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well if your considering the best as most hpI wouldn't us it in the same sentance as safest.Holtzmen and boss make some very good safe systems and you need no bottle heater.They are probaly the most simpliest sytems.Guys have dynoed the boss systems and they are accurate with their hp claims.My buddy put a 60hp boss on his vector and was gaining 900rpm swhen he was on the button.Holtzman makes a great system too but are alittle off on thier hp claims.The biggest thing is with both of these systems you can run pump fuel with a decent hp shot.If you go with a big hp shot or cb peformance they have it set up with a seperate tank to run race fuel.
There use to be a ty member that offered a discount he went by freak but I think he recently got out of selling parts.Probaly right threough boss themselves.
Ill give you about 5 minutes of NITROUS 101... The SAFEST system is a system that is WET... MEASURED AMOUNTS of NITROUS and also measured amounts of FUEL... STAY AWAY from systems that inject NITROUS ONLY into the airbox... There are a LOT of PROBLEMS (in theory) with changing the barometric pressure in an airbox that I don't want to confuse you with!!! A BOTTLE HEATER (to keep the nitrous consistent) is an ABSOLUTE MUST!!!! PEOPLE who are telling you that you don't need a bottle heater or PEOPLE that are selling you a REGULATOR to turn the pressure to 300 psi ARE MISLEADING YOU... NITROUS CANNOT work PROPERLY at 300 PSI.. I don't care HOW you try and justify it,, you're missing the WHOLE THEORY about using NITROUS as an accelerant.. We can get into the "theatrics" and the WHOLE proprietary abstract of NITROUS OXIDE if you or one of those "so called" SNAKE OIL SALESMAN want to argue the point,,,,but,,,,,nevertheless,,,, a system that is DRY is a waste of time and money!!!! There is a BOOK that takes about 2 hours to read.... I think the authors name is john PETTITT.. The book is sold by HOLLEY (NOS SYSTEMS) and it's all you wanted to know about NITROUS!!!! BUY THE BOOK or ask REIMOND if he is finished with the book I sent him.. Maybe he will send it to you for free and you could read it.. PLEASE READ THE BOOK and all those SNAKE OIL SALESMEN will be APPARENT!!!!! Please,,, NO NAMES,,, TOM (Mr sled) gets really pissed off when I write about certain topics...
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KEEP AWAY from systems that DO NOT use a BOTTLE HEATER and KEEP AWAY from systems that spray into the airbox!!! Thats about the TWO DUMBEST things on the market today... INTAKE PORT INJECTION (or spraying) is about the EASIEST and drilling and tapping into the block is the BEST WAY of doing it,,,but,,,theres guys (who sell their own systems) that want to argue with me... In order for NITROUS to do its thing (accelerate combustion) you HAVE TO HAVE a certain enviornment for NITROUS to do it's thing!!! TOO MUCH (or not the right type) FUEL or too much (or too little) nitrous pressure and TEMPERATURE (also liquid or vaporized state) have MUCH to do with the proper operation of a nitrous system ... A NITROUS system that sprays NITROUS ONLY into the airbox is ABSOLUTELY FLIPPING STUPID!!!! I could buy a $20.00 gallon of a "household chemical" (that you could buy EVERYDAY at HOME DEPOT) and produce MORE HORSEPOWER that "STUPID'S" system that blows nitrous into the airbox!!!! You DON'T have to buy the nitrous system from "stupid" and MY WAY (the 20.00 a gallon way) would only cost you around TEN DOLLARS in PARTS!!!! NO FILLING nitrous bottles and NO CHANGING nitrous bottles.,,,,,,, just an EXTRA 20.00 everytime you fill the sled up!!! A PROPERLY DESIGNED nitrous system will work JUST FINE and you will NOT BE WASTING nitrous OR high octane fuel like the "other systems" will!!!!! Take my word,,,, I've BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT!!!!
