SRX motor opened up

well 2 sets measure in at .020 and one set at 0.018..still within specs.Hey just wandering..should I wash the crank down and the bearings on it with some gas or break cleaner and then re-oil the bearings just before I install it??
Are you having fun Doug? lol... For washing down the engine I use Eagle1 aluminum etch. Spray on and rinse off. Works great, gets rid off all the grim and leaves the engine looking shiney new... Want to do my sled next. Just picked up 97 V-Max 600 and want to go thru it yet. Viper is almost done and ready... Bring on the snow...
Hey doug, I used "target" flaw inspection cleaner .This is one of a 3 step process tool for finding cracks in metal. The Cleaner the Penetrator and the Dye ! I only use the cleaner though... its what we use at my workplace to find hard to see stress cracks, in large pieces of equipment! great stuff man probally a bit costly though. I wouldnt know how much it costs comes in a spray can!!! Then T soak crank in a 5 gallon pail of Amsoil interceptor until I reinstall !

bluemonster1 said:
well 2 sets measure in at .020 and one set at 0.018..still within specs.Hey just wandering..should I wash the crank down and the bearings on it with some gas or break cleaner and then re-oil the bearings just before I install it??
I cleaned the crank with gas in a spray bottle and compressed air dried it.Then I took 2 stroke oil and lubed the whole thing.Slippery little devil when you want to grab it and try to rotate the bearing stops.I read you grease the seals around the opening and the backside,helps from being burnt up from initial startup.Also I read that you put case sealant on the outside lip or in the groove the seal goes into also...make sense?
Cam where did you get that etch spray from..sounds interesting.
for those who are rebuilding top end..remember install rings with any markings up and piston arrow points to exhaust side.I am going to install my rings on piston first,install a circlip in the piston.Then gonna slide piston into cylinder,this way I can see if rings are in the right position at ring stops.Can see thru the intake side each piston.Then I will slide cylinder down the bolts with piston sticking out enough to expose the opening for the pins.Slide over rod and slide pin thru until it stops and then get the other circlip on.This way I know the rings are right.Hopefully I will get no circlip flying to the other side of the
Used to get it at Canadian Tire but they stopped carrying it. I bought a few bottles that have kept me going for awhile. I have been looking to find it again. Canadian Tire will order it in though... Hows things going? Working hard? I took holidays for the first time in a few years and went out to B.C for a few weeks. Heading back out in Feb to do some mountain riding... Cant wait...
Not working now.Did a big kitchen job a while back and that is it.Been living off my savings.Mind you it is going down fast.When all goes bad..I'll just sell my place and go somewhere as cheap as possible.
I think you already live in the cheapest place in Canada. It is expensive everywhere else.. You need some work? I am swamped and have people asking me to do alot of side work..
sounds like all is going well, glad to hear it!!!

for future reference, when I tear something appart I place each individual part on a bench or the floor on towels in the exact order I took it off.

for example: if I take the head off I lay all the bolts out in a circle as I take them off, then place the head beside them, then the gasket beside that..... I clean the old parts when I get the new ones so the old dirt and oil keeps them from rusting..... as I get to a part in the reverse order, I replace it if I have new or clean, oil, and install if I'm using the old.... when I'm all done I have a strange patchy bench full of parts, if there is 2 of anything I know I missed it!!!

as far as cleaning goes I use a parts cleaning tank with mineral spirits or take parts to a cycle shop and have them put in a sonic bath..... the sonic bath does the best job, but it all depends on the budget I have to work with!!!

Good luck!!! as you know you have all the help you need at your finger tips!!!

bluemonster1 said:
snip - .I am going to install my rings on piston first,install a circlip in the piston.Then gonna slide piston into cylinder,this way I can see if rings are in the right position at ring stops.Can see thru the intake side each piston.Then I will slide cylinder down the bolts with piston sticking out enough to expose the opening for the pins.Slide over rod and slide pin thru until it stops and then get the other circlip on.This way I know the rings are right.Hopefully I will get no circlip flying to the other side of the

I understand you're desire to make sure the rings are lined up, but I think you're making more work for yourself if I understand your proposal correctly.

You may need a third hand. One to juggle to jug (sorry for the pun) another to install the wrist pin and another to install the C-clip. All while not buggering up the base gasket.

The cylinder won't go down over the piston unless the rings are lined up to the ring land guide pins. You can check the rings to ensure they're intact by checking for tension through the intake or exhaust port.
well if your read my other thread on my luck sealing cases back up.That was no problem..but Forgot to check which way the mag bearing was sitting and the retainer c-clips were not installed as per Yamaha.Funny how one reads about this after one has it installed.So broke open the cases and sure enough the mag bearing oil holes were not lined up with the oil journal in the case... :o| .Learning as I go.I noticed stampings on the side of the bearing,that side faces out in order for bearing to be in right position.The c-clips will then be placed at 11 to 5 o'clock position.But I believe they will spin around to differnt spot later.It is probably a pre-caution to make sure all parts are aligned perfectly.So today getting the cases back together and start installing engine brackets,oil pump,water pump and prepare for piston install .My stepson is coming down to stay the night to work on his xtc and give me that 3rd hand I need for piston/cyl install.... ;)!
piston and cylinders you should be able to do yourself. I've never needed an extra hand with those. easy to put the pistons on, and just compress the rings with your fingers, and give the cylinder a push on. good to go then :)
hey with my luck..I'll take them extra pair of hands.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What am I saying..I demand an extra set of
In about 1/2 hour going to seal the cases again..this time all looks good..but you never know.
well got motor assembled and extra hands came in handy.Thought we would have the motor running today,but I have a bad cold,neck is out and have a didn't accomplish much today.Lowered motor into sled,aligned everything.Got to mix anti freeze yet,install carbs and air box,install PV housing and PV's and new cables yet,install exhaust,set up the clutches.May not even have it running tomorrow.Going slow but will get there.Way to much work trying to get it all back together,easier taking everything out.
I may get a video made of it running next week if it will start up..crossing my fingers


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Thanks..I took a lot of pills yesterday and went to sleep earlier.Seems to be a lot better today,so will continue to put everything in it's place.Maybe I'll get her going today yet..we'll see.
