Get the new FX Nytro.... I went from a Viper to a Apex GT last winter... I love the power on the GT. However I found it doesn't handle as good as I would like and I find it a little too heavy for my riding style. I'm hoping to get on a Fx Nytro. I've thought about going to Doo... But its too much of a gamble. They don't have the customer service that Yamaha and its dealers have. Yamaha has a much better track record for reliability as well.
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New member
Phil, I gotta agree with you on those counts. I think the reality is that it's cheaper for Yamaha to use an engine that shares many parts with something else in their production line (like I'm sure the 4-strokes share pistons/conrods/valvetrain etc with the bikes. Than it is for them to develop a whole new motor.
Ski-doo on the other hand, invested in a management system that would make the grade, they developed their own. Polaris and Cat just bought already existing technology that was a known quantity.
From what I've been reading actually, it seems like Polaris and Cat may have made the best move, it's a proven fact that the orbital system will perform just as well across the sniffer as any high-rev homogeneous charge 4-stroke motor. Ski-doo's results have been very good, but it's still something of an unknown quantity, and choosing to develop in house might still come back to bite them in the rear.
Nomatter how it goes down it'll be interesting to see how it all pans out.
Ski-doo on the other hand, invested in a management system that would make the grade, they developed their own. Polaris and Cat just bought already existing technology that was a known quantity.
From what I've been reading actually, it seems like Polaris and Cat may have made the best move, it's a proven fact that the orbital system will perform just as well across the sniffer as any high-rev homogeneous charge 4-stroke motor. Ski-doo's results have been very good, but it's still something of an unknown quantity, and choosing to develop in house might still come back to bite them in the rear.
Nomatter how it goes down it'll be interesting to see how it all pans out.
Active member
Junior said:Phil, I gotta agree with you on those counts. I think the reality is that it's cheaper for Yamaha to use an engine that shares many parts with something else in their production line (like I'm sure the 4-strokes share pistons/conrods/valvetrain etc with the bikes. Than it is for them to develop a whole new motor.
Ski-doo on the other hand, invested in a management system that would make the grade, they developed their own. Polaris and Cat just bought already existing technology that was a known quantity.
From what I've been reading actually, it seems like Polaris and Cat may have made the best move, it's a proven fact that the orbital system will perform just as well across the sniffer as any high-rev homogeneous charge 4-stroke motor. Ski-doo's results have been very good, but it's still something of an unknown quantity, and choosing to develop in house might still come back to bite them in the rear.
Nomatter how it goes down it'll be interesting to see how it all pans out.
I don't know much about orbital high-rev homogeneous sniffer stuff but mankind always seems to find a way to jump through almost any hoop you put in front of him and alot of times in more than one way so I'm not worried.
And I agree it will be interesting to watch.
Phil (opsled)
New member
opsled said:mankind always seems to find a way to jump through almost any hoop you put in front of him and alot of times in more than one way so I'm not worried.
yup, that's the truth.
VIP Lifetime Member
Remember that the 2 stroke companies are still able to use past extra credits in 08. in 2010 there is no past good boy credits allowed. Your sleds will have to stand on there own then, no we have credit from the 1 4 stroke we have to help get the 2 stroke bye. Maxdlx
Active member
Ok need answers ask away? Thinking of cheating on your wife,,,Go for want to jump ship.....jump boy jump.CNOTE said:Thanks for the feedback guys. I really am having a hard time with this. I 've never posted on here before and sure think this is a bad first post but I need answers. I'll probably upgrade my suspension for now.
bluewho said:Ok need answers ask away? Thinking of cheating on your wife,,,Go for want to jump ship.....jump boy jump.
Active member
Is the questions you want answered?CNOTE said:What???
New member
me personally i didnt like the feel of a 4stroke. then again that was and original rx-1 i road. really heavy. im in the process of trying to talk the wife into getting her own. once i do that i'll try and talk her into the other sled i want (rev renegade), that way when she doest go riding i have a selection lol
bluewho said:Is the questions you want answered?
The one about your immaturity is.
New member
easy boys, no drama here please.
Active member
My offer still stands if you would ask i will personly take you under my wing and tell were to go ....or how to fix any problem with your skidoo.If it is moral support you need you no were i stand there.CNOTE said:Thanks for the feedback guys. I really am having a hard time with this. I 've never posted on here before and sure think this is a bad first post[ but I need answers.] I'll probably upgrade my suspension for now.
bluewho said:My offer still stands if you would ask i will personly take you under my wing and tell were to go ....or how to fix any problem with your skidoo.If it is moral support you need you no were i stand there.
