SRX motor opened up

Yeah Doug I hope all goes well man !!!! I have the two of my sleds ready for winter just need to put a new back bumper and seat on the short track!!! The mountain Srx all ready to Rip!!! Cains quest has a race for women this year, How about you and Modsrx come down and enter... LOL
I worked all day at it.Things were not going smooth today,but with a lot of cursing I made it thru it.Had a crack in the bottom of my #3 exhaust pipe right around the area where the exhaust spring hooks to.Mig welded it was tricky,went thru a few times.But got it done.Was around a 1 1/2 inch crack.Got all new PV cables and 0-ring and seals .Had some problems setting up the PV adjustment.Must be tired because I had 2.5 spacing at #1 for example and was turning the cable #3 instead.I went like 6 times at it before I realized what I was doing..swearing was mandatory at this point.
Pulled like 80 times and no fire.Plugs were oily.So switched plugs,mixed some oil and gas and dropped some down each plug hole.Then she fired up next pull.Kept choke on 1/2 and pulled the oil cable full for a few minutes.Hardly could breath in that smoke.I bleed the oil lines prior to putting carbs mess below.I ran her with rad cap off to allow for air to escape.Exchangers were all warm and shut her down.If you notice in the video after a bit I was reving her a little and I was wandering why she was still smokin heavy..then I noticed 1/2 choke was still on.... :o| Oh well it is getting the oil which is GREAT!!!!.See no signs of anything leaking,will check tomorrow and re-torque
cyl and head.I am happy as motor sounds good.Still down loading the video,will be up soon.
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I suppose I shouldn't really run it any more until the snow break it in.I will check compression numbers to see what I have now,I know it won't be high numbers yet.And again will check for any kind of leaks..but water pump area is dry.... ;)!
smokin for sure.When I was trying to start her..I forgot I had the exhaust outlet plugged with a tennis ball.When she fired up,the ball The garage this morning still smells of 2 stroke smoke..reminds me of the riding season.
Awesome Job Doug just in time for winter there calling for snow on the 28-30-31 of October with below 0 temps for the next 2 weeks, lowest is -9. Cant wait
Just make sure everything is nice a toight and she should go for another 100 miles

Just kidding :)! 10000 miles
Right on!.... hopefully mine goes just as well! when the time comes...

I get a little practice/ warm up since im doing my banshee engine first... so its a little pre warm up till I hit the triple! lol...
haha... try not to remind me.... but I might not have my sled ready for this season! :(

id love to get it ready but I bit the nail and going to build my banshee first... since I can ride it year round... and id be pissed building my sled to be ready for a shity season with not much snow...

If im lucky... ill have enough side cash to get it going for the season... and ill def have pressure on me if we get a crazy snow season lol
I wouldnt be surprised if you feel high for a few I will have to fire up mine and absorb some of that 2 stroke Cant wait for snow...
Ride.Race.Live said:
haha... try not to remind me.... but I might not have my sled ready for this season! :(

id love to get it ready but I bit the nail and going to build my banshee first... since I can ride it year round... and id be pissed building my sled to be ready for a shity season with not much snow...

If im lucky... ill have enough side cash to get it going for the season... and ill def have pressure on me if we get a crazy snow season lol
where is Ride.Race.Live these days.Haven't seen him here at all this season....
