My Problem Machine - SRX

pull the wiring harness and look for bare wires. if you unplug the ignition the sled should start eliminating any key switch questions. I've never seen one go bad. If I were a betting man I'd say you have a bare wire under the motor....
I had a simular problem with my 2000 Venture 600, I had alot of problems it ended up being my hook up for my heated visor. Make sure you disconnect anything that's not factory, Heated grips, thumb grips, heated shield... Good luck I know what you are going through..Take your time because you usually get so pissed you over look the little things..
So I know it has been a few days and I have not been able to get much done. This morning I went out and tested the condenser it Ohms out at 2.85MOhm I am unsure what the specs are. The Main Switch seems to function as the manual says it should. I am unable to locate the rectifier and I don't know what the specs are for it. Manual says see dealer for the condenser and rectifier (what good is having a manual when it wants me to go to the dealer). So as I was on my quest of checking things I unplugged the coil packs (the main 2 wire lead) and put the meter on it and had a friend turn it over, there is power right up to the coils. I believe there must be an issue with one or more of the coils. I Ohmed them once before and all 3 came up as within spec. I am going to pull all 3 packs later today. And retest them off the sled. I believe I may have found the issue, but I am not sure. Please chime in and give your opinion. Any suggestions on where to get new coils for a good price?
Rip out your wiring harness from underneath the engine. Check all wires and follow them all the way to where they plug in. I had the SAME problems. others did too. dont overlook the wires. they rub through and gremlines are born. look for a little brown and black wire. those ones messed my life up for a couple weeks. I believe they are the kill switch wires??
Starting from left to right, facing the front of the engine I tested the coils one at a time and was given different results.

Coil 1: Primary .3 Ohm Secondary 11.38 Ohm
Coil 2. Primary .3 Ohm Secondary 14.6 Ohm
Coil 3. Primary .4 Ohm Secondary 10.84 Ohm

Spec. for the Primary: .38 ~ .46 Ohm
Spec for the secondary 5.8 ~ 7.0 Ohm

The 4 prong harness checks out at .2 to .4 Ohm.
i dont think the coils are the prob,the resistance test numbers change with temp, plus your going thru caps and if there is any corrosion at all the numbers will be wrong, a real bad coil will usually have no continuity or real far out of spec those are pretty close, the diff is probably in the (caps just a guess) i would lean toward what others have said about rub through, it seems pretty common, i dont know if you can unplug the harness that runs under motor and still try to start and run motor the reg is for lights and such (dc current) not for ign.( ac current )im pretty sure. if you have the manual find the color of the tac lead if that rubs and grounds it will not start same with kill wire before switch hope this helps
I am going to unbolt the engine and bench it tomorrow until I find the wiring issue. I am at wits end searching for this. I will look over all the wiring and let you guys know what I find.
Your correct no1chevyboy that was through the caps which I didn't take into account. The caps should Ohm at 5 Ohm and if you subtract that from the secondary it puts them in close range. Coil 2 would be a little high but nothing to worry about. I have seen coils on newer cars that Ohm 10 or 15 over spec and still function.

I appreciate all input and encourage you guy to keep giving me ideas. I would love to keep and use this sled but not running it will just sit and eventually become parts so... all help is appreciated.
i think i read on here that you can fish the harness out without removing motor and tie a string to end to pull back through. pretty sure
Don't pull the motor just to get the wiring harness out. Use the string or do what I did, pull the harness out and once you've verified it's okay, (or you've found the problem and fixed it), reroute the harness up and over the recoil starter (tie wrap it to the frame). This is a much better environment for the harness instead of being down in the bowels of the machine.

everything points to rub through in my opinion.

I had 2 seperate rub issues the last 2 seasons....Initially, my guages, lights, fuel meter and tach would go dead, then come alive again...on off on off, pulled the harness from underneath, sure enough....wire almost completely cut

Last year, my power valve servo was on the frits, after trying everything known to man, decided to replace wiring harness, got all removed, and right down near stator, discovered another rub, where it was shorting out on chassis bolt.

So, do yourself a favour, and rule all the wires out...will likely save you from another electricasl gremlin chase in the next few seasons anyways...these SRX's are famous for rubs
Im pretty sure my headlight lights up when I pull it over. Also my guess is stator. A couple hundered bucks for a new one was worth it to me. My sled starts so easy now.
Yamahizal700 - The stator was just rebuilt by RM stator. It is putting out voltage.

I started out the day trying to fish the wires out and couldn't because of the 4 metal hold downs. I removed the air cleaner box, unhooked the carbs enough so they would let me get to the motor mounts and undid all 6 mounting bolts. Had my little brother push on a crow bar (to pick the engine up) long enough for me to free up the wiring harness and fish it through. I have unravled all tape and protective sheeves. The wiring looks like bran new. There was a few minor rub marks on the tape but the entire harness had no rub through. I did notice a white 3 prong plug with nothing connected to it can you guys identify it, is something missing?
Here is the rest of the pictures.
I am headed back out to find a motor mount bolt that fell into the belly of the beast. Please let me know what you think.
delemi said:
Yamahizal700 - The stator was just rebuilt by RM stator. It is putting out voltage.

I started out the day trying to fish the wires out and couldn't because of the 4 metal hold downs. I removed the air cleaner box, unhooked the carbs enough so they would let me get to the motor mounts and undid all 6 mounting bolts. Had my little brother push on a crow bar (to pick the engine up) long enough for me to free up the wiring harness and fish it through. I have unravled all tape and protective sheeves. The wiring looks like bran new. There was a few minor rub marks on the tape but the entire harness had no rub through. I did notice a white 3 prong plug with nothing connected to it can you guys identify it, is something missing?
Here is the rest of the pictures.
I am headed back out to find a motor mount bolt that fell into the belly of the beast. Please let me know what you think.
that white plug is where you would connect the tool for adjusting power valves.
I am at a loss then guys, I have went through everything in the manual. I have looked at everything you have recommended.

Any and all input would be appreciated. My gf is starting to wonder if she is is going to have a sled this year and she can't ride the MM and I don't want to ride doubles. Lets all scratch our heads here. If you need me to go test something again or have special instructions you want me to follow please post them.
Did you check the wiring harness yet for rubs?...Lets start with the easiest solution pull the harness out and give it a once over and then once over it again.

On a side note you said its a 01 srx, your headlight will not light up when you pull it over. Oh and for everyone else please do not spray ether into the engine especially a brand new one, like others suggested use a little premix.
