1st Sled Purchase Nightmare Gets Worse!!!! Please Read!!!!

thstorms said:
I think the oil pump I baught is the evil opposite twin of my old one sent from the future!!!!! Or a '97 pump....... with the marks lined up I used 26oz oil to 8 gallons of gas..... I backed it off as lean as it would go and which put it about 2mm off from lineing up, this time I burned 17 gallons and 30oz oil!!!!!!!
actually thats not to bad little lean yes(72.5:1) but nothing that would ever squeak an engine.

that engine dont need anymore then 50:1,plenty of oil

2mm before marks are lined up should do it.
i figured the mixture rate again.....

I have the pump adjusted all the way lean, and it is still 32.31:1....

way too rich, Im guessing its a '97 pump gitting ready to go... probably well on its way!!!
this whole experience is really fun... and educational...... Im learning by force every problem Yammy 600 twins ever had all at once!!!!

anyone have any ideas for my clutch???

I decided my sled bogs too much at low RPM after riding for another 100mi yesterday, both my clutches get pretty hot when riding at WOT....

If I ride in powder it bogs really bad and misfires, this seems strange considering my track is only 1/2-3/4"......

I think this sled has been geared for speed and clutched wrong......
have you looked at your clutch bushings to see if they are worn?

Take out the weights and see if the hole in the weight is actually round or if it is oval, oval is bad.

What is your clutch setup right now?

weights, springs, helix....
thstorms said:
i figured the mixture rate again.....

I have the pump adjusted all the way lean, and it is still 32.31:1....

way too rich, Im guessing its a '97 pump gitting ready to go... probably well on its way!!!
Confusing.....you just posted above when leaned out it's using allot less oil???

you may want to start a new thread with your clutching prob instead of trying to work on two problems in one.
daman said:
Confusing.....you just posted above when leaned out it's using allot less oil???

you may want to start a new thread with your clutching prob instead of trying to work on two problems in one.

26oz oil to 8 gallons gas gives me 39.38:1

so I turned it all the way lean......now

18oz oil to 4.6 gallons gas, 32.71:1
thstorms said:
Clutch ????'s

Both of my clutches are hot after riding pretty hard..... I can hold my hand on them but only for about 5-10 seconds.....

is this normal???

should I try winding my secondary a little tighter????
Hey sorry I'm late to the party. Been working on the house too much...

You should not have hot clutches. I have the same sled (but it looks like the factory intended it to look :) )

I have the 8CR's in my primary. I have the oem called for rivets in them in the proper places. I can't say for exact certain which ones they are off hand since it has been a while since I played around with them. I've got a couple pictures of them but you really can't tell which rivets they are.

Anyway. You need a bit more weight there. Especially at the tip. Run a new 89L belt and start with your secondary at 70. You can play with it at 60 or 80 as well. The tech pages have a reference to the light aluminum rivet in the tip. Also you might want to replace the primary and secondary springs. They do wear out.

Your engagement RPM looks good but you are spinning it a bit fast. Shoot for 7800 RPM.

Sounds like quite the ordeal. Hopefully in the end you will really get to enjoy your sled.
OH BOY!!!! Another Issue!!!!

I took my chaincase apart to check the gearing..... 23/40

What would cause this????



I found another 600 oil pump.... it came off a sled with 8,000mi that was still running well....

is an oil pump with that kind of milage safe??? or scary???
I have never seen anything like that happen before. I have seen shafts break, but not on the end like that.
There is no such thing as a bad sled just bad previous owners

i dont know about that , have you read this thread from start to finish.... :lol:
its really not funny , but eventually you'll have a 100% rebuilt sled.
WTF? Besides someone hitting the end of the shaft with a BFH I can't think of any reason that should break there.

This is really turning into a non-stop scavenger hunt of "guess what's wrong now".

You are going to need a new jack shaft. While you are at it all 5 drive bearings (all 3 on the jackshaft and both on the drive shaft) might need inspecting and possible replacement. I've had the clutch end of the jack shaft bearing go on a sled while it was being driven. Not too pretty.

I wonder if a substantial roll over that caused the need for a new hood may have started the metal issues leading to the near-end breaking off.

Is it me or does that chain look like it got hot? Either way there is another "all kind of wrong" going on there. Good news is from the pictures I think the case looks good. No JB Weld on it at least.
