99 sx transformation

Can you buy those foot rest st the rear of the tunnel? If i understand, you built your own but i would just like to buy a pair. CCC
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I don't think I've seen any for the rear like that. These ones are like $170 each brand new, that's a little steep. I think your best bet would be to find a sled being parted out and grab a set off that.
Well there hasn't been an update in a while because I am still waiting for my drive sprockets to be pressed onto the driveshaft. This is taking forever, I wish I had my own press and could do it myself.

Anyway in the meantime to keep myself busy I was messing around with some new shocks I got and thought I would give you guys a sneek peek of my future front suspension:



I had my mind set on fox floats until I did some research and found out people like these shocks much better for trail riding. So we'll see how they work.
Wow your sled looks awesome!!! one of the cleanest for sure!!!

cant wait for updates on the ride of the M-10 and front shocks!!!

so if I understood correct Phazer GT shocks bolt right up to an SX!!!???
Thanks, yah I can't wait to ride this thing. I hope I can get it together before the first good snowfall.

Yes, these shocks will bolt right up, however they are a bit taller than viper shocks so you need a good tall rear skid to balance it out.
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I already have the long travel Radius Rods and Steering Rods because I have an XTC Chassis...... and stock XTC KYB shocks I believe they measure 17 3/4" CTC, they're rebuildable but I'm sure the piggybacks soak up the bumps even better!!! what do yours measure CTC again??? and they have the SX style upper mounts I noticed, rather than the viper stlye!!!
Yah from what I hear the reservoirs really help and the adjustability is a plus.

Sorry I didn't mean these shocks were longer than viper shocks, they are actually shorter (15.5" ctc) but they lift the front end more because they mount lower.
Update: I finally got my drivers pressed onto the driveshaft and decided to work late last night and assemble the track, chaincase and suspension. Here are some pictures and a short vid:





They are actually the XT model, they are really wide so they float nice in the deep snow. They have a deep keel and really bite into the loose snow but they are hard to turn when the trail gets firmer. I'm thinking of placing a small shim on the ski rubber to see if that cures the hard steering and darting.
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