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Back-on-Blue said:
Am I the only dude running Klotz?!?!?!??!?!??!? Gotta love that cotton candy smell......and oh yeah, it works as good as the rest of the overpriced synthetics.
KLOTZ is good stuff.... As a matter of fact,, i was THINKING about sending a resume and asking if they would sponsor my racecar????????
PLEASE don't do it !!!
SRX-SKI said:
Did you guys read about the Environment Safe G-Oil Royal Distributing has? Biodegradable Oil, clames to have less ash levels then any other oil. I want to try it, but still a little worried about using cow tallow/fat in my yamahas. They use discarded animal byproducts.
Lets say you knew a guy selling condoms... he will sell you a condom for HALF the cost as you could buy it anywheres else,,,, the only problem is that IT WAS STOLEN from a corpse from a morgue just a few weeks ago.. It is the EXACT SAME condom that you wanted from the local drug store... The local drug store's condom is BRAND NEW,, but SO IS THE ONE from the was just on her boyfriend's d!(k when she got BONED in a fatal car crash a few weeks ago.... they are both NEW and BOTH made on the SAME DAY by the SAME MANUFACTURER.... One was in a girls cooter and one never left the drug store..... MOST PEOPLE would have a problem with buying a "second hand" or SPOILED condom.. WELL...... Thats the same thing people talk about with KY JELLY's marketing strategy.. Without getting into WHO did WHAT and WHO SCREWED WHO,,, You can call my cell phone and I will be GLAD to tell you the story. (312-617-0303) KY JELLY'S MARKETING STRATEGY has been LYING AND CHEATING and MAKING UP BULLCRAP comparisons to try and ELIMINATE the competition so THEY can sell more jelly.. Not caring about the OTHERS (that had a MUCH BETTER PRODUCT) and THROWING GARBAGE around (untrue garbage) and making their product something that it's NOT !!! You can say that "thats the AMERICAN WAY" so,,, you can ALSO TAKE IT (in the A$$) when someone tells you about their HORSESHiT marketing strategies.....

opsled said:
There,Fixed it for ya. opsled

LMMFAO and a little wierd as well.