lets say that "liquid nitrous" comes out of the "nozzle' at -50 below zero at 900psig. I could get into the schoolbooks and figure out the EXPANSION RATE throughout your INTAKE "path" to your transfer ports and combustion chamber,,,but,,,,lets say the expansion rate is 400%... STAY WITH ME NOW...... By the time ONE CUBIC FOOT of nitrous comes out of the nozzle at -50 below zero till the time it hits your combustion chamber at about ELEVEN or TWELVE cubic feet,,,,,, you've just experienced the "thermal expansion properties of a liquid nitrous BLAST.... if your NITROUS SYSTEM sprays a BLAST into the intake tract (as a vapor),, one cubic foot of nitrous expands,,,to about,,,,, ONE CUBIC FOOT!!!!! If it is regulated to 300 psi (a BLOCK AWAY)... it is still 1 cubic foot with a REALLY BAD flow characteristic!!!!! (300 psi) Now the NUMBERS ARE NOT EXACT... I am trying to get my point across.... PLEASE don't fight with me about the expansion rate at 10 deg compared to the expansion rate at 20 deg!!!! These "believers" that have these BAD SYSTEMS telling you that they work fine,,, are just that,,, BELIEVERS,,,,,, I got ABSOLUTE SCIENTIFIC PROOF!!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
so your saying it's dumb to putt a true hp boss system on and make the sled fly?
I understand your system but this is aeasy hassle fee kit that' requires no bottle heater.To me it's worth it the 60 hp bos kit gained 10 sled legnths in 1000ft.This is my last post.
I kniow you will make 10 more post on what I just posted,lol
Its nice to see your post Gary but I know several people that may think different and don't feel they are wrong as well I don't feel you are wrong either... I think its a difference of opinions so lets not get to carried away.

If you have this proof, I would rather see this scientific proof posted then all these words of wisdom.
Its like putting a racecar engine in your "family car" and putting a THROTTLE STOP on it.. You can NEVER enjoy the TRUE POTENTIAL that the RACECAR engine provides... a SYSTEM that introduces nitrous through the airbox (DRY) cannot produce nowhere NEAR the power that the SAME AMOUNT of nitrous would produce if it was INTRODUCED PROPERLY!!!! Tom,,,,, Its not MY OPINION, it is a KNOWN FACT and it can be proven!!! The XXXXXXX brand is MY OPINION!!!!! I am NOT GOING to get into a peeing match with anyone about their "bad system".. I CAN go to HOME DEPOT and for $20.00,,, PRODUCE the same horsepower (probably even more) than the XXXXX nitrous system!!!! My SUGGESTION is to PURCHASE or even ASK ME for a copy of the book and get an education.. You will PLAINLY SEE that some ideas are UTTERLY STUPID!!!!! NOT MY OPINION... FACT JACK!!!!!
I recommend PURCHASING THE BOOK and you can see exactly why nitrous does what it does and EXACTLY how to inject nitrous WHERE and HOW FAST and also at WHAT nitrous/fuel mixture... NITROUS works FABULOUSLY well WHEN you know how to do it... THERE ARE some SAD (really sad) systems on the market that utilize 20% of nitrous's capabilities..... WHEN used and CONTROLLED PROPERLY,,, nitrous is SAFE!!! When UNCONTROLLED,,, nitrous is VERY DANGEROUS!!!!! Learn how to TRANSFER nitrous from HOST bottles to your bottles and I will tell you how to get 92 or 93 lbs of NITROUS for around $50.00 a bottle.... VERY FEW people know about this way and they keep buying the "commercial grade" nitrous LOADED with the MUSTARD GAS in it... The mustard gas does NOTHING for the performance of the nitrous,,, it just keeps the HUFFERS from HUFFING it!!!! Do a SEARCH for the guy named MIKE THERMOS.. Mike was the "brains" at NOS SYSTEMS (now owned by holley) and MIKE basically PIONEERED NITROUS OXIDE INJECTION!!!! he hired the RIGHT people and the RIGHT engineers and made a BIGTIME impression on DRAG RACING as it is today!!!! THE BEST advise I could possibly give anyoe starting out with nitrous is to BUY THE BOOK from HOLLEY.... LEARN what to DO and what NOT TO DO!!! You'll see whats out there and you will take spray nozzles from company "A" and hoses from company "B" and solenoids from company "C" and fuel pump and regulator from company"D" and have the BEST WORKING and SAFEST nitrous system out there.. WHEN you KNOW what to look for and you SEE ALL THE GARBAGE out there in the market today,,, you'll be AMAZED on how much GARBAGE there is out there!!!! You will also be AMAZED on how SOME PEOPLE who are INTELLIGENT, use their GREED to LIE and CHEAT and MANIPULATE people into thinking that their substandard GARBAGE is the "hot ticket"!!!! Their "so intelligent" that they cannot even use their brains to THINK anymore,,, just to LIE AND MANIPULATE!!! BE CAREFUL,,, theres a LOT of SCAMMERS and a lot of garbage out there!!! gary Oles nosboy
