Who has the hottest looking sx

Heres mine

Im just in the process of instaling new revalved viper shocks, maximum performance wide kit and a ripsaw track, gonna be a fun season im sure.


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hey redmarer

the mirrors are arctic cat.... they come in red, black and blue, and of course that ac green... IMO, the only way anything from AC looks good is on a yami....
ROACH, I would like to see some pics of your machine with the Viper seat !
Did you have to modify anything or was it just a straight bolt on ? Electricals, any problems ?

A photo of my bender pipes with modified flange connections with grafoil seals =no more leakeage of exhaust gases.

Not an SX but a Yamaha, my sons SRX blue and flamed Snow Sport :rockon:
Hey Boondoctor,
Let us know midseason how you like the ride and handling with the viper shocks. I keep thinking that is a good idea, but before I was on TY I always thought my sled was perfect so I worry that I'd put the viper shocks on and then regret it.

You should have the springs powdercoated red!

I can't wait til my kids are big enough for a Sno Scoot those things are COOL!
ya hear you there about ride with your brains redmater. you see a lot of people that just wanta bigger sled but dont know how to drive it. its one thing if they injure themselves totaly different story when they injure another rider.

if you find out where to get the mirrors let me know. those look awesome and they cant be too expensive.

all that you have to modify for the viper seat is a little of the wiring. just cut the harness from your old seat, leaving enough wire to splice it to the new seat. pretty easy. the only thing wrong w/ the viper seat on an sx is that the small dip in the gas tank shows, the one with the 2 screws that hold the old seat up and forward. btw ekimsx600 has my pictures and is gonna resize them for me so hopefully they will be on here soon
go to a dealer

i ordered my blue ones from my yami dealer in alpena mi, they are an ac dealer as well, if i remember correctly they come in red, black, yami blue, and of course green... i think they were right around 60 for the set... The packaging was direct ac....
Hey JLance, I like your taste in vehicles!
Gotta respect someone who has the widsom to own both Toyotas and Yamahas! ;)!
Heres a couple of the Toyotas Ive owned over the years. Hope to have some pics of my Phazer soon!!!
new windshield decals

put a cutom decal on my shield everyone like the tuning fork,so i made my own personal decal of a killer tamater. i own a vinyl graphix biz!


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hood had a couple dingers, so i did a little body work and painted it. then i took it to a local graphics that my grandpa used to co. own. we ran threw a couple ideas and that is what we came up with. pretty sweet freebie
Thats right seems you can't go wrong with Toyos or yammys. 207,000 miles and counting on my T100. Next comes a 4 door Tundra. Red of Course. I like that red Vector with the white stripe up the hood. I'll just need another income to pay for them. We still have 2 old enticer 300s that we just put new plugs in and let the kids ride every year. I remember when I though they we fast. Ha!

Redmater that IS a killer mater!
sorry harry balzonya,cool name but i am a sx rider and i think that there are more vipers than sx sleds on this board really or this thread would be loaded. but we will see?
