. let me know if you need any help or tips 

marty f
New member
thanks for the input
i see alot of responses to my question and you answered all of them,but i have an 2000 srx will the install be the same?and how much did you pay for your skid?
i see alot of responses to my question and you answered all of them,but i have an 2000 srx will the install be the same?and how much did you pay for your skid?
yes and $850 shipped 

Mono write up
Looking forward to the tech section write up...also check your p.ms
Looking forward to the tech section write up...also check your p.ms
the writeup has been submitted, just awaiting approval from MrSled
hopefully it is good

just came across my old install here. wanted to say I am now a tad over 9k miles on the viper with the skid installed at like 6500. ONLY issue I have had is the adjuster cable has broken off twice now. annoying and I see they have the "RA Protector Kit" for it that I guess will help with the cable breaking. for me it has snapped off the back of the adjuster itself, right where it threads on. other than that I have had no issues and found no downside to this swap. the ride on trails is simply amazing. the stutters pretty much disappear and it is really a well balanced setup. good weight transfer and still handles great. I have a ripsaw without studs and simmons up front for skis. I have gotten a decent amount of those templates out to people, wonder how they have liked the swaps?? Just thought I would update my very old thread 

New member
I got the idea and template from viperguy (thanks again!) By far the best upgrade i've done to my viper! So far nothing broken. The skid transfers a lot nicer, handling has not been sacrificed Looking forward to putting on some miles this year. Running a 1 inch hacksaw with 144 studs. Viperguy do you have a link for the Protector kit?