1st Sled Purchase Nightmare Gets Worse!!!! Please Read!!!!


Jan 5, 2010
49071 MI
Some of you may have read my other thread...


I baught my sled from one of the members here, he seemed like a genuine guy but when I called him the 3rd day I had my sled to ask him why it might have blown up he told me to "turn the Idle up till it ran smooth enough, and take it to our local snowmobile auction" this made me start worrying!!!

It wasnt using any oil..... when I got the motor appart the Pistons had a gap almost the size of a piston ring between the piston and cylinder... and now when I attempted to split the crank case to replace the seals, just in case, I found a classic JB Weld and sell it fix!!!




Im at a loss for words...... I am already looking at having to go through the Millenium Tech cylinder swap program ($380) for the sleeves that are out of tolerance, new Pistons, new Rings, Wrist Pins, Clips, WP Bearings ($500+)..... a gasket set ($50+), maybe an oil pump ($200).......

After 3 days of riding, babying this sled, I just paid $1,200 for I need about another $1,200 worth of parts!!!!!! with 8-10 hours of labor!!!!

I am asking for everyone who reads this to leave their opinion, Please!!! This is my first snowmobile and I love riding!!!

I am also asking for help from anyone who might have parts that might work to help me out, I cant afford to buy all these parts new!!! Im not asking for free stuff just a good price on good parts!!!

1998 600 twin XTC VMAX

Another short note..... Im going to call him tomorrow, Monday, to see what he has to say....
I want to wait..... if he makes it right with me I dont want to make him look bad unnessicarilly!

thats why I want opinions, what do you think I should do???
thstorms said:
I want to wait..... if he makes it right with me I dont want to make him look bad unnessicarilly!

thats why I want opinions, what do you think I should do???
I would
talk to the moderaters on site, ask them for advice on how to handle it.
I'd say it sucked air throught the JB weld and burnt up. How was the machine represented to you, as mint or as a sled. Maxdlx

ps If it were me I'd make it right, but I'd have told you to begin with
ya he should have disclosed this to you ....but he might not have known about it ,,but i am sure he had to notice it wasnt using any oil ,,but being he told you to turn idle up and pass it on to someone else sounds shady to begin with ....you should disclose his name not to slander him but just so other members know to watch who they deal with ,,,and if he does make it rite to you that will just prove he is a stand up guy and mabe didnt know about it ...but me myself i know my machines inside and out and i tell everyone everything i know about it and any thing i might think needs some attension .....just my opnion take it for what you want
to start Thank You for the responses!!!

He told me he blew it up..... as the story goes he baught it with 1900 miles on a fresh top end, "because it had aftermarket Pistons". He rebuilt it after having the cylinders honed and used OEM pistons and rings. "The motor was perfect now and still on the first tank of gas"

I think he knew more and wanted to get out from under it....

Lucky him Ive never owned a sled and knew nothing to look for..... he did tell me the motor had great compression but when I asked for a compression gauge he got a little nervous and said he left it somewhere else.....
1st off, he may have been in the same boat and purchased it and didnt know why it blew, repaired it and sold it not knowing that it had a crack in the case. On the other hand he could have been hosing you... any rate, he should try and work this out with you...he still was the final seller and should make good.... if he dont, Maybe small claims court would be the best way to approach it.
thstorms, i feel for you that sucks, wish i had the cases you need,im sure their are many members on here willing to help you with what you need, i really doubt you ever get the paul harvey side of the story, sounds like it should of went to the auction to start with, at least their you know your rolling the dice,anyway good luck, the guys on this site will be able to answer any questions you have
Go back and reread thstorms posts,,this dirt bag knew what he was selling,come on here, "turn the idle up till it ran smooth enough",,"take it to our local snowmobile auction"

you got ripped my Friend and thats too bad,,yes post the losers name so no one else gets hosed by this guy.

thats case needs to be welded and checked for leaks now,IMO look for a new used one.
storms i will help you with the rebuild on this i know a great tig welder you just buy parts and help me with the rebuild and i will not charge you for labor.i also get parts 20 to 30 % off list price. pete amato. i live 25 miles north of you.
amatosrx said:
storms i will help you with the rebuild on this i know a great tig welder you just buy parts and help me with the rebuild and i will not charge you for labor.i also get parts 20 to 30 % off list price. pete amato. i live 25 miles north of you.

Thats awesome!!! Thanks a bunch!!! I have it tore all the way down except the clutch and magnito.....

Do you have a clutch and magnito puller???

I would love to have an experienced helping hand finishing this up!!!!

problem is gonna be I cant afford all the parts I need right now, I spent a little more than my budget on the sled because it sounded like such a great deal!!! Now Im broke and so is my sled!!!!!!!
get with pete, and then let me know what parts you need i may have some laying around in all my crap and I live 10 mins away from pete
billbies said:
get with pete, and then let me know what parts you need i may have some laying around in all my crap and I live 10 mins away from pete

Thank you!!! I know I need a head....

Im taking the jugs to be speced tonight, after talking with Pete Im pretty sure all the plating is completely gone!!! If you have a pair of 600 twin Jugs that are within spec I will probably need them....
