whats in a name ??

Where I live and what I use to ride, son rides it now. Though I could change to SXV and it would be correct. So Scott whats in a Betheviper ?? ;)!
A math book in high school used these strange terms such as "wifferdills" and "jerebomes" when giving examples of problems, so I chose jwifferdill for my Hotmail account name, and it just stuck. I suppose I could change it to something more meaningful, but then I would have to go through the process of everyone recognizing my screenname again.
Mine stands for RXWarrior Limited Edition and in the RX/RS forums it is MSRX-Ernie
and it stands for Mountain SRX and my name Ernie. I had a MSRX from 98, but i bought the 04 RXWarrior LE:WayCool:, and sold my MSRX this spring:(. I miss the sound of the tripple tripple though.:( But not the 2 smoke.;)!
Mine stemed from the RydeFX shocks you always see in snowmobile magazines. At that time I had an SRX, hence the name "ridesrx." It was kind of a spur of the moment thing when I was registering.
A buddy of mine gave me a personalized license plate one time, when we were heavy into kneeboarding.
KneeBoardXtremist and I rode a SRX at the time.

Some peckerhead in here started using my other name, powderslut, so I stuck with KB
DoktorC is the short form of Dr. Crankenstien....which is the name of my boat...
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