whats in a name ??

Redline comes from all my banshee buddies i used to race with. we started drag racing as "Redline Racing" (where you need to be with a banshee!) Viper... well duh!
when i spank all the ski-doo guys on the lake.....they would come over a say thats one fast srx.......what did you do to it..and i would say it's magic!!!
Black Bart was the name given to me by harrys used sales and his brother who owns grammys county in after I built my 98 srx over and made it black. They have called me Black Bart or Bart ever since. I used this name for a year on maximum forums. After finding totallyamaha when looking for info on yamahas and ordering my new viper I went from B. Bart to Betheviper as in be the ball. Now most on the site that I sell and talk to call me BTV.
Might be stupid but I choose to use the nick name of my dog. I have 3 Keeshonds and they are really fuzzy and always seem to want their butt's rubbed. Fuzzbutt.

Example given
Mine is a nickname I got from a friend while i was at the Harley Rendevous near Troy NY. I was sitting in a chair sound asleep with my head being supported by hand with my elbow on the arm of the chair. I guess he looked at my arm as kickstand for my head. LOL. Stupid but it was the only name I could think of when I was signing up.
I ride in the mtns and got this name from my riding buddies. always droppin intoo places that are deep and I usually stay in for while tryin to find a way out. Also fits when I start a mod project, I just can't stop....always somethin better to do. Then i get in over my head again and need help to finish.

I should hope one day I can change it to livenlearn!!
I think most people would guess squeeze my right thumb to play in the snow. Well, they would be right! Like Ding says, "Ring the bell, win a prize!" ;)!
my daughter had asked me this and she did not get it? if your blue you are sad so i ride a blue sled and never sad when its running so
love to play on the sled when everyone is complaining about how cold it is outside...that rip sound of the motor when it's about -10 F.....gotta love the cold, and i run a 97sx

almost 2005 and its 52 degrees.....what the......
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Just a name I came up with. First and most favorite pastime of mine is sitting in my boat fish'n for Kings and sivers. Sockeye salmon are also a blast. All salmon move in schools up river called "runs". Wha lah! Sockeyerun:roll:
Hey, :lol: You asked!
