Comparing other sleds to SRX

That makes sense because I was wondering if the 05 Viper or Vector had the same motor as the SRX and better suspesion why no one mention that. It was not mentioned because there was no such animal.

Thanks for the info

daman said:
The '05's had the same motor as always,triple cyl.700cc,SINGLE pipe with power valves.with alot less power(vs. the srx)

The vector in '05 had 4 stroke 4 banger(998cc) 120 hp. and heavier.

First let me say that I love the power of my srx!
I have only owned yamahas my whole life. My family and I have 5 setting in the garage right now.

Last year my cousin let me ride his REV last year on the last day of our tripe in the UP. I had to get off it after an hour......I started to fall in love with the rev 800.

My cousins REV 800 has.136" track, electric start, and reverse. Sure its a different ridding style and it took a few minutes to get used to it. But the ride was so smooth! The performance is about the same. If not the same on the trails.

We have never ran my srx and his rev on the lake for a flat out, high end run so I don't know what would be the fastest. But I know on the trails they are about equal.

Both machines get just over 16mpg while riding on the trail. And just like ski doo, yamaha has had mechanical problems to. The early srx had crank problems.

I have about 3000 miles on my srx now and I am putting new rings and maybe pistons in it in the next couple of weeks. And other then that I have had no problems with it.
My cousins rev has around 2000 miles on it and he has had no problems with it.

I don't think the viper would be a good choice. It still rides on the NOaction proaction. I have switch to a long travel RX1 skid and must say I wasn't to impressed with it. I wish I would have just put an edge or sc skid in it.

I also agree with billjd's comments. He made a lot of good points.

You just have to ask yourself: are YOU a yamaha only guy or do you want a nice riding sled that you can ride all day and not sore afterwards?
I would think for the years sleds your looking at a REV 800 would be a very nice sled!
Real easy to change to a new rear skid. The new Boivin ZX-2 under an SRX will make a Rev sit up and take notice. And a lot cheaper than a new Rev too!
he is talking about getting an 03-04 sled. To me thats sounds like he doesn't have a lot of money to be throughing around. I think an 04 rev chasis would suit his needs without having to put more money into it to make it a nice riding trail sled.
unless he finds a srx cheap enough that he can afford to put $1500+ into the rear suspension I think he would be better off with an updated,nicer riding machine that he wouldn't have to put a bunch of money into.