Am I missing something here? Does anyone know what this kid is talking about?
New member
CNOTE said:Am I missing something here? Does anyone know what this kid is talking about?
Cnote just squash it dude, stuff like this is bound to happen when questions such as these are asked. If you wanna ride a Doo then buy one, if you wanna keep your Yami then upgrade your suspension and call it a day. Its your money buy what YOU want. I was just giving you MY OPINION about the down falls on the Pro-Action sleds.
Active member
CNOTE said:Am I missing something here? Does anyone know what this kid is talking about?
I'm a little lost myself but that's nothing new for me. Ummmmm where was I? Lets see... Oh yea!! I went to the doctor to see what the problem was and he said I needed a brain transplant but they couldn't help me because I needed to supply them with a rebuildable core and seeing I don't have one and don't know where to find one I guess I will be lost for a long time.
Anyway (I'm back now), ExpertXViper is right. Your going to have to make the decision yourself but If you're worried about making a bad one maby you should hold off and try to get some test rides on whats available before you bite the bullet. If you can't con someone into letting you ride their sled call some dealers. They usually setup "demo days" test rides at different locations where you can put their new stuff through the paces. People can give you oppinions all day but you won't know for sure untill you actually ride something.
Good Luck, Phil (opsled)
Active member
I dont think anybody here should have to defend what brand sled they ride.Or offer moral support to someone that says they love there viper but skidoo has so mutch more to offer. And compare it to cheating on there wife??Like this is the church of yamaolligy or what?I think you want to pop in here and giggle all summer long at the yami guys trying to talk you into keeping your ......?year viper.Buy a new skidoo and post back here after you ride it for a while the pros and cons then we will all learn something,and wont have to read between the lines.
I'm pretty close to closing a deal on a used M10. From the research that I have done I think this will be a big improvement. I'm also thinking of a Ripsaw while I am at it.
If I get this all done I will post my thoughts on the improvement. I am sure they will be positive but of course there will be a couple of you that will continue to mess with me.
If I get this all done I will post my thoughts on the improvement. I am sure they will be positive but of course there will be a couple of you that will continue to mess with me.
New member
be carefull with the RipSaw, they're good for traction, but they hurt top-speed and on hardpack they don't hook as well as a studded track. I ride mostly hardpack, but i"ll take a 0.75" with studs over a 1.25 any day.
Active member
bluewho said:I dont think anybody here should have to defend what brand sled they ride.Or offer moral support to someone that says they love there viper but skidoo has so mutch more to offer. And compare it to cheating on there wife??Like this is the church of yamaolligy or what?I think you want to pop in here and giggle all summer long at the yami guys trying to talk you into keeping your ......?year viper.Buy a new skidoo and post back here after you ride it for a while the pros and cons then we will all learn something,and wont have to read between the lines.
OH Lord the Church of Yamaolligy is now in session. We are gathered here today Oh Lord to help guide a poor lost soul who is not sure if he should cheat on his wife or buy a new Ski Doo. We must convince this lost soul to follow the path to Yamaheaven for his other two choices will cost him ALOT!! of money$$$ and sorrow . We must help him see the light and keep his @$$ firmly planted at home on his Yamaha or he will be force into an eternity of divorce court and Doo Talk Hell. (whew!! beer break!!!) {insert elevator misic here} (OK I'm back, ahh were was I, oh yea) The great YAMMIEGOD 3:16 once proclaimed to me "Boy shut up and get on your Yamaha or go cut grass" (or somethin like that right Tony? ) and we must pass these great words of wisdom on to this poor lost soul. So we say to you Poor Lost Soul "keep your Yamaha or buy a new Yamaha, mow your lawn all summer but for Gods Sake and Ours DON"T buy a Ski Doo and give your wife a great big kiss from all of us. Amen.
Father Phil (opsled) deciple of YAMMIEGOD
What da Ya Think Tony? It's even Sunday!! (wonder if I could get that preacher job down at the church?)
Sorry everybody I told ya I have a hard time being serious especially without snow.
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Junior said:be carefull with the RipSaw, they're good for traction, but they hurt top-speed and on hardpack they don't hook as well as a studded track. I ride mostly hardpack, but i"ll take a 0.75" with studs over a 1.25 any day.
Thanks, that's great advice!