Broke off clutch puller....any ideas?


New member
Dec 22, 2004
Richford, Wisconsin
Just like it says guys. I was trying to remove the primary clutch on a 97 SX 700 I'm fixing for a friend, and busted off the clutch puller in the primary. Anyone ever have this happen and how do I go about getting it out/off? I'm at a total loss here fellas so any help is GREATLY appreciated.

mabey cut a deep slot in it ,you have a dremel tool and use a large flat head screw driver with some heat.but dont melt the crank seal
Welding a nut to it is a good idea! A good welder could easily do this and I think that is what you should try first.

Something else to try:[2nd choice]
-centre punch the centre on the face of the broken puller
-with a very good set of drill bits[because that puller will be hardened steel] progressively drill a hole large enough for a 1/4" tap[or maybe slightly bigger]
-thread the hole with the tap
-insert a hardened bolt with a jam nut
-when the bolt bottoms out, thread the jam nut down tight
-try to back out the puller with the bolt

Before you do any of the above you may want to slowly heat the clutch and maybe it will pop off as there has to be a lot of force pushing on it right now if you actually twisted the puller off tightening it down!!!

If none of these ideas may have to resort to cutting the clutch off...OUCH!

Let us know how you make out!

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What if I heated the clutch shaft up might it POP off? There is a lot of pressure in there right now. Between the puller and the grease pumped in there to help it pop.
try and tap the puller with something see if it will pop.that what i do go till the puller gets real tight then tap the puller a pop off she comes .that only if it has not been off in a while .my comes off easy on the srx
Don't heat the clutch shaft up, it will only expand and make things worse.

I'm with the other guys, I'd try to drill a hole into the broken puller bolt and tap it. Instead of heating up the clutch shaft, cool it instead. Throw a frozen bag of corn or peas on it once you are trying to get it to pop. I've read many times that a stubborn clutch has been popped off by putting a lot of tension on the puller, then throwing something frozen on the shaft, and walking away for ten or fifteen minutes. They either hear it pop, or it is when they come back.

Welding a nut to the bolt should be pretty do-able also. Just weld it on the inside part of the nut to try to keep from buggering up the shaft. I'd ground the welder as close as possible to the weld, too.

Any machine shop should be able to help you out if you'd rather not try it yourself.
I have a clutch puller made by Micro Belmont. Used it for years on my SRX's, no problem. Just so happens I tried to remove a 97 clutch and the clutch would not come off. Puller was real hard to turn. Took puller back out and found that the puller threads were bottoming out on the inside of the clutch and I did some measuring and confirmed that the tip of the puller had not touched the bottom of the crank hole. First two threads on the puller were smashed. I contacted Micro Belmont and they told me thay changed their puller years ago. They has to shorten up the threads by about a 1/2" because of the same problem I was having. I think it is real possiple that this is what you have going on. If this is what has happened I would agree, have a nut welded on and back it out.
The welder trick as others suggest is a trick I use all the time in cases like this with an almost 100% success record. One suggestion that I have found that works better than just welding a nut to the bolt is to first weld a flat washer to the broken bolt then weld the nut to the washer. You will be able to do a stronger job of getting broken bolts welded this way when they are broken off flush or below flush.

Good Luck, Phil (opsled)
Every one is right as far as maybe getting that puller out. No offense but you used a after market puller didnt you?? Never seen a OEM one snap off like that. First i would put your cover back on fill whats left with grease and use whats left of your puller and give it another try. If that dont work PM me and ill send you a cut down puller i used when i snaped off a clutch bolt. You can cut it down to size further to work for you. And use a impact wrench on it (ill get some flack for that im sure) , It will bust loose then you can unjam your twisted puller. CCC
