My Problem Machine - SRX

Hey bro, my BFF lives in Saginaw. Next time I am up your way I would gladly take a look at it w/you. I am not "Joe Mechanic" but am very familiar w/the electrical gremlins on these little "beeatches." I had a slight rub under the motor and above the left footwell I had about 10 wires arcing out on the sheetmetal where the harness does a 180 up into the CDI. I am guessing a simple wiring/short issue or stator. You got it running, but it sounds like something got moist and shorted/froze up.
For the time being it is buried under 2 feet of snow, more than likely I will hook it to the truck this weekend and drag it up to the garage. I am trying to not add to the rutts in the driveway and yard. We continue to get snow but the ground is warming up. Ironically the yard has tons of snow but the driveway is a muddy mess. To be expected I guess Spring is coming.

This SRX is one heavy sled. I dread moving it by myself.
At the CDI, locate the Black-White wire and disconnect it temporarily... (pull it from the connector carefully).... Then, check for spark and try starting sled... be sure, Black-White wire is isolated from CDI.... (this is the kill wire controlled by both the key switch and the kill switch)... if you have a short to ground on this wire you'll have intermittent electrical failures....

W/the issues you are stating first thing I would do is get the sled inside and dried out. Preferably a heated garage/barn if available.
I drug it into the garage after work it should be dried out by morning. I have the wood stove burning and there is enough wood in there to let it burn till the early morning. Man that sled was a pain to move.
destey said:
did you ever figure out what was wrong with your srx?
Update to the problem machine:
Hack motorsports ended up changing the Magneto pickup, the one RM stator replaced was the wrong one.
Now the bad:
Hack motor sports rerouted my electrical wiring to run over my engine between where the coolant lines are and the exhaust. The exhaust melted through my wiring harness and that was that. Now it is a wiring nightmare, not really but there always seems to be an electrical problem. This year when I first start it it runs on 3 cylinders and then drops down to one after 5 to 10 minutes of idling. Seems to be electrical in nature possible bad CDI.

All in all I am done with it. It is sitting in the barn and I am riding an old Polaris.

I have had the 98 Polaris for 10 years and paid 2200 for it. Has ran flawless all 10 years.

I have had the 2001 Yamaha for 3 years or so and have 4800 stuck into it. I got to ride it 45 minutes last year before the wiring was damaged. Now the wiring is replaced and I have more problems.
SRX wiring issue

Have you tried swapping out the cdi box? I had a 2005 ZR 900 Cat, and it would spark every fourth or fifth pull. It would cough every once in about 20 pulls, but would not run. I replaced the trigger coil, and did every test that I could--no results. I found a dealer with a similar running machine, and they let me swap the cdi box. It started on the second pull. I bought a good used cdi, and never had a problem after that.

Not sure if you have access to one, but it may be worth a try.

Good luck.

If you dont do it yourself,,,,, find another dealer.... sounds like a bad nightmare.......haulks s u c k s unless, they charge, you for up... ha ha,, grade,,,,,cough,cough.. sorry had to be said.,,..
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did the same exact thing with my wiring.Went out around 3 miles from home and all of a sudden things went crazy.Tach,headlights went out,motor started to run erratically..wouldn't rev up much and missing..I got it home slowly working the throttle.Found wiring harness burnt thru..2 wires where barely attached,the others it didn't fry thru.So taped it up and ran again.I was grounding out the system..just wandering also if my CDI got harmed from this..but sleds starts good.Still think my issues last year and this year is still electrical somehow,but checked the wire wherever I can see.It may be time to park the SRX also and maybe part out and look for another sled I am thinking..if only the prices would drop further.I still got the SXR600 to ride anyways..better then nothing.Money is limited here for a new or newer sled anyways..I have always thought that when my 2 sleds finally give up and not worth fixing is the time I will probably get out of sledding Oh yeah..I still have my 1976 Pantera to ride I on gas anyways.
you can fix those yourself. you know what the problem is now. just reroute them and tape them up. Then drain the gas, clean the carbs and it should be fine. It's normal for it to run like crap the first time you start it up since the gas is old. You don't have to put any more money into it. The SRX is a great sled and you'll love it once you can take it on a few rides.
