Grand Rapids MI

How's the white pine looking? I was out last weekend on the Musketawa trail. Rode up to twin lakes and the twisting trails clubhouse. good snow!

Cadillac there is yamaha demos, ..
My clutch blew up this weekend, all three weights gone, and one threw the hood... ouch, Looking for some parts, The new srx 600 runs good though.
Ouch. I threw a weight through the hood of my SXr a couple years back. Anyone get caught in that speed trap up by Wellston this weekend? a buddy got 115 on the gun, yes that is right, 115 in a 45 mph zone. got him for wreckless driving and impounded his RX-1. I thought 115 was very fairly impressive on the 1-ton. If your gonna do it, you might as well do it right!
Ouch is right, 115. Is movin. I saw a couple sheriff's out but they were just checking trail stickers and registration, didnt see any radar this weekend.

At 115 I dont know if I would stop..... =)
hey. does anyone wanna go to the deltaplex tuesday to the manufacturer's sneak peek of sleds?
I heard all 4 manufacturers are gonna be there this year. In the past it was always Yamaha only but all 4 are gonna be there this year. I can't make it but my Father is planning on going
Sorry I didnt see your mesg. in time. I was there from 4 to 530. Yamaha has some pretty cool stuff for 09, I want that Apex RTX. Looks sweet.
Cat and Polaris had Turbo sleds there.....Looked neat but still like the Yami better.
Yeah it was cool to see all the Brands, Did you see the Polaris turbo sled was leaking Anti Freeze all over the floor??? Not too good for PR I would think
Thats a old one... I have that windscreen in my van still. I havent been by lowell though.. If you are over in GR any day call me...
I can't remember what day i am taking off next week, but i will give you a call and come get it.
ok give me a heads up, during the day til 3pm I could be any where in the west side of the state. I know monday and friday I will be in town somewhere
How much riding have you gotten in this year? Mine grand total is about 80 miles. whew i'm killing it this year. I just seem to find time. Been busy on sundays and on my day off during the week. All my riding has been back and forth to work.