just ask one of the "b (other guys)er" guys if he will give you his home phone number and if he'd come out to the track with you and help you tune.... You could call (millionaire) Mike Thermos and he'd probably spend a half dozen hours with you and fly to wherever you want him to and spend a weekend with you testing and tuning (and he'd even buy the PIZZA and BEERS).. The OTHER GUYS would feed you a line of BULLCRAP and Mike would give it to you the "way it is"... NOT OPINIONS,,,,JUST FACTS!!!!! answer to your question.......I have used 2 boss Noss sytems and was pleased with the results. Here are some things I believe to be true. Limit your HP shot to 15 hp per cylinder. Slow your fuel down a bit by blending a little race fuel into each fill or use an octane boost. Use the nitrous for short bursts like 3 or 4 seconds. Look for a 500 rpm over rev when you are on the nitrous. If you always ride at the same altitude you can use the Boondocker system since it uses bottle pressure to increase fuel flow through the carbs by pressurizing the float bowls. If you want to add an altitude compensator you will need the float bowl vents for compensation. The Boss system is called a wet system and injects fuel into the engine via a small jet you will install in the rubber boot that connects the carb to the engine. Nitrous is injected via a small nozzle you will install in the air box, one for each carb. Tuning is very simple. The Boss system uses a pressure regulator so bottle temp is not as critical. The boondocker system likes a bottle warmer. It is my understanding that Boss has decided to not sell to the public so as to support their dealer network. If you call them they will tell you who in your area is a dealer.

On another subject. Nosboy, clearly you are the nitrous god, understanding this stuff at a level most of us can only dream of. I'm betting that most readers recognize your posts in these nitrous threads as a sincere effort to contribution to a teaching/learning opportunity. While I often don't care for your writing style, I will admit to learning some things about nitrous from you. That said, you might take a moment to consider that most of us don't have the time, interest or ability to design, assemble and tune like you do. We just want to buy something off the shelf that is relativley easy to install, is reliable and works well enough to gain a few sled lengths on our buddies as we come out of a corner. So on behalf of us mere mortals, I ask for your patience as we struggle forward.
Thanks for the compliments modMMax!!! NOWHERE near a "god",,, just a guy who's been there with the "store bought kits" and took it to another level!!! I'll try it again,, PLEASE buy the book and read it... IF you have a problem with spending the $20.00 for the book,,, I WILL GLADLY send you MY COPY of the book if you PROMISE to send it back to me in a few weeks and you PROMISE to read it from cover to cover!!! I have purchased books FOR PEOPLE and the last one I sent to FINLAND!! Paid for it out of my OWN POCKET!!!! Not that I am trying to prove that I am smarter or better than anyone.. JUST TRYING to PROVE that you NEED TO READ THE BOOK before you screw around with something that you don't know anything about!!! GUYS will GLADLY spend 2 hours reading amsnow or snowtech.. Why not spend 2 hours to read the NITROUS BOOK!!!! If you want to take the advice and read the book (the guy who started this thread) send me your MAILING address and I will try and drop it in the mail on Saturday morning for you... I only ask that you READ IT and send it back in a few weeks. Thats all it will cost you is around 4 or 5 dollars for return postage!!!!There you go... Gary Oles nosboy
I am by no means a expert but i think there is a differance in a guy putting a kit on his every day trail \lake\mountain sled and not wanting to clutch for a big boost and someone clutching for full race and wanting every bit of horsepower and rpms that he can derive from it.
Mr NOSBOY, send me the book!!! My Address is listed in the TY Store. I need to be enlightened. Also now that your have spewed all this info, lets here from someone else... I really need a break.... besides that book will give me an eye full of info and I can come to my own conclusion.
REIMOND e mailed me (the guy from FINLAND that i sent the book to).. I asked him if he would sign his name and where he's from and if he's willing to send it to whoever (on totallyamaha) and lets see if we can get a BUNCH of signitures of TOTALLYAMAHA guys from ALL OVER THE WORLD that have read this book????? lets see if it flys???? P.S: if the book thing doesn't fly,,, TOM,,,, I would PERSONALLY send you MY OWN COPY of the "book" providing you give it 2 hours time in TWO WEEKS and send it back to me!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
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