whats in a name ??

well all of my toys have been yammies:
old toys:1999 yzf R6, 2000 warrior (atv), 2002 griz 660, yz 250
current toys: 98 srx 700, 98 banshee, 04 yzf r6...

I ride a 99 SRX 700 and it is faster than a speeding bullet, and all that can be seen is a blue blurrrrr in snow dust down the trail. Real reason is someone already had Bluerider.
n2o = nitrous, iroc = my 85 iroc-z camaro. my fun car, a work in progress that will probably never be done. i am looking forward to it being finished though, 550 hp on motor + 200-300 additional hp with nitrous!
Hey, this is a good thread. I've always been curious as to the reasons people chose their "screen" names.

I simply picked mine for this site because I use it on all my others and I didn't want to forget from site to site. The model helicopter I fly is a Eurocopter, so I just shortened it a bit and never put a hypen between the 'e' and the 'u'; probably how it should be. So, it came out ecopter, instead of e-copter.

Whats in a name?

Mine stands for what happens when guys say "the check is in the mail" for parts and then the $$ never shows up. By the way Scott...I am going to have to pass on those Ohlins.

Mines stupid also but I kinda got labeled an extremist because I talk an think sleds all summer long, which I'm sure is nothing new around hear but to my non riding buds "its just plain not normal". I have been using the same username on Amsnow for a few years so it kinda just stuck.

S.X. = Snowmobile "X" tremist.
Been "Ding" as long as I can remember . . .

There are differing opinions on why, but I like to think it comes from my last name (Dingman). Some others think it originates from my recent habit of damaging things like sleds, trucks, and trailers . . .

And one time in band camp, uh I mean grade school . . .

One of my friends when asked to name the different kind of bats, promptly replied . . .

regular bats
vampire bats

I still don't see the great humor in that one.
Well mine name comes from what I drive and where I ride. I am from New Brunswick and I drive a 2003 Viper. So much efffort when into that. Ha Ha
YAMaha IN Alaska(AK) = YAMINAK
3 to 6 feet of snow already in Petersville AK.
Awesome riding.
maim is the name i use when gaming on the internet. stared with diablos, mechwarrior and i use the same one in final fantasy XI in the world diabolos
Oh man, I'm gonna get hammered about this...

SRX700 - one of the greatest sleds of all time and 24 - I'm a big Jeff Gordon fan (NASCAR). I can hear the boos already. LOL !!!
It started as a kind of a tribute to Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson for starting the whole Outlaw country music thing. Plus I like to think of it as a total oxymoron as I am a very law abiding citizen.

But now, I work in corrections...
So Outlaw is always surrounded by, OUTLAW's :lol:
When I was a rookie Policeman (11 years ago) I spent a few years on the vice squad. My badge number before being being promoted was 108. Thus my email and screen names have always been vice108.
